Julie Pham 'the daughter of a trillion-dollar resort' responded harshly when asked 'are the rich happy?'

Hoàng PhúcNov 26, 2021 at 19:30

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Although her age is quite small, the youngest daughter of the owner of the second largest eco-tourism area in Nghe An has a thought that surprises many people.

It turns out that the owner of a TikTok account named @juliepham1804 that is popular all over MXH is the youngest daughter of the owner of the second largest eco-tourism area in Nghe An. Not only beautiful, the g.irl born in 2003 is also praised for her skillful behavior.

The life of rich kids and giants is always what many people want. Because everyone knows, being born into a well-off family means you have a l.ot more privileges. It could be going to modern international schools, living in a luxury villa, traveling all year round, having access to "heavenly" services...

However, for the question "Are rich people happy?", it is the insiders who sometimes give answers that are contrary to many people's imagination. As recently, Julie (real name Pham Thi Linh, SN 2003) - an emerging name in the rich kid world has also shared about this issue.

Julie Pham 'the daughter of a trillion-dollar resort' responded harshly when asked 'are the rich happy?' - Photo 1

According to Julie, for other people born in a rich family, happiness or suffering is unknown, but for Julie, the answer is: "Not necessarily happy". To illustrate her answer, Julie told a story about a friend she once knew. For Julie, that is the richest person she has ever known besides Vingroup owner Pham Nhat Vuong.

"Studying until the 10th grade, her parents forced her to study abroad. Actually, at that time, she didn't want to go, she struggled with her parents but in the end had to go. Youth and youth also Like her friends are all in Vietnam, but she was only in 10th grade and had to go abroad to be independent," Julie recalls.

This rich kid added that before going to study abroad, a friend asked Julie to have a drink and confessed: "I wish I was born in a normal family, so that my life can be drawn by myself. , rather than always following someone's lead".

Julie Pham 'the daughter of a trillion-dollar resort' responded harshly when asked 'are the rich happy?' - Photo 2

It is known that Julie is the daughter of an eco-tourism area with an investment of trillions in Nghe An. She is currently a student at the American International School (American Pacific University - APU, Da Nang) with a tuition fee of up to 600 million / year.

Below Julie's video, many netizens left comments, some sympathizing, some thought that she was just "coloring":

- Rich is not necessarily happy, but poor will certainly suffer. This is undisputed.

- If you're rich, you can't say anything, try falling into a situation where you don't have rice to eat, you don't have m.oney to buy medicine, your parents have to run every meal.

- Later, she will have to thank her parents for forcing her to study abroad.

- It is the suffering of the rich.

- Julie is right, rich in this way, poor in that way. But maybe I still want to be rich for once, hihi

Before that, she humbly shared that she had never thought of herself as a rich kid: "I just think I live in a well-off family. Because I have experienced a difficult and tumultuous past. Compared to my friends from other well-to-do families, I am a simple person and live an ordinary life.

If I were to define the word rich kid myself, I think this concept refers to children who are rich in affection and love. If that's the case, then the "rich kid" is Julie. (laugh)".

Julie Pham 'the daughter of a trillion-dollar resort' responded harshly when asked 'are the rich happy?' - Photo 3

Far from the imagination of many people about the young ladies of the tycoon, Julie Pham admits that she is similar to the personality that people see on the clip on the outside. She said: "It's no different. In real life, I'm still a clown, funny and talkative, talking as fast as on the clip."

Julie believes that TikTok is a place to test your abilities and assert yourself. The Gen Z g.irl wants to convey the cheerful and cute energy to the viewers. She does not orient the content around m.oney issues. Because I know this is a very sensitive issue. She plans to develop the channel in the direction of review, unboxing, and life sharing. However, everything went against plan.

"The topic of automatic m.oney was attached to me when the video showing the house was live was trending. The clip about Julie's parents' profession continued to go viral. I kept making content like that and realized channel orientation starts to change," says Julie.

Some comments even said that Julie is "exploding" about her family. However, she affirmed that playing TikTok is mainly for entertainment, so she still made the content and ignored this issue.

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