Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife

Hoàng PhúcMay 12, 2022 at 15:45

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According to Johnny Depp, not only was he assaulted by his ex-wife Amber Heard, his childhood was also full of scars from violent whips from his biological mother.

Johnny Depp's sister, Christi Dembrowski, told the court that when he was a chil.d, his younger brother had to endure cruelt.y to a psychological level, perpetrated by their own biological mother.

According to Christi, their mother - Betty Sue Palmer is mentally unstable, and their father - John Christopher Depp is a gentle, gentle and pleasant person.

Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife - Photo 1

"Our father is very kind, very patient, full of love, always gentle, gentle. But our mother is the complete opposite, she is always easily emotional, easily worried, restless and also prone to anger," Christi recalls.

Ms. Christi asserts that her sisters' childhoods were full of misery mainly because their mother easily got angry, shouted, threw things, even acted violently and out of control towards her husband and children. me. In the face of these uncertainties, the father has always tried to keep things going as smoothly as possible.

During her life, Johnny Depp's mother was married 4 times. The actor's father - John Christopher Depp is her second husband. Later, Betty Sue Palmer married twice more.

Mr. John was a civil engineer, and Mrs. Betty was a waitress. Currently, Johnny Depp's father is 84 years old, and his mother has been dea.d for 6 years.

Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife - Photo 2

When Johnny Depp was a chil.d, their family had to constantly move house according to Mrs. Betty's wishes. "Once my mother wanted to move, we would have to leave immediately. So we were always strangers in the place we just moved, just in time to make some friends, then again had to move, it was not a pleasant experience," recalls Depp.

What Johnny Depp always remembers about his father, is that he never acted violently or responded with rude, insulting words to his wife. The father has always tried to stay calm in all circumstances and maintain a good relationship with his children.

It was only in 1978, when Depp was 15 years old, that John decided to stop this unstable marriage. One morning when he was getting ready for work, he brought all his belongings with him. Mrs. Betty was devastated after this incident. Depp went to his father's workplace and received the answer: "I can't take it anymore, I can't live like this anymore, you guys are all grown up now".

After the father left the family, Johnny Depp's mother had a foolish intention - to commit suicid.e, but fortunately, she was discovered in time by Johnny Depp and taken to the emergency room.

Through the above sharing, the public learned about the hidden corners of Johnny Depp's childhood.

Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife - Photo 3

Before that, the actor also admitted in court that it was witnessing the instability in family life from an early ag.e, so he soon started using stimulants from the ag.e of ... 11 years old.

In the current lawsuit that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are pursuing, Amber Heard has released shocking information and images, showing Johnny Depp's drinking and dru.g use habits. In response, Johnny Depp is giving information to get some sympathy from the judge and the media - the public.

Johnny Depp said that although his mother used to be a terro.r to children, later, when he was an adult, Depp did not hold grudges against his mother. He got his mother's name tattooed on his left arm in 1988. When he received his first Hollywood salaries, Depp bought his mother a small farm in the country. Depp also used to take his mother to movie premieres while she was still alive.

Johnny Depp told the court: "When I was a chil.d, there was no safety in our house, the only way for each of us to not have bi.g problems, was to try to stay away from the temper tantrums. Our mother was very unpredictable, sometimes she was unexpectedly cruel to her own children.

Indeed, I had an unusual childhood, but it was that childhood that taught me that I was never allowed to act violently in my family life later on."

Regarding Depp's sister, she further shared in court that, whenever Depp and Heard go anywhere together, she always has to book two hotel rooms because the two often quarrel: "I see repetition in life. Johnny's life When we were kids, whenever our mother got into a rage, the first thing we did was run away and find a place to hide so we wouldn't get in trouble.

I see it all over again in Johnny and Amber's marriage, whenever the two of them go out together, I always have to book two hotel rooms, to make sure he has a place to stay, just in case he wants to avoid the bad guys. quarrel with his wife".

Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife - Photo 4

When asked if she had ever heard actress Amber Heard say anything hurtful to Johnny Depp, Ms Christi replied that Amber Heard often used hurtful language towards Johnny Depp, calling her husband "" fat old man".

In court, Ms. Christi also recounted an incident that she personally witnessed: "Johnny said that he was going to have a meeting with a fashion brand, because they were interested in working with him. that.

Amber's immediate reaction was to sho.w surprise and disbelief at what Johnny had just said, she even showed contemp.t, mockery and thought that Johnny didn't deserve the request to meet. there. She asked again: What brand did you say you want to work with? That brand is class and style, you don't have class and style."

Amber Heard's way of speaking reminds Christi of her mother's cruel jokes with her children. For example, when Johnny Depp was a chil.d, one eye of Johnny Depp was inactive, the doctor asked the bo.y Johnny to wear a bandage on the strong eye, so that the weak eye was forced to increase activity more. At that time, Johnny Depp's mother used to call her son "one-eyed bo.y".

Johnny Depp: Childhood was abused by his "unusual" biological mother, growing up to marry a perverted wife - Photo 5

Currently, when pursuing the lawsuit, Johnny Depp firmly asserts that he did not abuse Amber Heard when the two were still married, on the contrary, he himself was physically and mentally abused by his ex-wife. The information that Christi gave in court was also to support her brother's statement.

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