Hung Didu declared war on "Unknown", set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity

T.PJun 29, 2024 at 16:25

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Tiktoker Hung Didu has just posted a post confirming that he will declare war on the scandalous channel Phanh, leaving her in a difficult situation. He said he would fight to the end to protect his friend, set up a campaign and called on the online community to join hands.

In recent days, the story of tiktoker Phanh Ne (Phuong Anh) was posted by an anonymous tiktok account with hundreds of thousands of followers, accusing her of having love-money relationships with many men in the past, This is an incident that makes all netizens pay attention. The climax of the story is that Phuong Anh fainted in tears in the correction clip, and at the same time there were strange signs, netizens were afraid to think.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 1

Immediately after that, netizens became even more "pale" when Phuong Anh's mother called for help from her friend, tiktoker Hung Didu, saying Phuong Anh was missing and her family could not contact her, asking Hung Didu to search. help. Everyone is worried about Phuong Anh's situation, hoping she will soon stabilize her spirit and not do anything foolish.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 2

Faced with the seriousness of the story, Hung Didu on the evening of June 28 posted a clip, affirming to fight to the end with this anonymous account named "Unknown". He said in the clip: "Watch it. I don't know, the value you bring to the online community. That is when the victim has a psychological crisis, then netizens have happy, uneducated comments that hope that person will happen." bad story. You are the representative of this ideology in Vietnam.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 3

I will cite one more case, that is the story of Ms. CB who was the victim of a hidden camera incident. We did not see any videos condemning or exposing the perpetrators, but instead there was content tearing the story apart. I feel like you're using the victim's own story to get views and likes.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 4

If you say you are on the righteous side, you should be on the side of the victim. But no, instead you sided with the person who caused the misinformation. You said you know a l.ot about showbiz, so why can't you find the person secretly filming in your crew, or is it because this person is not worth taking advantage of, like Ms. CB or Phuong Anh recently?

With the reasons I mentioned, Hung Didu wants to send a message to the online community, don't let individuals and organizations like Unknown lead you by the nose, infect you, and turn you into followers and dirty media cults. If the number of disciples is increasing, then there are more and more individuals and dirty media organizations. It will become a trend, where will everything go, when the victims have no voice, and the defense is completely overwhelmed.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 5

Through this I want to call everyone, especially those who have influence, to be Anti Fake News. Let's request the platform to exclude these accounts from society. I know it may not be possible for me alone, but I believe if we unite, we can do this successfully. Currently I am working with several large organizations, they have agreed to cooperate with me. If we have the cooperation of the online community, we can destroy this ideology, right now, right now."

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 6

Previously, the male TikToker expressed that he still does not know where Phuong Anh is. Hung Didu hopes that all parties who are posting "exposing", defaming, and putting pressure on Phuong Anh can stop before things go too far and problems that are out of control occur.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 7

Currently, all the information shared by Hung Didu and Phuong Anh's past rumors have not been verified. The online community also clearly expressed confusion when not knowing who was right, who was wrong and the accuracy of the stories. However, netizens still sent encouragement to Phuong Anh, hoping she would soon regain her spirit, return home and clearly resolve the matter.

Hung Didu declared war on Unknown, set up a campaign for Phanh Ne, calling for solidarity - Photo 8

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