Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood

Kim OanhOct 16, 2024 at 07:18

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Not only famous as a female singer with a powerful voice, Hoa Minzy is also loved and admired by many audiences for often doing charity work and helping people in difficult circumstances.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 1

Recently, the singer of Khong The Cung Nhau Suot Kiep announced that she is in Lao Cai and preparing gifts to send to people affected by the recent storm No. 3. Coming to Lao Cai, Hoa Minzy said that she will give envelopes containing 2 million in cash and necessities to support those in difficult circumstances. "As said, I will do. Hoa is here in Lao Cai with many gifts for the people," the female singer shared.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 2

Hoa Minzy’s post quickly received the attention of a large audience. Many comments expressed admiration for the singer’s heart for those in difficult circumstances. Previously, Hoa Minzy said she participated in a music night in Lao Cai and did not receive a salary to raise funds and call for support for those in difficult circumstances.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 3

The singer from Bac Ninh province once transferred 500 million VND to support people in difficulty due to storms, floods, and landslides. After that, she continued to contribute by using all sales revenue from September 14 to the en.d of September 2024 of her online fashion store. In total, Hoa Minzy earned more than 400 million VND and she contributed more to round up to 500 million VND to support people after the storm.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 4

At that time, in addition to compliments, Hoa Minzy also received many mixed opinions that she took advantage of supporting people in flood-hit areas to sell goods and earn extra income. In response to mixed opinions, the female singer spoke up:

"You can't take mone.y with you when you di.e. I live to leave virtue for my children and a good reputation for my parents and family. Honor is the most precious and sacred thing. The things people buy are also things I have to import and sell, not plants that cost nothing. Everyone in the family, please don't think about profiting from the storm and flood. It hurts my honor and kindness. Just look at the journey I've been through and believe me."

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 5

Previously, Hoa Minzy attracted attention when she said that she wanted to adopt a 6-year-old gir.l who lost 5 relatives after the flash flood in Lang Nu. After the terrible flash flood that occurred in Lang Nu, the gir.l lost her parents, grandmother and two brothers. Currently, she is being cared for by her grandmother and relatives in the hospital.

Hoa Minzy's management confirmed that the singer really wants to raise and care for the baby gir.l. However, she still has to wait for the baby gir.l's family's opinion. The management said that the singer will continue to update when there is information related to supporting the baby gir.l.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 6

"The baby's grandmother thanked me for my kindness and hoped that I would wait until the family and the baby's health were more stable before the family could make a decision.

I am still waiting, if the family wants to keep the baby with them, the State and benefactors will also accompany the chil.d to provide financial support so that the grandmother and grandchild can temporarily have a stable life. If the chil.d still encounters many difficulties, I am willing to support and provide for the chil.d from now until the ag.e of 18. In any case, being with relatives is still the best for the chil.d if the family and grandmother are healthy enough," said Hoa Minzy.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 7

The singer said she would arrange to meet the baby and his grandmother as soon as possible. If the family decided to let her raise the baby, her son would have another sister.

Hoa Minzy's post attracted more than 120,000 likes. Many viewers were moved by the singer's meaningful actions at a time when people in flood-hit areas are still facing many difficulties, especially many orphaned children who cannot return to school.

Hoa Minzy revealed the number in the envelope, traveled to Lao Cai to overcome the storm and flood - Photo 8

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