Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life

Hoàng AnhAug 22, 2022 at 11:41

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Both a great star and a talented inventor who laid the foundation for Wifi: It is the untold story of a beauty icon that once rocked Hollywood.

Lamarr's life resembles a role she played in the 1941 film Ziegfeld G.irl, in which she portrayed a glamorous woman with a headdress full of shimmering stars. But those stars, no matter how bright, how bright they are, can't be compared with the bright wisdom of the woman wearing them on her head.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 1

Today we seem to be unable to live without Wifi and consider it an important part, but in fact few people know that the "mother" who conceived it is not recognized by contemporaries as worthy of development. his great genius.

Exceptional intelligence from an early age

Born on November 9, 1914 in Vienna, Austria, Lamarr displayed a remarkable intellect from an early age.

Her father used to talk to his daughter about the inner workings of machines, and under his encouragement, Lamarr tried taking apart the music box when she was 5 years old to see how it worked inside. She also showed a talent for languages when she was able to speak up to 4 languages when she was 10 years old.

But people's strongest impression of Hedy Lamarr is his attractive appearance. At the age of 16, she caught the eye of film director Max Reinhardt, who once passionately said that her beauty was unparalleled in Europe - and even around the world.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 2

From there, Lamarr's life took a different turn. She studied acting at the Reinhardt drama school in Berlin and landed a role in the 1930 film Geld auf der Strae ("Money on the Street").

This early success led to a 1933 film that shocked the world - Ekstase, or E.cstasy. Although the film caused some controversy, Hedy Lamarr also made a name for himself on the screen. And the auras have only just begun.

From sad housewife to Hollywood star

As his career was on the rise, Hedy Lamarr caught the eye of an Austrian merchant. Very quickly, he flirted with her and the two married in 1933.

But Lamarr - like a character she once played - is stuck in an unhappy marriage. Her husband - Mr. Mandl - banned Lamarr from acting, even turning his bright and talented wife into a housewife all day at home to serve, entertain friends,

"I was like a doll," Lamarr recalls. "Like an object, a controlled, captive art object, with no mind, no life of its own."

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 3

Tired of his long nights serving Mandl and his friends, Lamarr plotted to escape. In 1937, she ran away from a haunted marriage and moved to London.

There, fate brought her to meet Louis B. Mayer. Together, the two began their journey across the Atlantic to the United States of America.

Lamarr's life continued to turn pages when she set foot on American soil. The name Lamarr immediately made a b.ig splash in Hollywood. For 10 years, she was continuously praised when participating in a series of Hollywood's cult film projects.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 4

But even at the peak of his acting career, Lamarr has never forgotten the joy of discovering the music box. "The human brain is more interesting than it looks," she once shared.

And when Europe was in turmoil because of World War II, Hedy Lamarr began to think of ways he could use his mind more usefully for society.

The Wisdom of a Genius Inventor

Few people know that Hedy Lamarr always keeps curiosity simmering in his body, even in Hollywood. During the day, she is still an actress, but when night falls, she delights in research and invention, with achievements such as a new type of traffic light or a carbonated tablet to make soft drinks. And when Lamarr came to creative entrepreneur Howard Hughes, she was more likely to develop a taste for invention.

Unlike other men in Hollywood, Hughes was very supportive of Lamarr's passion and even once called her "genius". With strong backing from Hughes, Lamarr had his greatest invention in 1940.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 5

During a dinner party, Lamarr struck up a conversation with inventor George Antheil about the war spreading in Europe. When she thought back to the boring dinners she had had to organize for her ex-husband Mandl and his friends, Lamarr and Antheil had an idea of what is known as "dancing".

Frequency hopping is a technique that allows the frequency to be changed between the aircraft and the guided torpedo so that the enemy cannot interfere with the radio signal. Due to the constantly changing signals, the enemy will be unpredictable.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 6

This invention earned Lamarr and Antheil a patent in 1942, but the US Navy still decided not to apply frequency hopping to military operations. And Lamarr still did his best to support the US military in World War II, with his star status and power, not with that overlooked genius invention.

Fortunately, Hedy Lamarr's work did not go to waste. Her ideas would later be used to develop modern WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS technologies. And Lamarr will one day be recognized as the "Mother of WiFi"

Tragedy of a beautiful page

The second half of his life, Lamarr's genius mind was completely obscured by dramas related to his private life. Along with that, 6 controversial marriages and autobiography are the subject of thorough exploitation of the tabloid pages. And her arrests for shoplifting in 1966 and 1991 also put her in the spotlight.

Information about her final years r.emains a mystery, as she was known as a recluse, rarely appearing in public. What is known is that she died on January 19, 2000, at the age of 85. The cause of d.eath was later revealed to be heart disease.

Also in the last years of his life, Lamarr fell into a state of self-loathing. She once wrote that her beautiful face "has brought tragedy and suffering for five decades. My face is a mask that cannot be removed: I must always live with it. I curse it. It ".

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 7

But even as Hedy Lamarr's aura died out before her d.eath, her genius mind and inventions were never forgotten. In the 1960s, frequency hopping technology was first applied in the US military. In the decades that followed, it could not have changed the world more dramatically, with global applications like WiFi and Bluetooth. And Lamarr is also recognized by international organizations for his great contribution to radio engineering.

It can be said that, during his lifetime, Hedy Lamarr was remembered mainly for his beauty, rather than his technical talent. But it was her wisdom that was most valuable, and later also brought Lamarr the recognition she deserved.

Hedy Lamarr - The woman who invented the Wifi wave: Talent and beauty go hand in hand, an extraordinary life - Photo 8

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