Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star

team youtuberApr 08, 2021 at 09:55

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If the fierce Huong Hoa Cuong is clearly visible on his face, using "soldiers" to build his career, Duong Thu Thanh always thinks that having m.oney is having everything. These are two names that make people tremble.

Showbiz tycoons, rich in wealth and extremely powerful. They are not artists, actors or singers, but they can "cover the sky with one hand" in the entertainment world. And especially, they have extremely close relationships with artists. The term "sealing" was probably also born at this time when the tycoons did not satisfy a certain artist. Many years ago, anecdotes about tycoons acquiring the entertainment industry used to be a "specialty" in the afterlife stories of people. And among those showbiz tycoons, one cannot ignore the name Duong Thu Thanh - owner Anh Hoang. Referring to the Hong Kong entertainment industry, it is definitely impossible not to mention Anh Hoang - an entertainment group that owns a series of A-list stars. Chairman of Anh Hoang Group - Duong Thu Thanh is considered a capable giant. "calling rain to call the wind", manipulating the showbiz of Thom Port. If the fierce Huong Hoa Cuong is clearly visible on his face, using "soldiers" to build his career, Duong Thu Thanh always thinks that having m.oney is having everything. These are two names that make people tremble.

Owning in the hands of billions still lacks a sense of security

In 1934, a poor young man named Duong Thua Trach decided to leave his poor hometown for the magnificent Hong Kong in the hope of finding his life's horizon. In order to survive, Duong Thua Trach worked many jobs at the same time, from street vendors to cleaning.

At that time, making m.oney seemed to have become the biggest meaning in Duong Thua Trach's life. During 8 years of non-stop work, Duong Thua Trach has fulfilled his life's goal, having a small watch shop. This shop is mainly engaged in retail and repair of wristwatches, although not too b.ig, business is still very good.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 1

Economic stability, Duong Thua Trach married and welcomed his first son in 1943, the son was born and named Duong Thu Thanh by his parents. When Duong Thu Thanh was 13 years old, Duong Thua Trach was invited by friends to do business. Thinking that trying to give his children a better life, Duong Thua Trach invested all his capital but in the end received a s.cam from his friends. All the m.oney that Duong Thua Trach has collected for decades has returned to zero.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 2

The bankruptcy of his father's job made Duong Thu Thanh from the second rich generation to live a life of poverty. Property decline, father unemployed, the whole family fell into poverty, causing Duong Thu Thanh to swear to himself that he would try to overcome.

The first business deal in Duong Thu Thanh's life was smuggling watches, based on work from his father's watch shop. At that time, Duong Thu Thanh was about 12-13 years old.

Anecdotes say that Duong Thu Thanh sewed dozens of large and small bags on his body to carry 200 watches, rowing a small boat alone to smuggle. It is also said that Duong Thu Thanh stole aboard a 3-storey cargo ship with his bare hands and was almost b.eaten t.o d.eath, but luckily every time he succeeded.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 3

The feeling of sacrificing your life for m.oney to repay your debt makes you never feel secure in the future if you don't have m.oney with you.

Duong Thu Thanh confided: "Now every time I go out, I have to put in 40,000 to 50,000 cash to feel secure. Today I lend m.oney to people. I feel so happy and like this feeling."

The m.oney earned from smuggling became Duong Thu Thanh's venture capital fund. At the age of 21, he opened his first watch shop in Kowloon, Hong Kong. At the age of 23, Duong Thu Thanh acquired the agency rights of luxury brands Rolex and Omega. Later, Duong Thu Thanh established Watch and Jewelry Company. Less than 30 years old, he has become a famous "clock king" in a corner of Hong Kong.

Makes the whole showbiz scared but has to kneel in front of his wife

In the 90s, Duong Thu Thanh started to establish Anh Hoang Group with business fields such as hotel, finance - banking, real estate and great success. He continued to "encroach" into the media and entertainment industry and became a tycoon respected by all artists. In the hands of countless A-list entertainment stars such as Ta Dinh Phong, Pham Bang Bang, Dung To Nhi. Nicholas Tse considers Duong Thu Thanh as his adoptive father. Ta Dinh Phong once confided gratefully: "Mr. Duong is my adoptive father, the one who guided me into the entertainment industry. Without Mr. Duong, there would be no me today".

Duong Thu Thanh is also a powerful tycoon sought by many stars when facing difficulties, including Jackie Chan. Many famous stars at that time like Jackie Chan had to run to Duong Thu Thanh to handle the fact that Miss Asia Ngo Ỷ Loi was pregnant. At that time, Duong Thu Thanh advised Jackie Chan to apologize to his wife, Lam Phung Kieu, and tell her clearly that she should receive forgiveness. This case he also made public to the media, although criticized by the public, he still kept his family warm.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 4

Duong Thu Thanh is also a senior figure of Tan Nghia An. It's a sect of the Chaozhou people, not only dominating Hong Kong for decades, but also manipulating the entertainment industry. Among the gangsters, Tan Nghia An is still considered the most powerful and prestigious gang in Hong Kong. According to many well-informed sources, Chau Tinh Tri, Chau Nhuan Phat and brothers Huong Hoa Cuong have all been confirmed to be members of this gang.

Duong Thu Thanh entered the road of love very early. At the age of 20, Duong Thu Thanh dated Nhiem Man Linh - a young lady from a rich family.

The young love affair was shallow and as a result, Nhiem Man Linh became pregnant. In those days, being pregnant before not getting married was unacceptable, but fortunately, the Yang family's ideology was very advanced. Moreover, Nhiem Man Linh's parents were also very satisfied with their son-in-law, so this marriage was quickly formed.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 5

Marrying Nhiem Man Linh - a rich and beautiful wife does not make Duong Thu Thanh's romantic nature lose. He once had a very famous saying: "There is no man in the world who is not greedy for m.oney and s.ex, and there is no woman who is not greedy for vanity".

During his 40 years as an entertainment tycoon, the number of beauties surrounding him was unspeakable. The Hong Kong press often caught him entering hotels and nightclubs with young girls of only children's age.

One of the remarkable love affairs of Duong Thu Thanh is probably the story with Luong Lac Thi, the female singer Tong To Nhi. Duong Thu Thanh knew Luong Lac Thi when she first entered the profession. The billionaire is passionate about her hybrid beauty and is determined to promote the beauty. In return, Luong Lac Thi has to be the mistress of the billionaire.

Thought had firmly grasped the beauty in his hands, but Duong Thu Thanh did not expect that when he became famous, Luong Lac Thi would sneak back and forth with the giant Ly Trach Giai and leave him. In 2008, the Duong family bitterly sued Luong Lac Thi to break the contract but failed.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 6

Hong Kong music diva Dung To Nhi is also said to be Duong Thu Thanh's oldest lover. The billionaire loved her so much that he took the title of her famous song as the title of his autobiography. Duong Thu Thanh accepted Dung To Nhi to Anh Hoang company and praised her for being both beautiful and having a better voice than Vuong Phi. The Hong Kong Newspaper once revealed a story about the indulgence of billionaire Duong with his mistress. It was rumored that because Dung To Nhi was angry that he did not wear jewelry or the branded items he gave him, Duong Thu Thanh asked the staff to bring diamonds to the beauty's house. Not only giving jewelry and branded goods, Duong Thu Thanh also guides Dung To Nhi to invest in real estate. "This project is invested by Anh Hoang Group, if you buy it without m.oney, I will lend it. I can also lend m.oney for repairs. You are a member of the company, don't worry," billionaire Duong said. .

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 7

Dung To Nhi worriedly asked: "What if I lose my voice? How can I pay him back?".

Duong Thu Thanh affirmatively replied: "The houses you just buy, later sell at least 300,000 yuan each. When you're rich, you won't need to work for me anymore."

When Tang Chi Vy mocked Dung To Nhi, he was immediately s.lashed in the forehead and had to be hospitalized with more than 20 stitches. After the incident, Duong Thu Thanh and Dung To Nhi were both investigated by the police, and because Tang Chi Vy received a warning, he began to be more cautious in talking.

Among Duong Thu Thanh's lovers, Pham Bang Bang is the most mentioned name. In the past, the actor surnamed Pham was "donated" by the management company Hoa Nghi to the entertainment tycoon. Newspapers say that Pham Bang Bang's mother is also in this tycoon's collection of partners. The relationship with the billionaire is a launching pad to help her become favorable on the career path.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 8

The tycoon also covered 100% of the wedding expenses of "pet chicken" Gillian Chung (Twins) 2018. Chairman Anh Hoang also gave the couple a real estate worth 6 million yuan in Shanghai and a pair of gold rings as a dowry. "The most important thing is that A Kieu is happy, giving her a house is for her to feel protected."

After marrying Duong Thu Thanh and giving him a beautiful daughter, Nhiem Man Linh's life is a series of days of j.ealousy. In his autobiography, Duong Thu Thanh recounted that once, Nhiem Man Linh and his sister went straight to the hotel where Duong Thu Thanh was having fun with a g.irl to fight j.ealousy. Fortunately forewarned, the two escaped from Ren Man Linh's j.ealousy.

Once, Duong Thu Thanh was jealous by Ren Man Linh in bed. While angry, Nhiem Man Linh took a knife to fight j.ealousy, causing Duong Thu Thanh to kneel and say dozens of times sorry.

Duong Thu Thanh himself admitted that even though he was full of flowers, he was still very respectful and afraid of his wife. Tired of her husband's romanticism, Nhiem Man Linh decided to divorce and move to the US to live. After the divorce, Duong Thu Thanh still treated his ex-wife very well, providing her with huge amounts of m.oney and 4 valuable buildings.

In 1985, Duong Thu Thanh married female artist Luc Tieu Man as his second wife. In 1990, his ex-wife expressed her desire to return home to work in Anh Hoang Group, which was still greatly supported by him. Nhiem Man Linh returned to the company and held a b.ig position in the group.

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 9

Duong Thu Thanh - The notorious tycoon was s.lashed by his wife with a knife because of an affair with an A-list star - Photo 10

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