Duong Le Binh - She "Mai Sieu Phong" divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career

team youtubeMay 11, 2021 at 13:54

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Yang Liping is a famous Chinese dancer. In addition to her sublime career, Duong Le Binh also caused controversy because of her decision not to have children and devote herself entirely to her acting career. The female artist has also become a topic of discussion on social networks, who praised her as a successful woman with a brilliant career, others said that she was a woman who failed because she did not become a mother, lived alone. have purpose.

Duong Le Binh was born in 1958, resonated in the international dance village with the peacock dance. It can be said that she is the artist with the highest achievements in the field of Chinese folk dance. As an actress, she left her mark with the role of Mai Sieu Phong in The Condor Heroes (version with Ly A Bang, Chau Tan). Le Binh was named the most beautiful Mai Sieu Phong on the screen.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 1

Duong Le Binh's work intensity is not inferior to young artists. At the age of 63, she is still active in art, participating in many domestic and foreign plays. Besides performing, she also choreographs performances, trains young artists, and pursues her passion for painting.

In the late afternoon, the female artist repeatedly surprised the audience with her toughness on stage and youthful appearance like "eating Tang Tang". Duong Le Binh's villa in Yunnan is divided into Moon Palace and Sun Palace. The Palace of the Sun is open to visitors, while the Palace of the Moon is the artist's private residence. The villa is full of flowers and birds chirping throughout the four seasons. Every corner of the house is decorated in antique style. This place is likened by the Chinese media as a fairyland.

In the audience's eyes, her life as a fairy does not care about the world. However, the beautiful woman experienced a bumpy love road. The artist has had two husbands. In 1988, Duong Le Binh met a talented choreographer. They loved each other and worked together for many years, but when they got married, life arose many conflicts leading to divorce. Le Binh's second husband is Luu Thuan Tinh - a wealthy Taiwanese-American businessman. Luu Thuan Tinh fell in love with Duong Le Binh's dance. After meeting her for the first time at a party, he pursued her fiercely. Duong Le Binh once had a broken marriage and was afraid, but was gradually moved by Luu Thuan Tinh's feelings. After four years of understanding, they held a wedding in Las Vegas, USA in 1995.

After a few years of living together, the two quarreled over children. Mr. Luu longs to have children while Duong Le Binh, who wants to pursue a lifelong dance career, has no intention of becoming a mother. In 2002, the couple celebrated New Year's Eve in Taiwan. Parents-in-law urged Duong Le Binh to give birth to a b.aby. Duong Le Binh once went to the hospital and was advised by the doctor to gain weight if she wanted to have children, but if she gained weight, she would not be able to dance anymore. Duong Le Binh always wondered "birth or dance?". After a period of psychological struggle, she chose the second option.

Not wanting to deprive her husband of fatherhood, Duong Le Binh proposed a divorce. In addition to the reason for career influence, Duong Le Binh said that she did not give birth because of other opinions. "The purpose of a person's life can be to have children to continue the family line, maybe to enjoy, maybe to experience. There are also people who live as a bystander. I am the type of indifferent person. I came to this world to see how the tree grows, how the river water flows, where the white clouds drift, how the dew drops melt," Duong Le Binh confided.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 2

When asked if she regrets not having children, the female artist said she knows how to enjoy life. She likes to take care of the garden and nurture the life of the tree. In her eyes, flowers and grass are children. Therefore, she does not feel that she is lacking or regrets anything.

In the talk s.how "Date" with Lu Du, Duong Le Binh once confided that she was not suitable for marriage. Even in love, she is very passive. Twice, the marriage broke down, but Le Binh did not feel hurt, on the contrary, she was very guilty because she upset her ex-husband.

Not long ago, Duong Le Binh was attacked by some social network users. This group of people believe that the biggest failure of women is not being able to have children, and Duong Le Binh is an example. They think that living a life like Le Binh has no meaning at all.

Before the comments of many people, the ageless beauty Duong Le Binh replied: "Everybody gets old and dies, no one can help you get rid of it. But your spirit is young, your soul is good. beautiful, it will also give off its own unique flavor".

Duong Le Binh's response received much sympathy from the audience. Some people think that there are people who are "free" to take care of other people like that. Women are not reproductive tools and children are not the only achievements of women. Women have the right to do whatever they want.

Currently, Duong Le Binh has her own dance troupe, regularly organizing performances throughout China and abroad. The female artist has contributed to the development of China's traditional dance culture, creating many talented young artists, so they have high status, and are admired by many colleagues and the public.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 3

Not only famous as the most famous dancer in China, she "Mai Sieu Phong" is also a "bloody" businessman. Duong Le Binh holds the position of Chairman of Yunnan Culture Media Company. She holds 56.96% of the shares, or $55 million. According to Baike, plus the revenue from advertising and performances, Duong Le Binh has no less than 150 million USD in hand. Because of that wealth, she confidently shared: "Whether I dance or not does not affect my income much. M.oney has never been a concern for me."

Famous and rich, "Kong Tuoc" dance village also makes people admire with a small and beautiful body like a rainy g.irl at the age of 63. The secret to maintaining beauty of Duong Le Binh is to stay away from all kinds of things. foods containing powdered sugar. Over the past twenty years, the female artist has not eaten a single grain of rice. Duong Le Binh revealed that she practices dancing every day and ensures a strict diet to keep her body in shape. Thanks to maintaining good habits, Duong Le Binh has kept her weight never exceeding 46kg for many years. However, this is also the reason why Duong Le Binh is very difficult to get pregnant. The doctor once advised her to change her diet to gain weight, but she refused. Between dancing and giving birth, Duong Le Binh is ready to choose a career. Perhaps that's why after divorcing her second husband, the female artist completely gave up her intention to get married, focusing 100% of her time and energy on her dance career.

Every time she appears in public, Duong Le Binh often wears a hat. Although the style of the hat varies from simple to gorgeous, Duong Le Binh very rarely takes it off. She has been wearing hats for 10 years. If sometimes she is forced to take off her hat, then the forehead and corners of her eyes will be covered with magnificent decorations. In one time Duong Le Binh took off his hat, fans understood the reason. On Duong Le Binh's beautiful face, there were obvious wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. There are also blue veins on her forehead. Those "imprints" are all left by the daily dance work. She frankly shared: "The long-term practice of dancing requires a l.ot of physical strength. Over time, blue veins will appear on the forehead, which looks very scary." Therefore, a perfectionist like Duong Le Binh does not want the audience to see those "ugly" sides of him. Because she has no children, Duong Le Binh plans to donate her villa to the people of the Bai ethnic group in Yunnan. Her fortune is also used to help young dancers.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 4

In Chinese showbiz, there is also a female star who did not give birth, who did not eat dinner for 20 years like Duong Le Binh to maintain her youthful appearance but met a bitter e.nding. That is Trieu Dao - the heir of Gong Loi.

Since her debut, Trieu Dao has always been discreet and unobtrusive, which makes the audience mistakenly think she is an unknown actress. However, in fact, Trieu Dao has won many domestic and international post-television photo awards. Even the star Gong Loi has to respect her somewhat.

Zhao Dao graduated from Beijing Dance Academy majoring in ethnic dance with excellent achievements. During her time at school, she participated in many dance competitions and won many awards, at that time she was also known as the future star of Chinese folk dance. After graduating, she became a university teacher, then gave up teaching and entered the entertainment industry as an actress. Overall, her achievements today cannot be separated from her husband's support. Trieu Dao's husband is a well-known director - Jia Zhangke. He is one of the six most famous directors in the Chinese-language entertainment industry, comparable to Zhang Yimou or Feng Xiaogang.

Jia Zhang Ke and Trieu Dao collaborated on many projects, from friendship to love, and then to marriage smoothly. Since getting married, she chose to withdraw, cutting off the rumors of the entertainment industry. It can be seen that her position in Jia Zhangke's heart is still very high, but it is a pity that they have not had children since their marriage.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 5

In an interview, Trieu Dao once revealed that in addition to not having children, she also chooses a strict diet such as not eating rice for 20 years to keep her youth forever. Usually decisions like this will be opposed by husbands, but Jia Zhangke still accepts this, it can be seen that he really loves his wife.

However, the fact that Trieu Dao kept his beauty with such a strict diet became a controversial topic on Chinese social networks. Many viewers think that she is not only not more beautiful and younger, but also older than her age. There was once a malicious comment saying that Trieu Dao is 42 years old and looks like 62. It can be said that, if Trieu Dao's career choice is correct, it seems that the choice of how to keep her beauty is a mistake. b.ig mistake.

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 6

Duong Le Binh - Mai Sieu Phong divorced 2 husbands, decided not to have children because of her dancing career - Photo 7

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