Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot

Bình MinhFeb 03, 2024 at 17:51

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Although this flower is expensive, millions per branch, it still creates a fever every Tet to Spring. Many people compete to "down money" to buy distillation because of its special properties.

Too familiar with peach trees, apricot trees are sought for to play Tet, families now also find many new types to serve the purpose of playing bonsai. Recently, the lovely flower like the pearls of mountains and forests is attracting the attention of many flower lovers.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 1

Specifically, Yen Tu bell cherry blossoms are causing a fever that makes Tet flower players 2024 try to search. The flower of this mountain and forest, the branches are like dry firewood, if many people do not know how to nourish, it will be difficult to see the flowers bloom, but with proper care, it will burst out beautifully.

Through research, bell peaches belong to the rhododendron family of the order Ericales, class Magnoliopsida, are small trees and only about 5m high. They have small foliage and hairless young branches, distributed at altitudes of 1400m and above.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 2

"It's called bell digging because the shape of the flowers is so special. Each blossom they are exactly like little spring bells h.anging, very pretty and lovely. There are two types: white bell peaches and pink bells. Each bell peach bud will hatch an odd number of 3-5-7-9 flowers.

Due to its unique shape, bell peaches have just appeared but have attracted the attention of many people. They are both fancy in the spring days and have feng shui meaning," said Ms. Thuy - a small trader in Hanoi.

In addition to the above unique features, this type of bell peach is also popular because it has other outstanding advantages such as beautiful branches, green leaves, flowers with brighter colors than ordinary peaches. It is sought after by many people during Tet, because the blooming time is in spring when cold spells last on each road.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 3

Specifically, Yen Tu bell peaches only bloom from January 1 to May 3 of the calendar. The fact that the flower blooms in time for the Lunar New Year holiday makes it even more special in everyone's eyes. In addition to the long flowing robes, bright yellow apricot flowers, Yen Tu bell peach adds a beautiful pink color to the spring air.

"This year, bell peaches are a sought-after tree to play Tet. Also because of the uniqueness of this flower blooming in time for Tet, the flowering season lasts from 4-5 months, so it is easy to pluck, no need to strip leaves, press branches to stimulate flowering on the right occasion like other types of cherry blossoms", a bonsai player on New Year's Day said.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 4

When she first bought bell peaches in 2022, Ms. Hue said: "The bell peach branch I just bought was the same as the dry wood branch, I don't know the flowers and shape. In the beginning, I sprayed and changed the water every day, some days the rain was even brought outdoors, but I was afraid of not blooming, feverish because I worked harder than Nhat Tan peaches. After that, it's time to enjoy this unique flower."

The housewife added that bell cherry blossoms are very durable, can be played for 20 days to a whole month. "Next year I will buy a stump of this peach to play with and plant it in the garden. Listening to the seller, this plant is also easy to touch, less pests and diseases, so busy can still take care of lushness. There are two types of white bell peaches and pink bell peaches, but I still prefer pink bell peaches," she said.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 5

The price of Yen Tu bell digging usually fluctuates at the cheapest level of 800,000 VND and the highest up to 2,000,000 VND per branch. The price of this type of peach will go up and down depending on the shape of the tree or the position of the tree, the more beautiful the shape, the price will be pushed up.

This unique flower is being listed for sale in the northern provinces, because it has not been grown much industrially, so few people sell it. Most of them are grown and cared for manually, so goods are scarce, so it constantly sells out. Lovers can buy trial seedlings, the tree is also easy to touch, less pests and diseases, so busy can still take care of the tree.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 6

According to folk belief, the Yen Tu bell cherry blossom tree is suitable for decorating the house every Tet to Spring. This flower means good fortune and power for the host family.

In addition, the Yen Tu bell cherry blossom tree also helps the indoor air to be purified by its ability to absorb toxins in the surrounding environment. From there, creating a pleasant feeling, ventilation in the room and driving away bad evil spirits.

The secret to keeping Yen Tu bell cherry blossoms distilled longer, is that when buying, users should stick the branches into a container of water. Combine with misting on flowers every day to make the flowers fresher and bloom more evenly.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 7

According to researchers, from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, the custom of playing bell cherry blossoms on New Year's Day was not only of Chinese people but also of Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese, especially in the mountainous areas along the Vietnam-China border.

Later, the custom of playing forest peach blossoms and garden digging gradually replaced playing bell cherry blossoms during the Lunar New Year. At the end of the nineteenth century, the use of bell cherry blossoms as New Year's greeting flowers was still very popular.

At that time, most bell cherry blossoms sold in the market were imported from Guangdong, Mong Cai, and the most purchased place was Hong Kong. Indigenous people cut entire trees or branches with many flower buds, plug them into vases of water for the flowers to bloom or transport them to markets to sell, similar to current cherry blossom players.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 8

In the 1960s, during the socioeconomic transition, partly because bell cherry blossoms were exploited to the point of exhaustion because they were difficult to grow on their own, which could only be obtained readily in nature.

Partly because many people aim to pursue extravagant wealth instead of having many children and grandchildren, the new generation gradually accepts peach blossoms (rather than bell peaches) as Tet flowers with the meaning that peach blossoms bloom is p.rosperous and rich.

Later, the public's demand for bell cherry blossoms declined and was gradually replaced by forest peach blossoms and then garden peach blossoms as they are today. However, at the moment, bell digging is hotter than ever.

Unique flower blooms in time for Tet, special shape, no need to strip leaves like apricot - Photo 9

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