"Girl From Nowhere 2" and Nanno's future metaphorical images in Girl From Nowhere 2

team youtubeMay 17, 2021 at 14:32

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Girl From Nowhere 2 - Girl From Nowhere is the hottest movie at the moment. Like many other movies, the opening scene of "Girl From Nowhere 2" is also packed with a lot of interesting details but the audience is often easily overlooked.

In cinema, the technique of foreshadowing (also known as foreshadowing) plays the role of planting predictive details about what will happen in the movie. Therefore, it is very popular with filmmakers to bring surprise to the audience. And recently on the fanpage of Girl From Nowhere 2, the producer also confirmed that the opening scene of the film contains many such foreboding images.

Girl From Nowhere 2 and metaphorical images predicting Nanno's future in Girl From Nowhere 2 - Picture 1


Gore, violence is the specialty of Girl From Nowhere from season 1 to season 2. In this part 2, Nanno's blood also plays an extremely important role when it is revealed to have the ability to bring supernatural powers. death for others. In the movie, Yuri receives Nanno's blood and gains strength. She also often likens this relationship to mother and child and there is a blood relationship between the two. In addition, the phrase "new blood" can also be used to describe Yuri as she always wants to prove that she is capable of following in Nanno's footsteps, or even better. Yuri's method of punishment is also bolder and more violent than the true "new blood".


The intro is shown in reverse technique with the image of Nanno entering the bath. This could be a reference to Girl From Nowhere 2's twist when Nanno grants Yuri her powers.

It can also be understood that what is reversed here is the position between the two girls. Yuri from the place of prey, the weak became strong and began her new journey. And Nanno is now in the "lower plane", being surpassed many times and facing the risk of losing the ability to immortal, becoming a mortal.

Red bow

In the movie, the red bow is the symbol of Yuri. The red bow that appeared in the bath was also the moment Yuri was murdered and then reborn with Nanno's blood. This image foreshadows an extremely important new character that will appear in Girl From Nowhere 2.

From 1 to 2

Yuri's appearance is shown in even more detail through the image of two girls who seem to come from the same subject and have a connection with each other. This is completely reasonable when Nanno and Yuri both share the same blood. They are not independent beings, but are completely connected both physically and mentally.

Death and rebirth

It is no coincidence that the image of the bathtub appears several times in the opening sequence. This is the place to mark the moment Yuri "transformed" from human to devil. Besides, the image of blood drops forming a new character is also easy to understand when Nanno's blood has created Yuri's person.

Despite going through 2 movies, many viewers still do not know who Nanno is and how she has the right to kill others like that. It can be said that Nanno's identity and origin are still not really clear, but from the series of metaphorical details of the film, theories about Nanno's identity were born in turn. "Nanno" in Thai means "daughter of the devil", and right from the introduction at the beginning of each episode, the number 66666 - the symbol of Satan also appeared and actress Kitty Chicha also once. revealed to the media that her character Nanno is the daughter of Satan.

Girl From Nowhere 2 and metaphorical images predicting Nanno's future in Girl From Nowhere 2 - Picture 2

In addition, there is a theory that Nanno may also be the embodiment of the Hindu god Kama/Mara, seen as the god of Love and Demon King of Fall, possessing the power to corrupt humanity. Mara / Kama is also a typical model for the obstacles of no-self and born from nothingness, the purpose is to send downfall, lust and love to the world. As the actor Chicha Amatayakul himself explained, Nanno is like the daughter of Satan or the snake from the Garden of Eden that came to Earth to give forbidden fruit to humans. She's here to test how evil humans can be.

In the genre of anthology (anthology), each episode of Girl From Nowhere is a different story. The greater Nanno's power, the more misfortune befell her, and the more gloating and merciless the revenge of this female demon. Like many other "fantasy" movies, Girl From Nowhere cannot avoid errors in logic and acting. Even the female lead Kitty Chicha Amatayakul has many awkward, "stiff face" scenes. But all in all, this is a pretty good series, showing the level of Thai filmmaking and the boldness when daring to go deep into the dark corners of the school.

Girl From Nowhere 2 and metaphorical images predicting Nanno's future in Girl From Nowhere 2 - Picture 3

Girl From Nowhere 2 and metaphorical images predicting Nanno's future in Girl From Nowhere 2 - Picture 4

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