The shocking truth behind the Qing Dynasty Emperor's meal, is it different from the movies?

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Ngua ca in movies is very famous and handsome, but his descendants are not mentioned, making many people wonder about his descendants.
Ai Tan Giac La Vinh Ky was the 5th son of Emperor Qianlong. Vinh Ky is a man of many martial arts, mastering the Manchu language and riding a horse and archery, is the son that Qianlong loves the most. Even Qian Long intends to give the throne to Vinh Ky. Unfortunately, Vinh Ky was short-lived and died in the 31st year of Qianlong when he was only 26 years old.
The five aces in the movie are very famous, handsome and have a beautiful love affair with Tieu Yen Tu, but his descendants are never mentioned. So does Vinh Ky in history have descendants? It is known that Vinh Ky in the history of the Qing Dynasty had 3 concubines, 6 sons and 1 daughter.
In April of the 22nd year of Qianlong, Qian Long married the granddaughter of the great military minister Er Thai of the Tay Lam Giac La family to the five brothers of Vinh Ky as Di Phuc. Tay Lam Giac La Thi is the daughter of a famous man from Tuong Lam Ky (a period in the Bat Ky regime of the Qing Dynasty). In October, Vinh Ky and Tay Lam Giac La held a wedding ceremony, but Ngu A Ca did not seem to have feelings for this Phuc Tan. He loved the most were the following two concubines, including one from Tac Xuoc La Thi, who was also his favorite person.
Tac Xuoc La Thi is the daughter of Ta Do Ngu Su Quan Bao, who received a doctorate under the Qianlong Emperor and served as an official of the Thuong Thu Department of Ceremonies. Although her father was classified as a high-ranking mandarin in the court, because of her background in Bao's clothes, Tac Xuoc La Thi still had to participate in the Internal Affairs exam like other ordinary girls.
At that time, "clothing" refers to the community of people serving the Qing Dynasty, once equated with servants. The family of Tac Xuoc La Thi mainly thanks to the tradition of the election that changed its name and fate.
During a selection at the beginning of the 22nd year of Qianlong, Tac Xuoc La Thi was very popular with the Emperor thanks to her masterful talent in drawing exams and her lovely beauty. But in the end, Qian Long did not send her to the harem, but gave it to Vinh Ky. Tac Xuoc La Thi became Vinh Ky's concubine a few months earlier than Dich Phuc.
On June 10, the 24th Qianlong year, Tac Xuoc La gave birth to her first son for Vinh Ky, but unfortunately died less than a month ago. The next year, Tac Xuoc La Thi continued to become pregnant, but this child was born prematurely.
On December 18, the 26th Qianlong year, Vinh Ky Tac Xuoc La Thi welcomed her third child, but died when she was only 2 years old. Tac Xuoc La Thi is desperate, but thanks to Vinh Ky's love, she continues to hope.
On August 15, the 29th Qianlong year, Tac Xuoc La Thi was pregnant with twins, in which the 4th son died early, the 5th son was healthy and mature, and Vinh Ky named him Mien Yi.
Not disobeying his parents, Mien Uc's literature and martial arts are all similar to Ngu a ca. After Vinh Ky died, Emperor Qianlong even personally took care of his grandson, letting him study in the Upper Room of the Forbidden City. Qian Long let Mien Uc study with Thirteenth a ca Vinh Diem.
In terms of roles, Mien Uc is Vinh Diem's nephew, but because the two are of the same age and grew up together, the relationship is extremely close. Vinh Diem was later Emperor Gia Khanh.
In November of the 49th year of Qianlong, Qianlong ordained only Mien uc as Da La Bei Lac. It is worth mentioning that during her lifetime, Tac Xuoc La Thi was not allowed to be a Phuc Ton, later thanks to Mien Uc's position, Gia Khanh Emperor promoted her to Trac Phuc Ton.
In January of the 4th year of Gia Khanh, Emperor Qianlong died not long ago, Emperor Gia Khanh had just regent, ordered Mien Y to become Vinh, the Duke of King, and was honored by the Emperor. Not long after, Mien Yi was punished by Emperor Gia Khanh for being disrespectful when naming his son. So he was kicked out of the Can Thanh Mon, made a mistake in the outer court, removed from the position of great minister in the palace.
Ho Thi was a commoner of the Han people, brought to the court by provincial officials to pay tribute. But Qian Long was not satisfied and gave Vinh Ky as a concubine. Ho gave birth to Vinh Ky's son in the 25th year of Qianlong, but unfortunately died prematurely. In the 30th year of Qianlong, Ho Thi gave birth to a daughter, also the only daughter of Ngu a ca.
In the 46th year of Qianlong, Qianlong married this granddaughter to a Mongol prince. But not long after getting married, she died of illness. Gia Khanh 20th year, ie 5/3/1815, Vinh District Vuong Mien Uc died at the age of 51.
Looking back at the life of Ngu a ca, it can be seen that, although he was short-lived, his descendants are still full, the only thing different from what we are used to seeing in movies is the absence of Tieu Yen Tu. If the five-year-old brother did not die soon, with the favor that Qianlong gave him, it is likely that Vinh Ky would become an Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
Qianlong is 81 years old, still ordering the imposition of a 78-year-old woman, the identity is unexpected! JLO20:42:42 10/03/2025In the movie Bow Battle Harem Nhu Yi Story, leaving a deep impression not only the characters Qian Long and Nhu Y or Commander Fei Wei Yen Uyen, but Du Phi Hai Lan also left a special highlight that made viewers extremely excited.
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