Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect

Hoàng AnhNov 07, 2022 at 11:07

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The beautiful maturity of the two daughters of MC Quyen Linh's family makes fans expect a lot of future generations of Vietnamese beauty. Looking at how Quyen Linh takes care of and loves her daughter makes the audience admire the sophistication of a father.

Cinderella is known as "Miss Future" when possessing gentle and gentle beauty. She and her sister Hazel became the pride of Quyen Linh's father. Not only beautiful, academic achievements are also respectable. Both attended international schools with high tuition and high quality.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 1

When the children grew up, especially Cinderella gradually became a public figure, MC Quyen Linh was very attentive in keeping her distance. He loves him very much, but he only dares to hug his daughter because his daughter is no longer as small as before.

Remember when the two children were young, Quyen Linh's father was still comfortable petting, kissing, and holding. Now that the children are taller than their father, MC Quyen Linh is also difficult to pamper like before.

He talked about actions for girls at puberty, MC Quyen Linh said that because her children are big, many sensitive things he dare not do with her.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 2

"I love you so much, I can kiss you on the cheek, but I can't hug and be close like when I was a c.hild. At night, the b.aby can sleep in the same bed with his mother, and I choose to lie on the ground. That's what that fathers need to take care of if they have a daughter.

At this age, babies begin to have their own thoughts and opinions. My wife and I choose to observe and adjust our c.hild's behavior in moderation and skillfully when necessary. If it's a b.oy, parents can be more comfortable. But as a g.irl, I will always stand behind, protect her at all costs."

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 3

It is known that Cinderella's real name is Mai Thao Linh, born in 2005; Chestnut real name is Mai Thao Ngoc, born in 2008. As they get older, the two girls become more and more beautiful, touching people's hearts. Many fans encourage Quyen Linh to let her daughter participate in beauty contests or enter showbiz, but the male MC still wants her children to focus on their studies first.

"I just want my c.hild to study well, not be pressured by the limelight, because showbiz has too much pressure, not simply. I don't want my c.hild to be under such pressure" - Quyen Linh said.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 4

While providing enough for their children, Quyen Linh and her husband always teach their children how to live simply, care to share with everyone, appreciate their labor, be grateful for the smallest things...

"I teach my children to sleep on the ground, eat simple meals. I always teach them to look at me and follow an example, to be independent and not to rely on anyone, to rise by their own strength" - MC Quyen Linh once explained display.

Having two beautiful daughters, praised as beautiful as a beauty queen, Quyen Linh is proud but also very stressed. He wants to protect his son from the many negative entertainment circles, and goes to sell goods at the market to set an example for him about the value of labor.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 5

"On the internet, there are comments saying, "Oh, why does Mr. Quyen Linh s.how o.ff everything about his son, every day he publishes a newspaper about him. Actually, I want my c.hild to take care of his studies and do less social networking activities. But maybe it's because Newspapers love it, so every time there is a picture of my c.hild or my family, they will upload it.

There are photos of my c.hild who only posted stories in a day that the press also republished. If they don't have new pictures, they... take old pictures and post them," lamented Quyen Linh's father.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 6

When Tuoi Tre asked, "Does the entertainment world have many negatives, so you don't want your children to participate?", Quyen Linh said: "Exactly so. Being an artist is very stressful, tens of millions of people love it. to millions of people who do not love you.

I'm always on guard, worrying like that is a lot of pressure. I don't want them to be under a lot of pressure, but now it's gone, people know the father knows him and post pictures of my son."

Quyen Linh's two daughters, nicknamed Cinderella and Chestnut, sometimes blame their father for being so popular that we get noticed. Then compliments such as "Quen Linh's daughter is so beautiful", "to be a Miss tomorrow", "Miss future" made the actor lament "a lot of pressure".

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 7

He said the children just stopped at being cute, good, and pretty, but not to the point of being a beauty queen. Suddenly being noticed, now Cinderella and Chestnut are also lost in the street. They also do not dare to post many pictures for fear of being scrutinized. The two girls also regularly receive phone calls or Facebook messages asking for an interview. There are people who even come to the gate of the guard school to meet and ask for an interview.

Quyen Linh said: "I told him it was okay, if the aunts and uncles asked him, he said sorry, he didn't know anything to answer.

Asked Quyen Linh, "Does the fact that my children are born full and are sought after to invite advertising makes them think that making a living is very easy?", he said that in order for his children not to think so, his father must be an example.

Quyen Linh's love is about to become the future Miss, the male MC reveals what few people expect - Photo 8

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