Viet Huong was "terrorized" by the charity statement case, netizens flooded into Google to hit a star cake shop

Hoàng PhúcJan 15, 2022 at 11:09

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Netizens attacked NS Viet Huong's restaurant in the midst of a charity scandal, making many people angry.

Opened not long ago, artist Viet Huong's post criticizing the bakery - cafe has "opened" the artist's shop in early 2022. With a video with a shocking title: "Give up nearly 1 tuber to receive it. Is the service attitude of the staff and the quality really worth it?"; This g.irl's series of disparaging words for Viet Huong's shop has caused fierce controversy among netizens. In the latest development, the g.irl publicly apologized from the shop and refused to meet, even though Viet Huong was willing to ask for a phone number to exchange.

Viet Huong was "terrorized" by the charity statement case, netizens flooded into Google to hit a star cake shop - Photo 1

It seemed that the matter was closed, but no, recently, netizens accidentally discovered that a series of extreme netizen had "overflowed" on Google and directly rated 1 star at NS Viet Huong restaurant with many words that were difficult to accept. receive.

Specifically, if you search for information about Sugar Town - NS Viet Huong restaurant on Google, you will immediately see that the overall rating is at a rather modest number of 3.1/5 stars. Below the review section, except for "mindful" reviews such as full pictures - detailed evaluation of the experience, the rest are mostly netizens who leave comments without images, innocuous. Some netizens even brought in unrelated things like "charity", etc. as a reason to rate 1 star for NS Viet Huong's restaurant.

Viet Huong was "terrorized" by the charity statement case, netizens flooded into Google to hit a star cake shop - Photo 2

Previously, Viet Huong and Cat Tuong had controversial statements on their livestream.

Specifically, while talking, the female comedian was suddenly asked by netizens for statements and accused of being irresponsible when doing charity. Immediately, Viet Huong got angry and responded in an impatient way.

"Irresponsible ** *** *** but irresponsible? I'm not calling for any charity, but I have to be responsible? Why do I suddenly get h.ot, get angry, stop it, clean it up" , Viet Huong said on the livestream.

Viet Huong was "terrorized" by the charity statement case, netizens flooded into Google to hit a star cake shop - Photo 3

Sitting next to Viet Huong, Cat Tuong also advised his friend to calm down. However, the last sentence was controversial: "I just came back, I got a good night's sleep, tomorrow I wake up to work, I have m.oney, I have m.oney to go to charity. I don't have a statement".

Although Cat Tuong's point is that the m.oney he spent for charity does not need a statement, but this statement in the midst of many charity scandals of the artist made the audience think that it was offensive.

On online forums, netizens not only gave many opinions about the statements of Viet Huong and Cat Tuong, but also criticized the two female artists for having inappropriate attitudes when talking to the audience.

It can be said that Viet Huong is one of the artists who are active in charity activities during the Covid-19 epidemic season. She and her husband, musician Hoai Phuong, helped provide food and medicine to people in difficult circumstances, donated ambulances, and served a funeral car for 0 dong... The noble gesture of the Viet Huong couple received a lot of compliments and appreciation from people, friends, colleagues.

Viet Huong was "terrorized" by the charity statement case, netizens flooded into Google to hit a star cake shop - Photo 4

Recently, "charity statement" is a h.ot topic on social networks, and artist Viet Huong and her husband were also accidentally pulled in by some netizens. Before a series of comments from anti-fans asking for a statement of charity funds, Viet Huong once spoke out to clarify the matter. Specifically, in the livestream at the beginning of September, Hoai Phuong's wife confirmed that she did not call for charity donations and if anyone volunteered to contribute, she would clearly write the name of the sponsor when broadcasting.

"Oh my god, my livestream has so many people. Yes sir, I will say it again: I am not asking for m.oney. I am not asking for any m.oney. But there are people who donate rice. For me, I can't eat all 10 tons, so when I send 10 tons, I have a paper and a proper name on it, you will see it clearly." - Viet Huong explained.

At that time, the female artist's share received a lot of encouragement and trust from netizens: "Always trust you", "Wish you and your family a lot of health to do good deeds", "Whoever If you say it sideways, Viet Huong always has a heart of gold,...

In addition, the female artist also emphasized that she did not ask for m.oney or receive calls from anyone. Manh often felt hurt, so he took the initiative to put things in front of the house, so Viet Huong asked for permission to give it to her relatives.

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