Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention

An NhiMay 10, 2024 at 16:36

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The Quang Linh - Thuy Tien couple is constantly being "pushed the boat" by the public to date. The reunion of the two in Ho Chi Minh City. The recent HCM has made the people even more excited. Even online leaked wedding photos of the couple that went viral on forums.

In recent days, the image of Quang Linh and Miss Thuy Tien, together with Lei Con and the whole African team traveling around the corner of Saigon, has been warmly responded to by the online community, widely shared across platforms. Accordingly, despite being busy at work, Thuy Tien still spends many consecutive days h.anging out with Quang Linh team.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 1

Having been pushed enthusiastically, so having more time to hang out together, Quang Linh and Thuy Tien continue to be even more excited by fans. Until recently, on social media forums suddenly appeared wedding photos of Miss Peace International 2021 and the YouTuber made fans of the couple excited.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 2

The moment when Miss Peace International 2021 and Quang Linh Vlog dressed in wedding dresses and dashing suits have become the talk of forums. However, this photo is just a photoshop product of an account that adores Quang Linh and Thuy Tien and is not real. This isn't the first time the two have had a wedding collage by fans.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 3

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 4

One of the wedding photos of Thuy Tien and Quang Linh Vlog shared the most is Lei Con appearing with the two main characters. Lei Con wears a suit but wears sandals that are quite funny. Lei Con has become the most noticeable person in the wedding photo parody of Thuy Tien and Quang Linh Vlog, anyone watching it will be interested.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 5

Since the charity trip in Angola in 2022, in addition to Lei Con, Miss Thuy Tien and Quang Linh Vlogs have become a favorite couple of fans. They both have the same energy when it comes to bringing positive inspiration to the audience. Every time Quang Linh returns to Vietnam, if possible, they meet and interact with Thuy Tien. The pair of cards Thuy Tien - Quang Linh also created a wide buzz, many people "pushed the boat".

However, the queen said the two were merely friends. Miss Thuy Tien once said: "Quang Linh Vlog is a brother that I respect very much because they have the same ideals together".

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 6

With the enthusiastic "boat pushing" from fans, at first, the two saw it as a joke and happily reciprocated. However, when people attribute Thuy Tien - Quang Linh too much, insiders are somewhat apprehensive. On the occasion of Quang Linh's return to Vietnam, he and Thuy Tien went to do charity work, but the two always sat far apart, even the queen revealed the moment to avoid sitting next to Quang Linh.

After that, Thuy Tien spoke up and asked people not to make any inferences about her relationship with Quang Linh. The queen explained that both sides love and love each other, so they have only had volunteer projects and accompanied each other for so long. Perhaps Thuy Tien is afraid that if not clearly stated, the audience will continue to "push the boat", making it awkward for both of them to continue accompanying in community activities.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 7

Gone for a long time, knowing the awkward insider, the online community no longer dares to associate the couple. It wasn't until now, seeing them appear side by side so comfortably and happily, that fans were somewhat reassured.

On the occasion of reunion with the Quang Linh Vlog team recently, the former Miss Peace International also clarified the relationship between herself and Quang Linh.

"The love of people is something I really appreciate, but there are also individuals who deliberately take advantage of this to push things in many negative directions, causing plans to grow together to be shelved. This is something I'm really sad about.

Ignoring the negatives, above all, we will always be good brothers to accompany in the next community projects. I hope the audience will always love and support Viet Phi team", Miss Thuy Tien shared about the relationship with Quang Linh.

Thuy Tien and Quang Linh are suspected of taking wedding photos as soon as they reunite, visual attention - Photo 8

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