Thuy Nga continues to face a b.ig change after being investigated by the US police

Nam PhươngJul 08, 2021 at 13:46

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Recently, a part of the audience has repeatedly criticized and insulted Thuy Nga because she thinks she is taking advantage of Kim Ngan for personal gain. Before the above incident, the actress continuously posted a status to share her feelings, receiving the attention of a large audience.

On July 7, Thuy Nga suddenly posted a status line sharing that:

"As a single woman, your body is so miserable, you know it's hard for the whole family... I'm being trampled by a bunch of men in skirts, trampled on together, crushed my mind every day... the kind of thing that's meant to be together trampling on TN (Thuy Nga) must die for them to be happy. This kind of thing is better than bringing out a woman and r.aping that group... it's horrible. What should TN do, save TN?

Thuy Nga continues to face a b.ig change after being investigated by the US police - Photo 1

Accordingly, in recent days, Thuy Nga has encountered a l.ot of noise after rumors appeared that she used artist Kim Ngan to ask for likes, views, and personal gain. Although Thuy Nga herself spoke up and explained the matter in detail, antifan still insisted that she was trying to steer public opinion.

In the face of Thuy Nga's difficult situation, many viewers actively sent words of encouragement and comfort to her:

"You have to sue them to get justice, your compassion is only in the right place, I wish you stronger and good luck"

"Share and send a l.ot of love to Thuy Nga everyone, we can only encourage and comfort Thuy Nga to know that Nga is not alone, beside her there are always millions of Vietnamese hearts accompanying her. love Thuy Nga wholeheartedly"

Thuy Nga continues to face a b.ig change after being investigated by the US police - Photo 2

It can be seen that Thuy Nga's kindness, kindness and charitable works so far have been clearly seen by the audience and have always actively supported her. It is also thanks to the timely encouragement of the fans that helped the actress constantly try to do good things despite facing some bad things caused by antifans.

According to Thuy Nga, from this point on, she no longer has to worry about the voice born in 1963. The actress who sells baked sweet potatoes said that she still keeps the rented room, waiting for Kim Ngan to decide where to stay. "Russia also hopes that her family will start taking care of her," she wrote.

Thuy Nga continues to face a b.ig change after being investigated by the US police - Photo 3

In particular, in the livestream, Thuy Nga said that on the birthday of the singer born in 1963, she was reported by some people and had to work with the police. The actress recounted: "After my birthday, the police invited me to work. I heard some people said that I attacked, beat, locked up and didn't give Kim Ngan freedom, stole m.oney, took advantage of pictures. Kim Ngan's photo for viewing... At that time, I was heartbroken. Why did I go to help Kim Ngan but I was misrepresented like that?" The actress added that she herself felt sad because she tried to help the voice born in 1963 to stabilize her life, but she was entangled in these noises.

Thuy Nga continues to face a b.ig change after being investigated by the US police - Photo 4

During the journey, Thuy Nga helped her senior to open her heart to everyone, so now Kim Ngan is more comfortable. "I still see her from time to time, but I give her m.oney, sit with her for a while and then leave. Now she has a l.ot of things in her head, so she is also shy and wary of herself," she said.

Actress The G.irl who sells baked sweet potatoes added that the scandal related to the voice born in 1963 made her sad. Thuy Nga explained: "I've been in contact with Kim Ngan for 3 months now, my love for her is very much and I have high hopes. Now, suddenly, when it's broken, I'm at a loss, because of the plans that were not planned. It's still done. In general, the number of people I go to help is like that, I know. It's also very hard to help Kim Ngan. For three months I dived with her, going from morning to night."

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