Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc?

Đức TríApr 25, 2024 at 10:01

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Youtuber Tho Nguyen continues to be extremely harsh on her personal page, declaring directly to the online community about her name. Even though he retired, his popularity still hasn't cooled down, netizens immediately compared him to child star Bao Ngoc.

The name of YouTuber Tho Nguyen in recent times can be said to be the most searched and interested topic by netizens. Since her public retirement, Tho Nguyen has become more and more comfortable in her statements. She is not afraid to respond to anti-fans, ready to declare war on anyone who touches her. Tho Nguyen said that from now on, he will change himself into Tho Hoan, living for himself instead of the public.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 1

Recently, Tho Nguyen also attracted many people's attention when she publicly had cosmetic surgery. Her beauty is also praised by many people, but there are still many negative comments comparing her beauty to unrelated people. Among them, child actor Bao Ngoc is the most rumored name when the two previously had a "war of words", thinking that Tho Nguyen's aesthetic beauty was not equal to her natural beauty.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 2

Because of these noises, even though Tho Nguyen retired, he was still called out continuously. Recently, she posted a post affirming that she doesn't need fame, but everything keeps coming, confirming her hotness over the past 7 years. Specifically, she wrote: "Drama finds me, I don't need to create drama. Those are my messages to those who insulted me not long ago, saying that I intentionally created drama to gain popularity again. Over the past few days, you guys have seen that I already have shocking dramas, why do I need to create more to gain popularity, I don't need to cling to any one character.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 3

My 7 years of advancement are enough for my friends to see that I don't venture into any other field, don't crave fame, don't attend any events... even though I get invited a lot. I'm focused on doing my job, so why do I have to cling to someone at the last minute to get ahead? But surely that person is equal to me.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 4

I told my story and that was it, but a certain force was seeding continuously, leading public opinion to attack me. Is it me creating drama to become famous, or someone clinging to me to get ahead. I move up by strength, not beauty, not relationships, not clinging to anyone. Not like: When people are famous, they cling to them and flatter them to the sky. When they are in trouble, they stomp on their faces and make fun of them. So dirty, so dirty."

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 5

Tho Nguyen's post quickly received a lot of attention. Immediately, the online community also shouted Bao Ngoc's name, thinking that she was secretly mentioning the names dragged into her story, specifically: This child star. Turning back to the noise at the end of 2023, the two once fought each other, this is also the reason why Tho Nguyen decided to retire.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 6

The incident originated from a clip of YouTuber 9X insinuating that a child actor had a bad attitude when the two had the opportunity to work together. Although he did not mention the specific name, many people believe that the character that Tho Nguyen mentioned in the clip is Le Huynh Bao Ngoc with the project they both worked on together before.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 7

After that, Bao Ngoc's side posted a response clip about the noise on the TikTok channel with 2.9 million followers. In the video, the representative of the actor born in 2008 said that because he had acted in a movie with a female YouTuber, the child star was attacked by many people after the incident. "I confirm that those videos are not related to Bao Ngoc and his mother," the representative said.

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 8

Bao Ngoc's side declared that they were ready to be confronted at the government agency: "I suggest you stop this action immediately, because it is not good. After all, you are an adult, filming a video talking about a child is not good." It's not beautiful at all like that."

Tho Nguyen frowned, affirming his famous 7-year career, where is Bao Ngoc? - Photo 9

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