Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding

Hà HàSep 19, 2021 at 13:52

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Thai Hoa is considered the name of the guarantee of Vietnamese cinema because most of the films he participated in achieved very high sales. His witty, humorous and humane acting is the advantage that helps him win the hearts of a large audience.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 1

Not only being successful in the movie industry, Thai Hoa is also a talented theater and dance actor, screenwriter and stage director. In many years of working, Thai Hoa has always devoted herself to art. The most famous films of Thai Hoa include Long Rui, To Mai Tinh, Heart of B.lood, My Wife...

From unemployed youth to Vietnamese box office king

Thai Hoa's real name is Ho Thai Hoa, born in 1974 in Saigon in an ordinary family and no one is passionate about pursuing art. From a young age, he dreamed of becoming a famous actor, and at the same time showed a rare acting talent.

After graduating from the University of Theater and Cinema in 1998, Thai Hoa and two friends, Duc Thinh and Le Bao Trung, participated in the City-wide Comedy Theater Festival and was honored to win the B prize. It seemed like a career. His position will be advantageous, but it took Thai Hoa many years to get to where it is now.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 2

Time did not find a suitable role, he was unemployed and had no income, a full meal at that time for Thai Hoa was also something too luxurious. Even Thai Hoa had to drink iced tea instead of rice every day and until the economic conditions were quite good, iced tea was always his favorite dish.

Fortunately, Thai Hoa was taken care of by Meritorious Artist Huu Chau and helped a l.ot. Although his family is not rich, but Meritorious Artist Huu Chau still does not hesitate to "support" Thai Hoa and his group of friends. To have m.oney to cover his life, Thai Hoa used to work part-time everywhere, causing his studies to be neglected. He owed the subject so much that he couldn't graduate. Thanks to making a good impression on the principal when filming the movie City Children, he was given special permission to graduate.

In 1999, Thai Hoa participated in the Phu Nhuan theater stage by People's Artist Hong Van. This is like a lifeline and opens a ray of hope for the enthusiastic young man. However, for a long time performing, he did not leave any outstanding mark compared to his contemporaries such as Cat Phuong, Thuy Nga or Anh Vu.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 3

After many years of hard work, the results have come to him. In 2006, the play Ma'am Wife, directed by him, suddenly became a phenomenon on the stage, attracting thousands of performances from all over Saigon. Ma's Wife was originally a tragic drama by journalist Quang Thi, but because it was too difficult to edit, no director dared to accept it. It was not until 2005, that Thai Hoa tried to ask the opinion of People's Artist Hong Van about letting him try his hand at being a director, re-writing the work in a new way that had never been duplicated before.

In October 2006, the first performance of Ma's Wife was presented to the audience at the Phu Nhuan Drama Theater. From that point to a few months later, the sold out and became a cultural phenomenon for two years. Thai Hoa's name also followed that suddenly, the audience began to pay more attention to him. With a natural, rustic acting style with a bit of wit and not being overly emotional, he has really conquered many audiences of the musical stage.

After that, Thai Hoa stepped forward, he continued to break the box office with the work "Blood Heart" written and directed by himself. These are the two most popular works of the actor in particular and the theater in general.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 4

In 2010, Thai Hoa attacked the b.ig screen with the role of Hoi in "De Mai Tinh" directed by Charlie Nguyen. This role requires an understanding of the LGBT community and Thai Hoa at first was not confident that it could be done well. However, in the end, Charlie Nguyen still chose him for the role of Hoi and it was a wise decision.

The diverse inner transformation of Hoi's character in De Mai Tinh helped Thai Hoa score an absolute score in the hearts of the audience, making him an emerging star of the b.ig screen. Even his role overshadowed the entire main character in the film. Although many years have passed, the character Hoi played by Thai Hoa has always been considered a classic comedy model of Vietnamese cinema, this is an unbelievable success in the career of the Thai "chameleon". Hoa.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 5

A year later, he won the Best Actor award at the Golden Kite Awards for his role in the movie Dragonfly. In 2013, he exploded with his role in the psychological comedy melodrama Teo Em, another perfect combination of the duo Charlie Nguyen - Thai Hoa. The film helped Charlie Nguyen earn a record revenue of 85 billion VND, becoming the most popular Vietnamese film of the year and ranked 15th in the ranking of the highest Vietnamese film revenue of all time.

Thua Thang stormed up, also in 2014 Thai Hoa cooperated with director Victor Vu to make a cinematic version of the psychological horror film Bloody Heart, after only three days of release, the film brought in revenue up to 24 billion dong. Up to now, B.lood Heart has always been on the leading list of the best horror films of Vietnamese cinema and is the launching pad to bring the name of the main cast, Nha Phuong, Quy Binh and Tu Vi to new heights. .

From an unknown actor, Thai Hoa has now become "the king of the box office", "a million-dollar actor" and as a guarantee for the success of the films with his presence. The results he achieved are the reward for his years of hard work.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 6

By 2020, the movie B.lood Moon Party with the participation of many famous actors including Thai Hoa, Thu Trang, Kieu Minh Tuan, Kaity Nguyen and Hua Vi Van has become a feverish phenomenon in the "worm" community. movies for a long time. After its premiere, B.lood Moon Party won great awards and nominations with the Best Film Director award by Nguyen Quang Dung, the Best Actor award for Kieu Minh Tuan at the Golden Star Awards. Blue Star 2020. In addition, the film also won the Film of the Year award at the WeChoice Awards 2020, the B Award and the Best Actor award by Hua Vi Van at the Ho Chi Minh City Film Association Awards 2020.

Stormy marriage with Cat Phuong and a happy e.nding

Thai Hoa - Cat Phuong knew each other from the time they acted together on the stage of Phu Nhuan drama, after a while of learning and loving each other, in 2004, the two officially got married. There are many viewers who admire the beautiful love of the two, despite their lack of material conditions, they are always next to each other.

When they were still in love, the couple acted together in many good comedies such as Cowardly Husband, Stalking, Friendship and Spring to Marry You. Thinking that their family life was complete with their beautiful son, in 2006, the two suddenly announced their separation in tears.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 7

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 8

This marriage has consumed a l.ot of media, a l.ot of scandals and dozens of doubts are woven and speculated around the breakup of the two. Many conspiracy theories surround the lives of the two main characters. However, through many ups and downs, Thai Hoa and Cat Phuong both had their own happy new destination. Thai Hoa is cozy with his wife Hong Thu, Cat Phuong also has a beautiful love story with Kieu Minh Tuan.

Thai Hoa is a rather private person, he rarely shares about his personal life, so he does not want to interfere in the dramas of the artist world. Although rich, Thai Hoa also has a fairly simple lifestyle, not ostentatious or boastful. All he does is devote himself to art and is completely worthy of the love and support that the audience has given him over the years.

Thai Hoa - From unemployed, hungry and full to the king of the box office, broken marriage and happy e.nding - Photo 9

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