Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes

Hà HàSep 01, 2021 at 22:39

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During the time when Ho Chi Minh City implemented the city-wide social distancing, artist Quyen Linh was one of the most charitable Vietnamese stars. He often distributes rice and gifts to people in need.

Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes - Photo 1

Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes - Photo 2

Accordingly, the male MC shared that for several months of doing volunteer work, sometimes he carried rice to donate to the charity kitchen, sometimes he also felt "drained" when carrying a car for necessities. However, the more he goes to charity, the more he loves his relatives and sees that everyone needs help, so he tries his best to support everyone.

Worth mentioning, MC Quyen Linh was asked why he didn't call for donations: "Since the beginning of the epidemic season, he has mobilized about 6.7 billion in cash to contribute to organizations, in addition to hundreds of tons of rice, necessities, medical equipment ... But absolutely did not see him calling for donations on his personal page. Where did he manage the funding from?".

Accordingly, male MC Quyen Linh shared that during his 20 years of charity, he only once called for support in 2020 because of the heavy impact of floods. It is worth mentioning that after calling for 10 minutes, MC Quyen Linh had to hurry to close the account because he had received more than 2 billion and did not reduce the receipt anymore for fear of not being able to do it. MC Quyen Linh shared that he only dared to call that time because he was also afraid of calling people. Moreover, he also has a group of friends with more than a dozen people doing charity work with many businessmen, civil servants ... for decades.

MC Quyen Linh shared: "At that time, I only posted for 10 minutes and mobilized more than 2 billion, so I closed my account and didn't accept anymore and immediately left for fear of receiving more than I could do. Then, we went to the Central region in total 3 times to build houses of love and give gifts to people in Quang Tri, Quang Binh, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai...

After all, the amount of gift giving amounted to more than 5 billion. Just that one time, because I'm also afraid to call people. We have a group of friends who do charity with more than a dozen people from many different backgrounds, including business people, civil servants... for work, because we have met, loved and have done charity together for many years." Interview of MC Quyen Linh, when shared, made many people admire the charitable and prestigious way of the "national" male MC.

Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes - Photo 3

Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes - Photo 4

Recently, on a livestream, artist Quyen Linh shared his journey home after a charity trip, before Saigon's curfew to prevent epidemics. He said: "Saigon is about to curfew and I'm on my way home to deliver rice. It's already 5pm and it's only an hour away and Saigon will start the curfew.

The situation is quite stressful, Saigon has never been like today, it seems close but not close at all, but we still have to strictly follow it so that the epidemic is repelled in the most effective way. As you can see, the roads in front of me are all locked so it's quite difficult to find the way home at this moment.

Almost everyone is at home, so it's okay, I'm the only one who has a job to deliver rice, so I'm out on the street right now. Some cars jumped onto the sidewalk to get over the fence, but I didn't dare. I will find other ways to get home. This is quite difficult, the biggest problem is finding the way home, like playing chess.

I am walking on the most expensive and central streets of Saigon such as Nguyen Hue, Dong Khoi, where normally crowded with people but now empty, no people. All roads are locked, proving that this time the government will do it very seriously and I believe that the results will be good, the epidemic will be repelled.

Many people worry about whether they can buy food when locking the road like that, but rest assured, the army will buy food for everyone. I know, people everywhere are heading to Saigon. The state will take full care of the people of Saigon, many support packages have already been deployed, so everyone can rest assured."

Next, MC Quyen Linh confided about the difficulties in his charity work. The male artist said: "And you can see that, because of this situation, the process of doing charity is not easy. Sometimes I go to very close places to give gifts, but it takes two hours to arrive.

Many people texted me asking for support here and there, but I couldn't come, I didn't know when I arrived. Going to charity at this stage is not easy at all, so I hope everyone can understand me. But everyone, stay where you are, don't worry because the government has already calculated it, they will knock on the door to bring food, no one will go hungry."

After nearly an hour of not being able to find the way home, MC Quyen Linh thought of a way to go to a temple and ask to stay at home. Nam Mc shared: "I've tried everything, but I can't find my way home. In the difficult situation, I can't come back, so I can go to the temple to ask for help. This temple is quite familiar to me because it is here. where there is a volunteer kitchen of monk Minh Phu, for the past few decades, he has been cooking for me to distribute to everyone.

In the temple, he is also setting up an altar to pray for everyone. Here, I feel very secure because he always cooks enough to provide for the homeless people who come."

Quyen Linh's share made the online community ecstatic and loved him even more - an MC with the best heart and the best in Vietnamese showbiz.

Quyen Linh shared about the time when he called for a charity to remember his life, he had to close his account after 10 minutes - Photo 5

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