Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh?

Hồng HạnhJul 30, 2021 at 22:02

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After the divorce, Trieu Le Dinh constantly returned to her home in Shanghai, the reason was because Phung Thieu Phong left a super villa worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

After 3 months of divorce, Trieu Le Dinh and Phung Thieu Phong still make the media and fans follow every step closely. Every move of the two artists became a topic of discussion on MXH. Many fans still expect that the actress surnamed Zhao can reunite with her ex-husband and rebuild a complete family home.

However, in another development, on page 163 on July 29, there was an article r.evealing in detail the share of the couple's estate after the divorce. It is worth mentioning, page 163 has the headline that, Phung Thieu Phong bit his teeth to "bear a loss" in front of his ex-wife.

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 1

According to the source, after the divorce, Trieu Le Dinh constantly returned to her home in Shanghai, the reason was because Phung Thieu Phong left a super villa worth hundreds of millions of yuan (equivalent to hundreds of millions of yuan). billion dong) for his ex-wife, on the contrary, despite losing the villa, the actor surnamed Phung has a son.

However, according to page 163, Phung Thieu Phong did not lose to Trieu Le Dinh in this inheritance war, the reason was because the ex-husband of the beauty surname Trieu was a famous young master, life has never had to be. worry about making m.oney. The couple has a total of 17 companies under their management but all operate independently, so they are not involved in the division of assets.

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 2

Sohu page also shared the latest photo of Phung Thieu Phong at a real estate transaction office. After the divorce, the actor is old, decrepit and clearly worn out. Sohu page asked if Phung Thieu Phong was about to buy a new house for himself.

Phung Thieu Phong's real name is Phung Uy, born on October 7, 1978 in Shanghai. He is a famous actor in China and Asia. At the age of 40, Phung Thieu Phong is still stylish and pompous, he was also said to be a showbiz girl-killer actor when he constantly dated many bright female stars.

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 3

Besides, the super terrible family of Phung Thieu Phong is also a topic of interest to many viewers. Phung Thieu Phong is the sole heir of a three-generation businessman family with a reputation in the textile industry. The family fortune of the Phung family is estimated to be worth more than 1 billion yuan (about 3 thousand 500 billion dong).

Not only is the "owner" of a famous Chinese textile corporation, but also owns a series of media companies such as Phong Mang Film and Television Company, Film and Television Company. Dong Uy, Danh Phong Film and Television Company, etc. At the same time, he is also a shareholder of 7 other companies including Lac Thi Film Company, Hao Han Film Company.... The actor once said that he was never interested in the actor's salary, but only focused on the script.

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 4

Sina assessed that Phung Thieu Phong was born with aristocratic temperament. He is suitable for the roles of princes and young masters on the screen. The actor's real-life image. Phung Thieu Phong is also the only c.hild in a wealthy family for three generations.

Favorable start-up, Phung Thieu Phong increasingly asserted his position in showbiz. He has many highly rated films, attracting audiences. Among them can be mentioned the Palace of the Emerald Heart, the Flower Woman, Lan Lang Vuong, the Beauty of the Heart, Dil Nhan Kiet: The Four Heavenly Kings, The Bride War.

Phung Thieu Phong is also associated with the image of Tang Tang on the big screen when appearing in Journey to the West: The National C.hild and Journey to the West: Three times to beat Bach Cot Tinh.

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 5

Trieu Le Dinh is an actress who also belongs to the list of not-so-medium earners. The actress is in the name of 6 companies, including the cultural representative office in Nanjing, the representative office of the Xinyi film and television company in Nanjing, and the Lam Sac Phat Diem Cultural Co., Ltd. In Jiangsu, there are also shares in film companies Hai Nhuan, Dao Thao Hung, "Sam Sam" Le Dinh also entered the top 13 Cbiz artists with a total income of Forbes with an amount of 104 million yuan. (about 364 billion VND).

Phung Thieu Phong "suffers a loss" after his divorce with Trieu Le Dinh? - Photo 6

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