Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz

Hà HàJul 30, 2021 at 15:15

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"Princess Confucius" Kim Qiao Xao used to be a very famous character loved by the audience in the classic movie Journey to the West 1986. In real life, the actress is also one of the "Queens of Thi Phi" rank. Best Cbiz with a series of seals for a lifetime.

Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz - Photo 1

Having "princess disease" because of Journey to the West

Kim Cao Cao was born in 1975 in a religious family in Shenyang (China). With both parents being university lecturers, the actress was brought up in an intellectual environment from a young age, and at the same time soon revealed her artistic talent.

From the age of 11, Qiao Xao was oriented on the path of a professional ballet dancer. In 1994, Jin Qiaoqiao passed the entrance exam to Beijing Film Academy. With beautiful beauty, she became a goddess in the hearts of many boys studying at the same school. Kim Chieu Chieu and Tuong Can Can, Tran Tu Ham were voted as the "3 golden flowers of the Northern Palace" at that time. She has participated in competitions and won many great p.rizes. However, the actress then chose another turn as an actress.

The b.ig turning point in Kim's acting career was when he met director Duong Khiet. Possessing a slim body, delicate face and methodical dancing ability, Qiao Xao has certain advantages when it comes to acting. These advantages are also recognized by director Duong Khiet. She took the initiative to invite her to join the film crew "Journey to the West" with the role of Princess Kongbo without having to audition.

After that, thanks to the role of Princess Kong Tuoc, the actress's name became famous. Although she only appeared in one episode, the image of the princess with her elegant demeanor and graceful dance captivated Tang Tang, making viewers unable to help but fall in love. Since then, she has been "chosen to send gold" by directors to play the princess in many hit movies.

Unfortunately, after Princess Kong Tuoc, Kim Chieu Xao even participated in many other great works such as: The Legend of the Congregation, Hope, the brilliant Xuan Quang Tru Bat Gioi, Duong Quy Phi's secret history ... but still did not create resonate.

His career was a mess, but Kim Xao Xao made a splash in the market of dramas. Perhaps due to often playing the role of a princess, in real life, Kim Qiao Qiao also considers herself a golden leaf. When participating in a TV, she said, "It's easy for me to play the princess role. My aura is very suitable for this role. But if I play the role of a countryman, I have to bear it. My face Looks sharp, fashionable like that, playing the role of a country person is not suitable." These words caused her to receive hail from the public, criticized as "princess disease".

Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz - Photo 2

Love life

At the age of 23, Kim Xao Xao met actor Ngo Khai Hoa while participating in a TV The handsome male "Ỷ Thien Do Long Ky" actively pursued and quickly won the heart of the beauty. When they first fell in love, the couple did not hesitate to affection and sweet gestures for each other in public. They are praised by the press and public opinion as "talented boys and girls".

However, Ngo Khai Hoa, who is a famous romantic man in showbiz, once had an unfinished marriage with a rich Thai lady, so their love was not considered by the audience. important.

In 2002, at Kim Xo Xao's birthday party, "Truong Vo Ky" proposed to the beautiful woman: "Not only diamonds and fresh flowers, there is also a long-term rice voucher named Ngo Khai Hoa. again". After a successful marriage proposal, Ngo Khai Hoa also went to the house to greet Kim Cao Cao's parents. The actor publicly stated, "As long as Kim Qiao Qiao can quit his job in the mainland, I will marry her right away."

However, this love affair lasted only 2 years. When they broke up in 2002, Ngo Khai Hoa "turned over" to assert that he was with Kim Cao Cao just for the sake of responsibility and never wanted to marry her. This caused Kim Qiao Xao to be seriously hurt, she kept silent for more than a year to heal her heartache.

Later, Kim Qiao Qiao revealed that the breakup was her fault. When this couple quarreled, Kim Qiao Qiao's attitude and actions made Ngo Khai Hoa extremely disappointed. As an arrogant person, every time he gets angry, Kim Qiao Qiao often hides and "disappears", does not pay attention to others, does not listen to explanations and eventually leads to a breakup.

Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz - Photo 3

However, after breaking up for a year and a half, Ngo Khai Hoa has a new girlfriend but still participates in a movie invested by Kim Chieu Xao. Who would have thought, during filming, Ngo Khai Hoa was caught in a scandal of scandalous p.rostitution. Specifically, the TVB actor went to the bar, found 3 girls and took them to the hotel. When he was stopped by the guard, he kept the most beautiful g.irl and said, "It's okay to instruct one person, right?".

The whole thing was recorded by the reporter and published the next day. This scandal completely destroyed Ngo Khai Hoa's image, broke up with his girlfriend and his career collapsed. However, a source said that Ngo Khai Hoa's scandal was staged by Kim Cao Cao to destroy the reputation of his ex-boyfriend and propagate a new movie.

In 2009, Kim Xao Xao was caught up in the market again when he was "unmasked" to have a relationship with the giant Hoang Quang Du, and at the same time, he was dating Ngo Khai Hoa and his son. She immediately denied it and filed a lawsuit against the informant to court. However, the image of Kim Qiao Xao was still heavily affected by the incident.

When she participated in Concubine Biet Co produced by Truong Quoc Lap, she was rumored to be dating the director with the surname Truong. That year, it was reported that Dang Tiep, Truong Quoc Lap's wife, caught her husband dating a young actress but accepted it because she did not want to affect her husband's career.

Not only that, Kim Xo Xao was once considered a luxury call g.irl when she accidentally lost her personal phone in 2010. "My phone was unfortunately lost, there are many photos inside, anyone who finds it please ask. Don't share. Those who pick it up, if they immediately return it, will have a reward," Kim Qiao Xao suddenly announced. This information makes the online community curious about what is contained in the phone. The very next day, someone announced: "Picked up a mobile phone that probably belonged to Kim Qiao Qiao, inside there were some expensive photos and messages."

Accordingly, a message on Kim's phone has leaked content on social networks: "Miss Kim, my boss likes you very much and wants to have a dinner with you alone. I hope you have You can agree. The m.oney you give it at any price, any amount is fine. We don't haggle." Messages from her and the giants were spread widely on the internet, causing public opinion to shake their heads in disgust.

After that, the beauty "Journey to the West" also replied that she was not that type of person and if she wanted to talk about work, she could consider it. When interviewed, the beauty "Journey to the West" said: "I have encountered many things like this, each time I have rejected it categorically" but the public still does not stop questioning what she is " concubine" luxury, go to the giant wine.

Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz - Photo 4

The "bleaching" phase is super harsh in middle age

At the end of 2012, Kim Xao Xao revealed her pregnant belly and said that the father of the b.aby is the rich CEO Vu Dong of Bona movie company. It is known that Vu Dong was a poor b.oy, fortunately caught the "blue eyes" of the rich lady Tang Le. Vu Dong for many years has been recognized by the public as a man who "relies on" his wife to get rich. Who would have thought that, after becoming rich, Vu Dong revealed his romantic nature, often h.anging out with famous beauties.

This made Tang Le extremely angry and wanted a divorce. While Vu Dong took the "after picture" Vien Lap to attend the event, hugging him intimately, causing netizens to think that Vien Lap was the one who sat firmly on the chair of the rich hostess, who would have guessed that soon, Kim Chieu Xao is the one with Vu Dong to attend the 67th Cannes Film Festival in the name of "Mrs. Vu". Netizen thinks that perhaps the first daughter is the "secret weapon" that makes Kim Qiao Qiao win in this war of favors.

The fact that Kim Cao Cao dated Vu Dong while he was not divorced and was in the process of having a property and c.hild custody dispute with his ex-wife also made her criticized as the minor three who broke the happiness of other people's families. Not to mention, Vu Dong's ex-wife also revealed that around 2007, there was a female star "line 3" (known to many people, but her career was not very developed) who often called at midnight, crying and telling stories. that I'm pregnant. This person is suspected of being Kim Chieu, but she denied it and even challenged: "Who said I'm a minor? Get proof, I'll give you 100,000 yuan."

In 2011, Kim Cao Cao successfully entered the moat, and quickly gave birth to the giant Vu family, a son and a daughter. This marriage brought Kim Qiao many things. From a B-class actress with many markets, the 7x actress became a powerful woman in the entertainment industry, sought after by the media, and loved by many artists.

After marrying Vu Dong, Kim Chieu Xao's life turned to a new page that made everyone jealous. She still occasionally plays a few movies, the rest of the time, she spends her time practicing yoga, traveling and playing sports... and especially focuses on taking care of the home, supporting her husband's career. . Although her husband still has "hidden" relationships with many other women, Kim Cao Cao still does not care, even speaking out to preserve her husband's image in front of the media.

She also became secretive, without any more scandals. Every time she appears with her husband at the event, Kim Xao Xao is always the focus of attention with billion-dollar jewelry as a reminder to her husband's "rumored lover" that she is the "oldest lady" of their family. Vu.

Being an intelligent person, Kim Chieu Chieu skillfully borrowed her husband's relationships to develop her own career, got to know the "face-to-face" characters in the entertainment and business world. In the birthday party of Kim Chieu Xao as well as her son, there were the presence of "big men and women" such as the family of tycoons Huong Hoa Cuong, Chuong Tu Di, Ngo Kinh, Ly Lien Kiet, ...

In a rare appearance on television, Kim Qiao Qiao once choked to say that her life was full of troubles, entangled in too many markets: "I don't intend to explain right and wrong because those things are useless. If people I hated it, even if you breathe, they have a reason for them to criticize and bash. I'm glad that my family and husband always understand and sympathize."

Now, although she is over 40, the old screen beauty has not shown any signs of fading, still retaining her spring features, reminiscent of the beautiful princess Kong Tuoc in the hearts of the audience. Qiao Qiao also cut off her gentle long hair to pursue a strong, personality style. This image is appropriately evaluated and attached to her for many years.

Kim Chieu "Journey to the West 1986" as a minor tam, a call g.irl and the most harsh bleaching phase in Cbiz - Photo 5

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