Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men?

Hoàng PhúcJul 07, 2022 at 09:25

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According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Mai, some colleagues' statements defending the two artists without any conclusions from the Spanish authorities not only look down on men but also indirectly harm women themselves. , making them victims.

The case of two artists Ho Hoai Anh and Hong Dang accused of r.aping a 17-year-old British g.irl on the island of Mallorca (Spain) has become the focus of public opinion in recent days. To date, Spanish authorities have not reached a conclusion on the case.

Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men? - Photo 1

It is worth mentioning that when the local authorities are still in the investigation process, many domestic artists have defended and defended the two aforementioned artists. The statements of Kieu Thanh, actors Kim Oanh, Binh An ... received criticism from the online community for hastily defending, deviant views.

In which, Meritorious Artist Kieu Thanh (Hanoi Drama Theater) is an artist who received a l.ot of criticism from fans after speaking about "man culture" (a word used by the actress) related to the case of Ho Hoai. Anh, Hong Dang.

Specifically, she wrote: "Men who go abroad never try... If they are not active, they are also influenced by friends or fans who invite and donate. In foreign countries, you develop early puberty from 12, 13 years old. When two handsome guys became famous, it became a b.ig deal. Maybe if it was a normal person, the other g.irl would be "ok".

Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men? - Photo 2

After the audience's reactions, Kieu Thanh deleted the share on her personal page. But the female artist did not apologize or make any other moves about the controversial statement. Singer Crystal was also criticized for the same perspective as her senior. She stated her point of view: "Men who don't play girls are strange, just black, forget about red, nothing to be shocked about. That's life".

In addition, actor Kim Oanh is also an artist who directly challenges public opinion, publicly defending the two artists who are entangled in the accusations.

"We're all imperfect humans living in an imperfect world. So I'm defending my friends, I'm defending my colleagues. So what? My friends are right, I'm defending too. If I do it wrong, I'll defend it, I'll defend it when I'm stupid," Kim Oanh wrote.

Not only Kim Oanh, Kieu Thanh, another face, actor Binh An also shared: "Please allow me to unfriend those who do not share the same opinion. It's really scary people like that. Right or wrong, it's not clear yet. slander each other. Laugh at one person the day before, the next day, someone laughs."

Talking with Zing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Mai - teaching and researching Multicultural Communication/Management at the Faculty of Economics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands - said that Kieu Thanh and Pha Le's statements are examples of "toxic masculinity" and internalized sexism.

Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men? - Photo 3

"First of all, it's a way of 'stretching chopsticks', grouping tens of millions of Vietnamese men into one basket. The statement said that promiscuity, adultery, clumsy eating outside, and finding strange things are part of it. the nature of all men. Those who are not sure are probably not real men. It is also an idea that looks down on men, placing them at the level of instinct instead of bravery, looking at them as s.ex hungry males. It excludes civilized, faithful men, men who pursue different values than the superficial prosperity of flesh and skin," said Dr. Nguyen Phuong Mai.

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Phuong Mai, the above statements not only look down on men but also indirectly harm women themselves, making them victims. In the case of a woman being sexually assaulted, she is the one responsible for her failure to protect herself. Furthermore, the normalization of men's f.ornication turns wives into potential victims.

"I wonder if there is a famous artist who dares to declare that 'adultery' is a woman's culture? That women at home eat sweet potatoes all the time, so they always want to go abroad to try potatoes? who degrades the reason and bravery of women like that. Men are human too. The essence of the word 'man' is not necessarily ugly. They deserve to be respected and evaluated on a scale. fairer, more civilized", said Dr. Nguyen Phuong Mai.

Author I'm a Donkey concludes: "We shouldn't turn wrong into right, turn black into white, normalize promiscuity, normalize deception, change the color of adultery, 'try the strange'. and f.ornication into a culture (man), change the color of self-indulgence, indulgence into the nature of the species (man), swap concepts to redefine what it is to be a rational person".

Meanwhile, from the perspective of historian Duong Trung Quoc - a former member of the National Assembly term XI, XII, XIII, XIV, the fact that many artists spoke out in defense of Ho Hoai Anh and Hong Dang when the authorities of the Spain has not yet reached a final conclusion on the case, showing a lack of calm, haste and lack of understanding of the law.

Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men? - Photo 4

"I think that all opinions, whether defending or condemning at this time, are hasty. Everything is not clear. We need to wait for the final conclusion from the authorities of the host country. Moreover, the case This does not happen in the country, so each individual when speaking must be cautious when looking, observing, evaluating, not feeling," said Mr. Duong Trung Quoc.

When asked about the incident of Ho Hoai Anh and Hong Dang being accused of r.ape in Spain, historian experts said that the biggest lesson for each person is education, living without letting go. At the same time, when coming to another country, each individual needs to be equipped with knowledge about the law, culture and customs of the place he or she is coming from.

Statements of Kieu Thanh and Kim Oanh about Hong Dang and Ho Hoai Anh harm women and despise men? - Photo 5

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