O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky"

NắngDec 28, 2022 at 09:31

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Recently, the owner of the song Tuy Am, Xesi, drew attention when he voiced his frustration that singer Ngoc Mai, also known as O Sen, had brought his song to perform without permission in an event. recent music.

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 1

Immediately after Xesi's post, singer Ngoc Mai had a long post on her personal page about this story. The main content of the post is Ngoc Mai asserting that Xesi accused her of bringing Tuy Yin to sing without permission, misunderstanding the essence of the story and giving arguments to find a suitable solution.

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 2

Immediately after Ngoc Mai's share, her husband Quoc Nghiep also had a reaction that attracted attention. Specifically, under Ngoc Mai's rather long post, Quoc Nghiep left a comment: "Touching Osen is touching Osin already". Quoc Nghiep's humorous reaction made many people laugh, but also admired when he was not ignorant of his wife's noise with other artists.

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 3

Quoc Nghiep is known as a talented circus artist of Vietnam, having recorded many world records with his brother Quoc Co. In particular, Quoc Nghiep also has a happy life with his wife, singer Ngoc Mai, one of Vpop's outstanding Coloratura Lirico Soprano voices.

When O Sen Ngoc Mai won the final of "The Masked Singer", circus artist Quoc Nghiep expressed his support for his wife on the artistic path, letting him retire as the rear.

Quoc Nghiep said that in the final night of The Masked Singer, the first season, standing under the stands, he held his phone to record his wife's competition while crying because of emotion. Watching Ngoc Mai perform, he recalled over the years, she watched him succeed at domestic and international awards, while she had to trade her career at home to take care of her husband and children.

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 4

Circus artist Quoc Nghiep confided: "At that time, I fully understood the feeling that Mai had to suffer. I felt that I was too small, I loved my wife more. When I went to the competition, I did not dare to think about Mai w.inning the championship. or whatever, I just hope she can stand on the stage and sing. She shines just once. I promised Mai after I complete the national mission, I will return Mai to her right place The final final was that position. I believe Mai will go further. I've been standing in the dark for too long. You have to step out into the light. I'll come back and be the osin for you."

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 5

Talking about her husband, O Sen Ngoc Mai is proud: "My wife and I have been through many things. After all, I have always loved him because his heart is good. He is not handsome but sincere. honest and frank.

He is very affectionate. Several times when I took my wife to the show, I sang inside while he chatted with the security guard and kept the car. When he saw their clothes torn, he brought them a gift; when he saw that their hands and feet were bruised, he gave them massage oil.

Sometimes, I get annoyed by my husband's carelessness. He used to make jokes, Mom, Mai said this to her... making her misunderstand me, the whole family would get used to it later. He is carefree but not heartless, irresponsible."

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 6

The singer said that she and her husband informed each other whatever they did. She said: "Anh Nghiep can do all the housework, wash dishes and clean the house. He is also very good at taking care of children, taking care of bathing, changing diapers... Marrying Mr. Nghiep is very profitable!

My wife and I like to eat on the sidewalk and sidewalk. Unknowingly, he remembered the cup of coffee he once coveted in the cold, and we went there to drink together. We also drink cow's milk, eat sponge cake...

The couple is very funny, can tease each other and laugh all day. Sometimes, we argue, go to bed with a temper, but the next morning, I can't remember what happened yesterday."

In particular, O Sen said: "We made a contract: Even though we were angry, we had to sleep in the same bed, we couldn't sleep elsewhere; we had to greet each other when we were angry, kiss goodbye when the other left the door. How many times have I gritted her teeth and kissed her husband in anger.

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 7

Of course, sometimes I flip the bet! (laughs) I went straight to the door and said loudly: I went to work and saw you standing there mumbling: Great, dare to flip the b.et, I'm really angry but I can't help laughing. Another flip-flop was when my husband saw me off at the airport. In front of the crowd, he closed his lips and waited for a kiss. Of course, I have to break the rules!

Years of love, we are very angry, very tired. When they became husband and wife, it was difficult for them to stay angry with each other for long. In addition to love, husband and wife also have love and respect, so they understand each other better. Children are used to parents kissing. Even the children who came out the door kissed their parents."

O Sen Ngoc Mai constantly encountered variables, her husband spoke up and said a "green" sentence that made people "sneaky" - Photo 8

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