H.ot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse"

Nam PhươngJul 28, 2021 at 15:05

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Constantly receiving mixed comments, Phi Nhung still courageously called for charity.

More than a month since the m.oney scandal with adopted son Ho Van Cuong. Phi Nhung was forced to postpone her flight to the US due to the influence of Covid-19. During this time, the voice of "Bong Madden" regained her spirit, she actively participated in cooking rice and giving gifts to charity.

On the morning of July 28, Phi Nhung suddenly announced that the amount previously called for had bought 4 genuine American ventilators. The singer hopes that everyone can join hands to continue to buy more ventilators and support people in difficult situations. However, this action of Phi Nhung received many negative comments, requiring a clear statement to be made public.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 1

Specifically, on Fanpage with more than 3 million followers, Phi Nhung shared that:

"Everyone, good news for the morning. I called and I got 4 genuine American ventilators. Waited for nearly 10 days, now I'm back. If any Motherland loves patients, please let them know. please support my people

If you give me, contact me on Facebook so I can call you back. Because of the patient's breathing, I don't care if anyone thinks I'm ugly, I can curse. Your stubborn face still calls for help, help the people first, sponsors at home and abroad.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 2

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 3

Today is also the day of Mother Quan The Am, so the Fathers at home and abroad are happy to help their relatives. Now every hospital is short of ventilators, field hospitals are even more severely lacking, hope relatives at home and abroad will support the people. My whole family pulled down to see the ventilator. Thank you very much, MTQs."

Accordingly, Phi Nhung announced that she had received 4 American ventilators to help individuals with Covid-19 to survive and return to normal life soon: "Everyone, good news for the morning. Called and I also got 4 genuine American ventilators. Waited for nearly 10 days, now I'm back."

In the center of criticism, Phi Nhung was questioned about twice calling for relief in the Central region in October 2020 and October 2016. Although she promised to update the charity situation continuously to make it easier for people to follow, so far Phi Nhung has not publicly released the disbursement statement.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 4

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 5

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 6

The first time took place in October 2016, Phi Nhung called for help for people in the Central region affected by storms and floods. Until October 17, 2016, the singer informed the online community that the current amount was nearly 1 billion dong, including 100 million of her personal, 100 million of singer Maya.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 7

On October 24, 2016, Phi Nhung and her son Ho Van Cuong personally went to the Central region to provide relief. According to the female singer, she gave 500 gifts, 1 million VND each, equivalent to 500 million VND. Worth mentioning, this is a charity trip to Phi Nhung with the brand. Combining Phi Nhung's trip as a brand representative with the disbursement of relief funds from the community caused fierce controversy because of its lack of transparency.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 8

Notably, after announcing that she had given away 500 gifts, the female singer did not post a disbursement statement. At the same time, the public also wondered how the remaining 500 million VND out of the 1 billion VND donated by donors was. Up to the present point of life, this incident has passed 5 years.

Hot: Phi Nhung accepts "tough face", continues to call for charity: "Anyone can curse" - Photo 9

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