Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, what's going on?

Tuyết NgọcDec 14, 2024 at 17:17

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In 2024, Vietnamese showbiz continuously witnessed a series of scandals that seriously affected the image of artists, from personal life to career. The two most notable names are probably Dam Vinh Hung and Negav.

On the evening of May 5, Dam Vinh Hung held a live show called "Ngay Em Thap Sao Troi" in Ho Chi Minh City. During this performance, the male singer wore an outfit by designer Tuan Tran, and nothing would have happened if the outfit did not have the "strange" emblems.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 1

Immediately after the live show, the outfit that Dam Vinh Hung wore immediately received backlash from the audience. Many opinions said that the badges on the shirt contained sensitive messages related to history. In response to the wave of public opinion, on July 10, the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City decided to administratively fine Mr. Dam for wearing a strange badge in the live show "Ngay Em Thap Sao Troi".

Accordingly, Dam Vinh Hung was banned from performing for 9 months and fined 27,500,000 VND for "administrative violations in performing arts using costumes, words, sounds, images, movements, means of expression, performance forms and behaviors contrary to good customs and traditions".

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 2

Recently, Mr. Dam was also involved in a lawsuit with Mr. Gerard Richard Williams II (singer Bich Tuyen's husband). Initially, the male singer filed a lawsuit against the American billionaire and demanded compensation for the loss of several toes that occurred on February 19 for a huge amount of money. However, in early December, he suddenly withdrew the lawsuit and stopped suing the other party.

It seemed like everything had gone smoothly, but no, Mr. Gerard countersued Dam Vinh Hung, demanding an apology and $1 in compensation. The case is still not settled, the singer of "Vung Troi Binh Yen" only has 18 days left to satisfy the technology businessman. Otherwise, he will have to go to court.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 3

Another incident that has received no less attention is the scandal of Negav's inappropriate speech - a member of the GERDNANG team with HIEUTHUHAI. The male rapper had participated in a number of entertainment programs such as "Brilliant Journey" before causing a stir at "Anh Trai Say Hi".

During the competition, although he did not have outstanding talent like many singers of the same age, Negav still attracted a large number of fans by building the image of "Ut Kho" innocent and pure. It was not until the program ended and he held a concert in Ho Chi Minh City that the male rapper received strong backlash for his controversial statement about dropping out of school.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 4

Next, netizens enthusiastically "excavated" offensive comments on social networks and a series of posts on the "wet tissue" chat group with vulgar, unacceptable images and language of Negav, causing the "innocent" and "pure" image he had built to completely collapse.

In early October 2024, Negav was officially called for a widespread "boycott", with only his fans still standing by him. Faced with the wave of anger from the audience as well as the "turnaround" of many brands, the male rapper was forced to withdraw from the Anh Trai Say Hi D-2 concert in Ho Chi Minh City.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 5

After 2 months of hiding due to his noisy statements, on December 7, Negav returned to the concert Anh Trai Say Hi D-3 and 4 in Hanoi. Although he was cheered and enthusiastically received by fans, the male rapper disappointed with his performances. He was criticized for singing weakly live, having to use backtracks and dancing wrongly countless times. For many audiences, it is difficult for the "youngest member of GERDNANG" to regain his image after the scandals.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 6

Besides Negav, during the time Mr. Dam was "banned", another name also became the center of discussion on social networking forums, that is Nam Thu. The incident originated from a series of articles accusing the actress of being "baby 3", having an affair with a married homestay owner. Many pictures, messages, and chats believed to be between her and that man were spread at a dizzying speed.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 7

The scandal seriously affected Nam Thu's reputation and image. Between August and September 2024, the actress held a press conference to clarify, stating that she was the victim of the above accusations.

The "first wife" side did not give up, continuously declaring to "release" more evidence about Nam Thu. The case dragged on, without reaching a conclusion. The rumors and noise heavily affected the 8x actress and she was called for a boycott, with her work stagnating in 2024.

Negav was suddenly dragged into the Dam Vinh Hung scandal, a female star with the same fate, whats going on? - Photo 8

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