Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a bitter wife in the life of a Cao Khang wife

team youtuberMar 19, 2021 at 18:30

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At that time, watching his wife work until she was exhausted, but there was no complaint or complaint against her, Vuong Kha felt more and more incompetent. He repeatedly filed for divorce with the intention of freeing Liu Tao, but she did not agree.

Liu Tao was born in 1978, from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China. From the age of 15, she was recruited into the Civil Service Corps of the Nanjing Military Region Group. In 2000, the beauty entered the entertainment world as an advertising model. Luu Dao's delicate, gentle and pure beauty quickly caught the eye of many filmmakers. In the same year, she was invited to participate in the film The Khang family's daughter-in-law and received positive feedback from the audience about her acting.

After that, Luu Dao quickly became famous thanks to a series of popular works such as Hoan Chau 3 Ways, Red and Black 2000, The Last Royal Consort, Bach Xa Story, Princess Dali, Hoang Phi Hong and the five great disciples. , Magic sword life and d.eath period, Great character...

In which, the role of A Chau in Thien Long Bat Bo helped Luu Dao's career flourish. The success of the film brought the actress's name to a new level. In the 2000s, she became a favorite "historical film beauty" on the Chinese small screen.

With beautiful beauty, a successful career with countless film projects and a series of awards honoring acting, Luu Dao became the dream lover of many successful men. However, in 2008, at the peak of his career, Luu Dao declared "quit the game" to "follow him back to the palace".

Luxury wedding

Wang Ke and Liu Tao met by chance in an elevator at a hotel in Beijing. After a brief encounter, the two were struck by lightning in love. Vuong Kha - a tycoon who owns a fortune of $2.8 billion, but is also the most famous celebrity in the upper class, passionate about Luu Dao. He immediately asked everywhere to find the whereabouts of the beautiful g.irl in the elevator.

An acquaintance call and meeting appointment was quickly sent by Vuong Kha to the actress. One day after the fateful meeting moment, the beautiful Thien Long Bat Bo fell in love with the rich young man.

After 20 days of love, they registered their marriage and built a family together. Luu Dao's quick love story, and Liu Tao's hasty decision to put lifelong happiness in the hands of a man with many unknowns, was a topic of public discussion.

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Picture 1

The public at that time clicked their tongue to be sure that Luu Dao - Vuong Kha's love was a marriage imbued with the smell of m.oney, and soon broke up like many other showbiz women and giants. They also criticized the actress born in 1978 as a money-loving beauty despite her face, betraying her fiancé just to achieve the goal of entering the gate.

In January 2008, the couple's grandiose wedding in disbelief and gossip took place over four days at the hotel they first met, costing more than $600,000. With all the famous faces in the entertainment world. In addition, because Vuong Kha is a car enthusiast, almost his "happy day" becomes an auto full of super luxury and extremely expensive cars.

Wang Ke was born in 1980, is from Beijing but does business in Guangzhou. Information about him in the Chinese press is quite chaotic. Initially, it was said that Wang Ke was one of the "four young masters of Beijing" (also known as Beijing's four young masters), very rich, with a total fortune of up to 20 billion yuan. Many people also say, Wang Ke has a private jet Boeing 737 worth 500 million yuan. However, later, there were rumors that Vuong Kha came from a normal family, not a "young master". Moreover, Wang does not own a fortune of up to 20 billion yuan as reported by the media.

Although he does not have a huge fortune as rumored, one thing is for sure, Vuong Kha is a person with m.oney. Just looking at the cost of his and Liu Tao's wedding is enough to prove this. At that time, many people praised Liu Dao for being happy enough when he married a rich man who was young and handsome, not an old man who was at an "old and rare" like many long-legged marriages - giants other. However, the peaceful and happy days of Liu Tao with her rich husband did not last long.

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However, not long after enjoying a luxurious life, waves suddenly hit Luu Dao's family. In June 2009, a year after the lavish wedding, Wang Ke was sued for owed a woman 6.6 million yuan. Not long after, Quang Phat Bank sued because he owed 2.6 million yuan in his credit account. That was also the time when the information about the "true identity" of Vuong Kha was massively exploited by the press and confirmed that the giant Vuong Kha officially went bankrupt.

Although she has left the entertainment industry, Liu Tao is still a "public figure", that's why, the pressure that information about her husband's bankruptcy and petitions says that she is greedy The "fake" giants ... caused Liu Tao not to be small. However, the stormy waves in the married life of actress Liu do not only originate from the outside.

Stormy days

On her personal website, Luu Dao suddenly posted a very long article, sharing her experiences during the time when her husband's business began to go down. For Luu Dao, those were the most difficult and turbulent days in life.

The beautiful actress shared that, since 2008, due to the influence of the economic crisis, Vuong Kha's business both at home and abroad encountered many difficulties. In that situation, friends and relatives are ready to turn their backs on each other. That year, Vuong Kha was only 29 years old, too much pressure from work and life made him severely depressed. At that time, Liu Dao was in the US, so each month, Vuong Kha had to go back and forth many times between the two countries. The worries at work plus the time difference made him lose sleep severely and constantly had headaches. Sometimes even for 5 consecutive days he stayed awake. For more than half a year, Wang Ke had to take both painkillers and s.leeping p.ills to help him sleep.

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Picture 3

When he returned to Beijing, Wang Ke locked himself in his room, refused to go out all day, and did not eat or drink anything. Then, to Los Angeles, he just slept all day, even for half a month, he didn't leave his room. Like this for many months, his physical condition deteriorated, his personality also began to change, often babbling to himself, getting angry easily, throwing things, even yelling at her. At that time, Liu Tao could not talk to her husband, sometimes she could only watch him sleep and cry.

The things that Vuong Kha showed were completely different from the wedding day, making Liu Dao very painful and disappointed. She shared: "For a long time, I was like living with a dying person, with almost no communication with each other. People now have to rely on s.edatives to survive day by day completely different than compared to other people. young and pompous man in my wedding day."

In order to have m.oney to pay for her life and repay her husband's debt, Luu Dao returned to the entertainment industry despite facing hundreds of pressures, and being entangled with her husband's illness and small children. After 5 years of hard work with 25 films, there was even a time when she received up to 18 different roles in a year, Liu Tao completely paid off the debt of 57 million USD.

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Picture 4

At that time, watching his wife work until she was exhausted, but there was no complaint or complaint against her, Vuong Kha felt more and more incompetent. He repeatedly filed for divorce with the intention of freeing Liu Tao, but she did not agree.

The most horrifying experience of those months happened at the exact time she gave birth. That day, Vuong Kha took her to the hospital, suddenly he fell unconscious: "I saw him collapsing on the floor, his limbs convulsing, his mouth foaming... Doctors and nurses rushed to emergency, ask me if he has a history of epilepsy." During the months when I was in confinement, Vuong Kha was also lying on the hospital bed, and the hardships multiplied.

Through this period of crisis, Liu Tao decided to find a way to help her husband. As she watched him take up to a hundred tranquilizers a day, emaciated and boneless, she thought about helping him do it again. After that, with the help of the doctor, she quietly replaced the sedative with vitamins, traveled with him, listened to him talk, did his favorite thing, was driving. "I wanted to get him out of his heartache, to open up and stop thinking about d.eath."

After many months of efforts, Vuong Kha finally overcame the most difficult period. Now, after many days of despair, Liu Dao and Vuong Kha have found peace in their married life. "When I tell this story, I feel more and more in love with Vuong Kha," the actress ended her post like that.

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Photo 5

Luu Dao's good manners, coupled with her thoughtful and resourceful personality, helped her go from a money-loving, rich-loving beauty to a benevolent wife, "national daughter-in-law" of the Chinese public. Country.

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Photo 6

Luu Dao - The story of 20 years of being a wife in the bitterness of a Cao Khang wife - Photo 7

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