Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made people's hearts ache

Thiên DiDec 25, 2023 at 10:01

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After attracting attention when announcing the loss of their c.hild, Loc Fuho and his wife recently posted a picture of dismay as well as a notable sharing after the incident. The male YouTuber's status line received many comments from the online community.

In mid-June 2023, the online community was suddenly stirred by the information shared by YouTuber Loc Fuho about the loss of his unborn c.hild. Accordingly, he wrote on his profile: "Farewell, c.hild, you will always be my parents' c.hild."

This information immediately caused a stir among netizens. The lyrics sadly send condolences to Loc Fuho and his wife, hoping that they will both overcome their pain soon.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 1

Recently, Loc Fuho posted a photo of him and his wife sitting next to their second c.hild's grave. He prepared a plate of fruit, milk and flowers and then lit incense for his c.hild. Faced with that image, the online community could not help but feel saddened by the sad appearance of Loc Fuho and his wife.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 2

He confided: "You must be very cold this season. Waiting for the right day, your parents will build a beautiful grave for you." The male YouTuber's heartbreaking status line touched many people. It was easy to see that Loc Fuho's wife sitting next to him could not hide her sadness. Not only that, in the comments section, he nervously said: "If nothing happened, Loc's wife would have been 6 months pregnant by now."

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 3

Most people share and sympathize with the sadness and loss of him and his wife. The photo quickly received a large number of interactions, accompanied by many words of encouragement, hoping that Loc Fuho and his wife would soon overcome their sadness and return to normal life. Even the male YouTuber's wife left a comment below her husband's post: "Just try."

Along with words of encouragement, some opinions say that Loc Fuho and his family should leave the past in the past. As months pass, the pain will subside somewhat. He should not repeat it on social networks. . Some people have harsher words, criticizing that their deceased children post them on social networks to get views, and have the mood to take pictures,...

Previously, in May 2023, the male YouTuber happily shared that his wife was pregnant with their second c.hild. Eagerly looking forward to the b.aby's birth, Loc Fuho even went online to ask for advice on the b.aby's name.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 4

However, Loc Fuho said that since losing their c.hild, he and his wife have been vegetarian for many days. He and his mother-in-law took turns being in charge of cooking and taking care of his wife, who was still weak. Kim Thuy moved into the office to make it easier for her husband to take care of things. Regarding the happy pictures Loc Fuho posted earlier, the 9X b.oy said he still has to work to earn m.oney to support his family, and can't let himself be bored forever.

Loc Fuho affirmed that the happy and sad stories he and his wife shared on social networks are all true. " We don't act like everyone complains about. Is this a good story to get views? I'm very sad to hear such words ," he expressed.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 5

Loc Fuho's real name is Pham Van Loc (born 1994, from Khanh Hoa). He is known by the stage name Loc Fuho, is a Vietnamese male YouTuber, vlogger and internet phenomenon. Loc Fuho impresses with his honest speaking style and humorous and witty comments on social networks.

In September 2021, Kim Thuy - Loc Fuho's wife gave birth to her first b.aby girl by cesarean section. Loc Fuho always took good care of his wife during her pregnancy. He often buys delicious food for his wife to nourish, encouraging her not to be sad about her appearance changing after giving birth.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 6

After becoming a YouTuber, the handyman "changed his life" and began to have an extra income to improve his life. He received a response from a large audience because of his sincerity and simplicity. A well-off life also helped him "escape poverty", get married, have children, build a house, buy a car, and establish a company. Through the clips shared by the internet phenomenon, his company is operating stably.

Loc Fuho absent-mindedly mentioned his second lost c.hild, saying something that made peoples hearts ache - Photo 7

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