Kim Soo Hyun slipped in Meteor Garden, how is the opponent that year now?

Hậu HậuSep 20, 2021 at 11:36

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Possessing the highest salary for each movie currently in Korea, actor Kim Soo Hyun must be mentioned. Although acting in films is not much, but "the teacher" always retains his charm, is a face that can hardly be replaced by anyone in the Korean entertainment industry. With the success at the present time, few people expect that in the early years of building a career, Kim Soo Hyun also struggled to find a chance to act in films. He even participated in the casting of the blockbuster Meteor Garden and failed.

Kim Soo Hyun slipped in Meteor Garden, how is the opponent that year now? - Photo 1

It is known that he was cast in the role of Lee Min Ha, a young man who was saved by a "grass girl" in the first episode. Currently an actor possessing extremely flexible acting ability, who would have thought that that year, Kim Soo Hyun was eliminated because of unsatisfactory acting, but the winner he selected was Jung Eui Jung. Although he slipped in a classic blockbuster for a while, but then, Kim Soo Hyun had the opportunity to appear in Will It Snow On Christmas? and was recognized by the audience for his acting ability. After this movie, he gradually rose to become the national male lead of the Korean screen, received all the good scripts and almost never failed as a TV actor.

In fact, that year, the role that Kim Soo Hyun failed to play was not a key character in the movie, and the audience didn't even remember the existence of this character. In addition, the person who "beat" Kim Soo Hyun that year - the current actor Jung Eui Jung is not a prominent name, he even disappeared from the Korean entertainment industry. Comparing the two's careers, the audience thinks that slipping in Meteor Garden is sometimes a good fortune for Kim Soo Hyun.

Kim Soo Hyun slipped in Meteor Garden, how is the opponent that year now? - Photo 2

Currently, Kim Soo Hyun is also preparing to re-appear in the movie One Ordinary Day, starring alongside veteran actor Cha Seung Won. Recently, the film has revealed the first teaser. The film is a remake of the BBC's Criminal Justice. In the movie, Kim Soo Hyun plays Kim Hyun Soo - a handsome law university student. Kim Hyun Soo's normal life was suddenly turned upside down when he was accidentally accused of becoming the main suspect of a m.urder case. Cha Seung Won will be playing the role of Shin Joong Han, a lawyer who just passed his judicial exam and is the only one to help Kim Hyun Soo - while never asking him for the truth about what really happened last night. that fateful night.

In the released teaser, Kim Hyun Soo is in the dark as he enters the prison. As he turned toward the light, he said to himself, "Come to think of it, I think I saw a finger move." Meanwhile, Shin Joong Han rushes through a sea of reporters as he prepares to fight for Kim Hyun Soo. The film is slated to release in October in certain countries.

Kim Soo Hyun slipped in Meteor Garden, how is the opponent that year now? - Photo 3

After all the success he has today, although he is known as the golden hand in the village of choosing the script, Kim Soo Hyun also once lost miserably. Real is a rare failed film in Kim Soo Hyun's career, even considered the worst movie in history, a Korean box office disaster.

Massively promoted, praised by Kim Soo Hyun, but when it came to theaters, Real was called a waste product, bringing the team only 3 million dollars in revenue while the investment budget was up to 11 million dollars. . The audience called it "the worst movie in Korean history", that "other trash movies have to thank Real for how bad it is, Real is worse". Real is promoted as a drama about the underworld of a fictional city, where Jang Tae Yeong (Kim Soo Hyun) is the boss of a notorious gang and the owner of a large casino. At first glance, the script seems quite impressive, but in fact, the content of Real is considered to be completely cliché, the characters are redundant and the development is incoherent. The only bright spot of Real is probably Kim Soo Hyun's acting and showing off his body. The film failed to the point that when the "100% nude" scene was revealed during its screening in theaters, the audience clicked their tongue thinking that this was just a cheap trick to lure the audience. And of course, Real was then turned away even more heavily.

More surprising when Real is a "homemade" movie, that's because Kim Soo Hyun spent 7 million dollars out of his own pocket (out of a total budget of 11 million dollars) to make this movie with his cousin Lee. Sa Rang, the film's director. The cooperation of the two brothers Kim Soo Hyun is considered a typical example of a disaster for a family-style business. Because of this, Real is considered the most painful fall in Kim Soo Hyun's career as both an actor and an investor. And indeed, after Real, the audience did not see Kim Soo Hyun invest capital or act in any more movies. At that time, the netizen didn't know that the "teacher" wanted to be safe with his forte of good dramas and was still looking for a more worthy script to help him regain his honor on the b.ig screen.

Kim Soo Hyun slipped in Meteor Garden, how is the opponent that year now? - Photo 4

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