Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now she's asking the audience to let her go?

Sông TrăngMar 14, 2025 at 17:37

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On March 14, Kim Soo Hyun's management company announced that he was experiencing psychological instability after a series of scandals involving actress Kim Sae Ron. Accordingly, the company admitted that he had a relationship with Sae Ron but was not related to her departure.

"We plan to release evidence to refute all the information given by YouTuber Gaseyeon's group. But this morning, Kim Soo Hyun had a mental breakdown. We have to monitor him to make sure he is completely stable," Gold Medalist announced.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 1

The company confirmed that Kim Soo Hyun was extremely confused after Gaseyeon's livestream. The YouTuber group claimed that the actor was the reason for Kim Sae Ron's departure.

"After Gaseyoen's livestream ended on March 12, cars with cameras were parked in front of the company's door and parking lot from morning to night. They wandered around the house, putting psychological pressure on Kim Soo Hyun," the company representative asked for help.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 2

Gold Medalist also confirmed for the first time that Kim Soo Hyun dated Kim Sae Ron. "They fell in love in the summer of 2019, when Kim Sae Ron was an adult. The two broke up in 2020. It is not true that Kim Soo Hyun dated Kim Sae Ron when his girlfriend was a mino.r. The photo that has been circulating these past few days was taken in the winter of 2020. It is not true that the photo was taken when Kim Sae Ron was 16 years old," Gold Medalist responded.

This is considered the first official information about Kim Soo Hyun, after more than 4 days of being accuse.d by Garo Sero Institute of having secretly dated Kim Sae Ron and having many ungrateful and heartless actions towards the actress when she was alive.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 3

The public was extremely surprised by the uproar because just one day before, on the morning of March 13, Gold Medalist announced that it would give detailed responses the following week. On the morning of March 14, they surprised everyone with a written response detailing the entire incident.

However, this noise is expected to continue because the responses from Kim Soo Hyun are very different from the information released by Garo Sero Institute and Kim Sae Ron's family. Specifically, the management company said that Kim Soo Hyun dated Kim Sae Ron for just over a year, from summer 2019 to fall 2020, when the actress was an adult.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 4

The announcement from Gold Medalist Company also confirmed that Garo Sero Institute is trying to distort the truth, creating rumors from uncertain and difficult-to-verify information. It is not true that Kim Soo Hyun ignored Kim Sae Ron's financial problems.

Instead, the debt collection notices from the company to the actress were just a necessary procedure for debt clearance. The company has been trying to minimize the amount of compensation Kim Sae Ron has to pay after the drunk driving scanda.l. Gold Medalist also emphasized that Kim Soo Hyun was completely unaware of the problems between the company and Kim Sae Ron.

The management company said that Kim Soo Hyun was dragged into the noise, fabricated and turned into a "criminal" without any basis. Currently, the actor has shown signs of serious psychological instability and the company is taking measures to stabilize his mental state.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 5

After the management company's response, social media was abuzz with rumors that Kim Soo Hyun had secretly boarded a flight abroad. It is predicted that Kim Soo Hyun will likely "dive deep" into this scanda.l and give full authority to the management company to handle it.

The scanda.l involving Kim Soo Hyun is causing a stir in Korean public opinion. The actor is being attacked when Kim Sae Ron's family members claim that he is heartless, causing the chil.d star to leave on her own.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 6

Public opinion continuously criticized when Kim Sae Ron's aunt said that Kim Soo Hyun dated Kim Soo Hyun for 6 years, since November 2015. At that time, Kim Sae Ron was only 15 years old. This is the reason why the actress agreed to sign a contract with Gold Medalist - Kim Soo Hyun's new company.

When leaving the company, Kim Sae Ron caused an acciden.t and was lent 700 million won by Kim Soo Hyun. In March 2024, Gold Medalist sent a document asking Kim Sae Ron to return the mone.y. The actress asked her ex-lover for help but received no response. Kim Sae Ron posted a photo of her cheek-to-cheek with Kim Soo Hyun that shocked public opinion in mid-2024.

Livestream claimed that Kim Soo Hyun caused Kim Sae Ron to be depressed for many years, causing her to choose suicid.e on her ex-boyfriend's birthday.

Although Kim Soo Hyun denied dating Kim Sae Ron when she was under 18, the public was still outraged. The incident caused Kim Soo Hyun to suffer, with a series of major brands, including Dior and Shinhan, canceling their representative images. From an A-list star and the highest-paid TV actress, the actress of the Queen of Tears faced the biggest boycott of her career.

Where was Kim Soo Hyun when Kim Sae Ron was stuck, now shes asking the audience to let her go? - Photo 7

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