Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu

Hồng HạnhAug 02, 2021 at 14:42

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So handsome and famous, Huo Kien Hoa has many rumors of love with the top beauties of showbiz.

With a handsome appearance, elegant and calm style, Huo Kien Hoa is loved by netizens and given the title "old cadre" (meaning a person who lives discreetly and is strict with himself). However, in the past time, because of the scandals in his marriage with Lam Tam Nhu, the actor was suddenly searched by netizens for a series of scandals in the past.

It can be said that, thanks to his handsome appearance, "suck" the camera lens that Huo Jianhua soon became famous in his acting career. In 2002, he starred in his first film Picking the Stars, officially entering showbiz. With a handsome face, top-notch visuals and good acting, he quickly became famous with a series of hit movies such as Blue Sea Love Story, Thien Ha De Nhat, Tien Kiem Ky Hiep 3, Hoa Thien Cot, Nhu Y Truyen. ,...

Up to now, despite being over 40 years old, Huo Jianhua is still an attractive star on the media front. He still receives the attention of the public even though he lives a rather private life, rarely sharing his private life on social networks.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 1

So handsome and famous, Huo Kien Hoa has many rumors of love with the top beauties of showbiz. Among them are names like Hua Vy Luan - a beautiful beauty with a fate that until now, Huo Kien Hoa still cherishes old photos and also calls her "Eternal Angel in my heart", Lam Vi Quan, Truong Thieu Ham. , Diep Tuyen, Quan Chi Lam, Lou Nghe Tieu, Truong Mong ... However, Huo Kien Hoa has never confirmed the love rumors.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 2

In particular, "Dong Phuong Bui" Tran Kieu An is definitely the love interest of the actor surnamed Huo. When filming the movie Thien Kim 100%, Huo Kien Hoa fell in love with a female star 1 year younger than Tran Kieu An. The couple was also spotted by the media together going to the night market and shopping for l.ingerie. After their love "revealed", Tran Kieu An was "banned" by the management company, Huo Jianhua was also pinched by the Taiwanese media for offending the mafia.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 3

His career went downhill suddenly, Huo Jianhua was f.orced to enter the Mainland market and the love between him and Tran Kieu An also quickly fell apart. Half a year after the breakup, Huo Kien Hoa admitted to having dated the beauty of Destiny I Love You: "Tran Kieu An wants too many things but I can't give her".

However, in an interview, Huo Kien Hoa said that in everyone's heart there is an indelible lover: "In my heart there is always a place, no matter what happens in the future, I will definitely keep that position for that special person." Although Huo Kien Hoa did not specify who the "special person" was, netizens all thought that it was Tran Kieu An - the only girlfriend he publicly acknowledged.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 4

In 2006, Huo Kien Hoa and Lam Tam Nhu became acquainted when collaborating in the movie Metro. At that time, Hoac Kien Hoa fell in love with this beautiful g.irl with big eyes and lovely face, but unfortunately, Lam Tam Nhu had a boyfriend at that time. Perhaps because of unrequited unrequited love, Huo Kien Hoa treated Lam Tam Nhu very coldly. He was even awkward and embarrassed when acting out the kiss scene that they had to repeat many times over the course of 7 hours. For this reason, Lam Tam Nhu had a very deep impression of him.

In 2008, Lam Tam Nhu broke up with her 6-year-old boyfriend, Duong Quy Le and Huo Kien Hoa who were by her side, helping her overcome emotional trauma and become a close friend of the beauty. This.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 5

In 2011, Lam Tam Nhu played the role of producer for the first time with the movie Khuyen Thi Hoang Phi and invited Huo Kien Hoa to play the supporting role. However, he repeatedly refused with the reason of "can't arrange schedule", "long time no supporting actor". After much persuasion, Lam Tam Nhu was able to cooperate with this handsome man. During the filming, they developed feelings for each other and officially started dating.

In July 2015, Lam Tam Nhu shocked the whole Cbiz when she publicly announced that she was dating Huo Kien Hoa. The couple quickly held a fairy-tale wedding on the island of Bali, officially returning to the same house. However, becoming a parent after only 6 months has become a "fire starter" that sparked the drama Lam Tam Nhu "married to run to vote", "forced Huo Kien Hoa to get married".

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 6

Known for being a secretive person, cautious in relationships, hesitant to start a conversation with strange girls, Hoac Kien Hoa is loved by netizens and given the title "old cadre". But in fact, the actor made showbiz many times shaken with love scandals.

In 2013, the handsome Hoa Thien Cot suddenly got caught up in rumors of spending the night with a call g.irl. Specifically, a g.irl with a Weibo account named Ngu Vi Tan - a call g.irl who often goes to nightclubs - posted a post on social networks: "I'm so happy today. Finally, the idol came home. Unfortunately, he didn't let me take pictures because he was a top star in showbiz. However, I will never forget the sweet moments with him."

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 7

Although Ngu Vi Qin does not "show his name", netizens all think that the person mentioned here is none other than Huo Kien Hoa. Before that, the actor's manager had followed the Weibo account of Ngu Vi Tan, moreover, right after the shocking confession, Ngu Vi Tan also posted an image of Huo Kien Hoa's signature, which made people's love even more half believe half doubt. Although Huo Jianhua's Studio quickly denied the rumors, this scandal also partly made his image worse in the public eye.

And yet, Huo Kien Hoa is also said to be the third person to enter the love between Ly Than and Truong Hinh Du. In 2013, Huo Kien Hoa knew the s.exy beauty Truong Hinh Du at a party and soon, an unnamed friend of Ly Than said that the couple had spent the night together at a hotel in Hanoi. Chau. Netizens think that this is the reason why the couple Ly Than - Truong Hinh Du broke down.

After breaking up with Truong Hinh Du, Ly Than angrily posted on social networks: "Bless you and Huo Kien Hoa" but quickly deleted the post. Although Huo Kien Hoa's side quickly denied that there was a "love triangle", netizens still half believed and half doubted.

Those are stories of the past with unverified rumors. However, when looking back at her married life after marrying Lam Tam Nhu, Huo Kien Hoa's attitude also has many things to blame. When she first got married, Huo Jianhua often appeared with a "cold as money" face, while smiling at other beauties. This caused rumors that he was f.orced to marry everywhere. Not only that, the actor was also repeatedly spotted not wearing a wedding ring, sparking rumors of discord between the couple.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 8

When Lam Tam Nhu was pregnant, because of busy work, Huo Jianhua rarely returned to Taiwan. The image of beauty Hoan Chau Cach Cach alone struggled to carry a heavy suitcase at the airport while pregnant, causing a Weibo storm, making netizens extremely angry and sad, even a wave of criticism of Huo Kien Hoa did not concern for his wife and children was also aroused.

After this, it seems that this handsome man has learned from experience and spent more time taking care of his wife. The media many times caught him and his wife holding hands in a very sweet way in private moments or when attending events. It was thought that this couple would be perfectly happy together, but Huo Kien Hoa was suddenly accused of having a shady relationship with a 13-year-old junior Yangzi after collaborating in the film. He was suspected of "supporting" Duong Tu, making her pregnant and secretly having an abortion. While Yangtze vowed to use the law to regain his purity, Huo Jianhua remained silent in the midst of the storm of public opinion.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 9

It is worth mentioning that in the midst of countless scandals affecting the name and family happiness, Huo Jianhua is always silent, letting his wife and women involved stand out to respond. Lam Tam Nhu, after being rumored to be divorced too many times, had to come out and answer: "There are also rumors of a second pregnancy. How can I get pregnant after a divorce?"

However, the peace did not last long, and the couple Huo Kien Hoa - Lam Tam Nhu made fans extremely confused when both were caught arguing on the street by paparazzi. Huo Jianhua left helplessly, drove home first, leaving his wife to sit on the roadside sobbing in the rain. Although the actress explained that the two had disagreements and argued a few sentences, then she wanted to walk alone, but the public still condemned.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 10

The matter became more and more tense when netizens discovered that Lam Tam Nhu had deleted the photo taken with her husband on October 6 on social networks, closing the comment section of the Instagram account. Meanwhile, Huo Jianhua was caught with a tired face, a reluctant smile after arguing with his wife. This made the question of emotional problems, the marriage rift between them flared up all over the newspapers.

Recently, the couple continues to be said to have divorced and one of the reasons given is because the actor's career plummeted due to being controlled and restrained by Lam Tam Nhu.

After the birth of his first daughter, the actor almost did not have any activities in the entertainment world and his career almost stopped.

Although this information has not been verified, this information also makes people excited.

Huo Kien Hoa was exposed to the scandalous past: Made Duong Tu pregnant, cold with Lam Tam Nhu - Photo 11

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