Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger

Hoàng PhúcJun 02, 2022 at 14:58

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Duy Khuong became more known to the public after becoming a student of Tran Thanh and w.inning the championship of the Tieu Lam Arena competition. Behind the comedy repertoire that he brought to the stage, few people know that the young actor has experienced such events that he wants to retire.

Born at home, 4 months old, parents divorced

According to Duy Khuong's mother, when the actor was 4 months old, she and her husband divorced. Then she decided to bring 3 children back to Ho Chi Minh City, raising them alone.

"When I was pregnant with Khuong, I only ate bread and ice, and the smell of rice and sticky rice made me nauseous. Khuong's second sister is 42 years old, her third sister is 38 years old, only Khuong is "far away".

In the past, I followed my husband to Kien Giang, later moved to Binh Long. I work as a worker, go to shave rubber at 1 o'clock at night, have a vivacious ego, so I can be the leader. Since then, I shaved rubber latex to raise children.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 1

When I gave birth to Khuong, I was given 6 months of maternity leave. I gave birth at home, within half an hour Khuong was born. All 3 children, I lay "like a chicken".

Actually, Khuong and I are divorced. When Khuong was 4 months old, I brought 3 children back to Ho Chi Minh City, raising them alone.

In the past, there was a job of wrapping candy, I continued to wrap candy and then as long as I could make m.oney to support my children, I did it.

I don't like to walk anymore because when the c.hild is 18 years old, the mother is already old. Thinking like that, I cringed. I just said to myself, I already have enough sons and daughters, what more do I want.

I thought my c.hild was too effeminate, so I agreed to let him go to art school. If my c.hild likes it, I will spoil it, if it's not spoiled, I'll do whatever I want," Duy Khuong's mother revealed.

15 years in a rented house, used to have 23 billion in the account, was cheated by you until lost

Remembering the days of breathing, Duy Khuong said: "One day, my mother worked 3 jobs. Early in the morning, she got up to go to work at the factory. In the afternoon, she went to pack sweets. In the evening, her mother helped sell noodles and went to wash. cups or washes rented clothes for people.

From the time I was born, I knew that my mother was a hired worker. I was also mistaken that the house my mother rented was my mother's house, my family had a large number of people, ten rooms in the motel I thought were my family.

I greeted everyone in the inn, from the ground floor all the way up to my room at the bottom of the floor.

When I was in 5th grade, I discovered that I was living in a rented house, no one was related to me. Until I found out, I still didn't have a home of my own. My mother and I had to live through 9 rented houses and rented a house for 15 years.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 2

When I had m.oney, friends helped, in 2005 I returned to District 7 to buy a house, that house is also currently in.

My mother is a bit old-fashioned, she is afraid of everything, but I give her comfort, I also urge her to know this person, that person.

In 2016, I participated in the Jockey Arena competition. After that, I officially became an actor. In the past, I passed all 3 universities, a school of economics, a school of banking, a school of Theater - Cinema.

But the other two schools, passion is not b.ig enough. Second, I don't have m.oney, I can go to theater school to perform and advertise. The first remuneration I received was 150,000 VND, for me 150,000 VND is very large, enough for me to save m.oney to pay for house, electricity and water, food, and not to worry about my mother.

When I won the Champion of the Laughing Arena, I received 300 million VND, paid all 29 million VND in taxes, and gave the remaining 271 million VND to my mother.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 3

At that time, I pretended to be a g.irl a l.ot, I still remember my mother saying a sentence: "Now 10 daughters exchange for 1 son of mine, I do not change".

When I went to perform, I participated in a gameshow, and as soon as I ran out, I tripped and broke my leg. I stood up and continued to run, but my leg was turned upside down, broken 2 ankles on my right leg. At that time, I sat down and found that my legs were very strange, the soles of my feet turned to the sky.

People didn't know I broke my leg, thought I was joking. When I raised my leg, everyone was out of spirits, everyone ran out to help. At that time, I was very calm, did not tell my family. I had no m.oney i.n the hospital because I had just lost my property at that time.

At that time, I owed the bank 8.2 billion VND because I was cheated by a business friend. Before I broke my leg, I had 23 billion dong in my account, in 2016. At that time, I did a very good business, made m.oney and bought land, the price went up, I sold it and I was rich but I don't know why so much m.oney.

From a kid going to school by bus, to the moment I walked into the car showroom, took the most expensive car, buying it like buying clothes.

When I broke my leg, I had no m.oney i.n hand. Customers who come to buy land have to go to the hospital to buy it, at 7 am he comes to give me 1 billion in cash, I sell it first. He later came to buy for more than 3 billion, but I did not sell.

When I was sick, someone brought 1 billion in to help me. Later I sold the land and paid off the debt. I was so depressed that I didn't want to act anymore.

At that time, I was lost in showbiz. Firstly, because I was busy doing business, I made a l.ot of m.oney, I missed a l.ot of shows and lost a l.ot of opportunities. There was a time when I wanted to quit my job and start a business.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 4

I think this profession is like one-sided love for a person, if there is no predestined relationship, then stop. I find my career path too bitter, giving laughter but why so many tears come to me.

Before competing in the Jockey Arena, I wanted to quit the competition, but signed a contract, if I quit, it would cost me 5 billion, so I tried to compete. I wanted to be eliminated but I still tried my best, I didn't think I would become the champion again, I felt very happy."

Love story with a wife 8 years younger

In 2021, Duy Khuong suddenly announced that he was on a flower car with his wife 8 years younger, causing public attention.

Sharing about the chance to meet his wife Ly Tran, Duy Khuong confided that he fell in love with his wife at first sight. He said: "I was a close friend of Ly's second brother for 8 years. We were best friends in college in film school. I met Ly once at a friend's birthday party. Then we made friends and They dated to go out together and gradually fell in love."

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 5

In particular, the actor said that the two's personalities are completely opposite. "Sure, I'm not b.aby Ly's taste. Such a beautiful person on the outside would like a manly, elegant, stylish man. My taste is those who are older than me, mature. They are a bit more mature and cold. When the two get to know each other, they are completely opposite, but in the end, they are very similar, "said Duy Khuong.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 6

Although the family is now "peaceful", the actor said that he and his wife faced many barriers before getting married. There was even a time when the two decided to break up because of family pressure. However, after a period of persuasion, the two proved their affection for the parents of both sides. Later, when having children, Duy Khuong also gradually became mature and mature, creating trust for Ly Tran's parents.

Duy Khuong - Tran Thanh student: 4 months old, parents divorced, cheated, lost 23 billion, married 8 years younger - Photo 7

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