Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich used to want to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce?

team youtubeJun 20, 2021 at 09:29

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Since the divorce, both Duong Mich and Luu Khai Uy rarely talk about each other. Meanwhile, Mr. Luu Dan - Luu Khai Uy's father became the "speaker" for the events surrounding the two. In the past, Mr. Luu always asserted that Luu Khai Uy had no enmity with Duong Mich because she was, after all, Tieu Nhu Me's biological mother, and there was still a close relationship between them. Only after that, Mr. Luu always praised Luu Khai Uy who knows how to take care of his family and love his daughter, not to mention how close Tieu Nhu Me is with her grandparents, this is no different. are mocking Duong Mich.

Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich wanted to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce? - Figure 1

Many people realize that Mr. Luu's interviews over the past 3 years have been in a familiar direction, which is referring to his niece and praising Luu Khai Uy. It can be said that he succeeded in getting the public to criticize Yang Mi. Actress Tam Sinh Tam The is often criticized for neglecting her children, she is said to be living with young love Wei Dai Huan and has not visited Tieu Nhu Me for nearly 2 years. Netizens feel very surprised because in the entertainment industry there are many divorced star couples, but it is rare for anyone to be as indifferent to a daughter as Duong Mich.

Duong Mich has to receive a l.ot of hate from netizens, but this does not mean that they support Luu Khai Uy's family. The fact that Luu Khai Uy's family always implicitly mentions Duong Mich is like wanting to take advantage of the influence and popularity of the little flower 85. In the past 3 years, Duong Mich has not mentioned Luu Khai Uy but his family. and tried all kinds of ways to drag her into the water, making netizens very offensive.

At the press conference of the movie Home at the beginning of this year, Mr. Luu Dan told reporters that this year his family was reunited to celebrate spring. He revealed that he is a native of Shandong, so being reunited at the beginning of the year is a traditional joy. He was determined to prepare a red envelope for his beloved granddaughter, ensuring "better than that of Luu Khai Uy's father".

Mr. Luu Dan boasted that Luu Khai Uy had been in Mainland China filming a new movie for many months and had just returned home. However, for safety reasons, Luu Khai Uy was forced to isolate for another two weeks before being reunited with his family. Therefore, during Tet, he could not see his children. Although they have not met, father and son call each other by video call every day, every minute of the conversation is emotional. When asked how long Khai Uy will stay in Hong Kong this time, Mr. Luu Dan frankly said that he does not know his son's work schedule, but he believes that Khai Uy is still tired so he will have to rest for a while. .

Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich wanted to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce? - Figure 2

When it comes to the topic of sons and nieces, Mr. Liu Dan is very open. However, as soon as Duong Mich's name was mentioned, Mr. Luu immediately fell silent and only replied "I don't know". When the reporter asked that the g.irl had not seen her mother for a long time, and did not know if the mother and daughter could reunite at this year's spring festival, Mr. Liu was not very comfortable and did not want to answer. . "You ask the second question," he said. The reporter asked Mr. Duong Mi if he met his daughter often on video, he refused and said: "Is there any other question? No? So goodbye."

Netizens realized that, just a month ago, Mr. Luu Dan was still quite open when talking about Duong Mich. When asked about his relationship with his ex-daughter-in-law, Mr. Liu emphasized with four words: "relative, friend". He explained that Duong Mich has always been the mother of Tieu Gao Sticky Rice, the b.lood relationship has never changed, and there is no resentment between the two sides. As for the relationship between Khai Uy, his son and Duong Mich, he said it was "friends", meaning that husband and wife would be friends after all.

In particular, at the time when Yang Mi was caught up in rumors of dating young Wei Dai Huan, some reporters asked Mr. Luu Dan if he knew that Yang Mi had a new boyfriend, was very young and stylish, however. Mr. Luu Dan did not answer but changed the topic. He didn't seem to want to talk about his ex-daughter-in-law.

Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich wanted to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce? - Figure 3

It is undeniable that Duong Mich used to love Luu Khai Uy deeply, so she decided to marry and give birth to him while at the peak of her career. Duong Yen also shared about Yang Mi telling her: "I want to marry old Liu, and I will not love any other man in the future. He is the person I want to spend my whole life with. , in this life, I only accept Luu Khai Uy". But that love of Duong Mich finally ended in 2018 when she announced her divorce from Luu Khai Uy, the reason why they "go their separate ways" is still a mystery to this day.

According to NetEase, the cause of Duong Mich and Luu Khai Uy's divorce has nothing to do with "small tam" or the issue of "strong female and weak male" as people have speculated. Luu Khai Uy's family once hoped that Duong Mich would quit her job to stay at home and give birth to a son, but actress Tam gave birth to three decades of life, but she did not want that.

Duong Mich thinks that Tieu Nhu Me alone is enough, in addition, she also wants to focus more on work in showbiz. But Luu Khai Uy himself is the patriarch, the actor Thien Son To Snow also wants to have more sons and this has caused him and Duong Mich to have a conflict, to the point that the two cannot continue to be together. again.

Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich wanted to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce? - Figure 4

Duong Yen revealed that Duong Mich wanted to be with Luu Khai Uy all her life, why did she divorce? - Figure 5

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