Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease

Hoàng PhúcFeb 22, 2022 at 15:40

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Diem Hoai Le has passed away for more than 10 years, but his colleagues and audiences for generations are still respected by the image of a dedicated and enthusiastic artist.

The oldest actor in the 5 teachers and students Tang Tang

Yan Huaili was born in 1936 in Fengnan province, Hebei province (China) in a family with no artistic tradition.

At the age of 20, with a passion for theater, he applied to the Beijing National Opera and Arts Department. The veteran actor is considered to be a very good student, actively participating in activities, so when he graduated, the school principal retained the role of a lecturer.

Besides teaching, Hoai Le also participated in Peking opera performances and became acquainted with the audience with famous plays such as Youth for a Time, Wisdom of Uy Ho Son... At the age of over 40, Hoai Le was Chinh The Government awarded the Labor Medal with the artistic imprints that they have created for many years.

Having been in the theater field for many years, Hoai Le wishes to find a role in dramas. He applied for the film "Journey to the West", thereby bringing him a chance with the crew.

Initially, Hoai Le came to appoint casting for the role of the King in the "Except for love in O Ke country". However, his tall appearance and rough appearance did not match the temperament of the Monarch, so he was disqualified.

Director Duong Khiet at that time, because he did not want to lose a good actor, reluctantly put him in the role of Sa Tang. Unexpectedly, the actor surprised the whole crew by his image and appearance as if he came out of the original.

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 1

Diem Hoai Le with the classic role of Sa Tang in the history of Journey to the West.

In the novel, the character Sa Tang is the reincarnation of the great general Quyen Liem in heaven. Due to breaking the lapis lazuli, he was banished by the Jade Emperor as a demon in Luu Sa Ha. Until he met the Tripitaka, Sa Sang was touched and vowed to become the last disciple to support his master on his way to get the scriptures.

Compared to the characters Ton Ngo Khong, Tru Bat Gioi, the character Sa Su De is evaluated with little acting land and does not reveal much personality. However, according to director Duong Khiet, this is a difficult role to play because the industrious and calm character requires the actor to have good acting ability. And as a result, the image of a simple and loyal Sa Sang who is always devoted to his master is excellently performed by Diem Hoai Le.

"In the film, I played the 4th disciple of Tang Tang, the role was the smallest. But when I acted in this film, I was 46 years old, the oldest of the 5 teachers and students. I have to really thank director Duong and his co-stars. career gave me such an impressive and first television role," said Diem Hoai Le.

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 2

9 different roles in Journey to the West

More specifically, in Journey to the West, Diem Hoai Le also took on 9 other roles such as: Nguu Ma Vuong, Tay Hai Long Vuong, Thai Thuong Lao Quan, Thien Ly Nhan, monk, Giap Thua - overseer of horses. in heaven, the old man and the general Quyen Liem.

Due to the film crew's poor circumstances, the above roles were not paid any extra m.oney at all. This makes many people more impressed with the professional working spirit, wholeheartedly for the art of the late actor.

After Journey to the West, Hoai Le also acted in other famous television works such as Tam Quoc Dien Nghia (as Trinh Pho), Thien Tu Long Ky (as Ta Ton), Dong Chu Lie Quoc (as Qi). Cong) and Ky Hieu Lam (as Tran Huy To)... until officially retiring in 1998.

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 3

Diem Hoai Le lost his charm with the film crew because of his bad health.

When the film crew "Journey to the West" performed part 2, Diem Hoai Le was unable to take on the role due to poor health. Director Duong Khiet and the crew were sorry but had to accept the request. This role was then assigned to actor Luu Dai Cuong to play instead.

At the end of his life, he got sick and couldn't walk

In the impression of many people, Diem Hoai Le is an exemplary actor. He was always concerned about the stage, about promoting Peking opera with young people. The actor also wholeheartedly supported many new generations of actors, ready to share his remuneration with everyone in the crew... However, the actor born in 1936 had a tragic age when most of the time was. spent time in the hospital, suffering a l.ot.

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 4

Diem Hoai Le lost his charm with the film crew because of his bad health.

According to Sina, Diem Hoai Le contracted pneumonia, causing his body to become thin and pale. The cause of the disease was diagnosed by the doctors in part because the actor while playing "Journey to the West" inhaled a large amount of insecticide, causing lung p.oisoning.

"Once, the crew of the film Journey to the West came to shoot in a small village. At that time, because there were too many insects in the room, the crew used antidote and reminded everyone to go out, but Diem Hoai Le said no. okay and stay.

It wasn't until later that he found out that his lungs were swollen. From then on, his illness got worse and worse until he passed away," Ma Dehua choked out in an interview in 2015.

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 5

Actors Journey to the West visit Diem Hoai Le.

Although she could not continue to act in films, Diem Hoai Le still kept in touch with his colleagues. On each occasion of the Lunar New Year, Tang Tang's teachers and students went to his house to visit and talk about old memories.

In 2009, Diem Hoai Le passed away from a lung infection at the age of 73. In the last minutes, there were four people in the actor's hospital room: his wife, son, Luc Tieu Linh Dong and Tri Trong Thuy. According to the story, he died without closing his eyes, making many people believe that his last wish has not been fulfilled.

Diem Hoai Le's departure left a feeling of sadness for his close colleagues. While Luc Tieu Linh Dong gave up organizing birthday parties for many years (Hoai Le died on the actor's birthday), and Ma Duc Hoa said what he regretted his whole life was not being able to meet his best brother. my equipment in the last minutes just because of traffic jam...

Diem Hoai Le - "Sa Sang" suffers the most on the screen: Inhaling pesticide overdose, died of incurable disease - Photo 6

Yan Huaili's funeral was solemnly held at the Beijing funeral home, with a large number of friends and relatives coming to say goodbye. In the visiting delegation, the most touching image was the moment when the cast members playing "Journey to the West" bowed their heads and burst into tears in front of the coffin of "Sa Brother". The song "Please ask for directions anywhere" was chosen to play during the visitation ceremony as a farewell to the actor to the afterlife.

In terms of private life, Diem Hoai Le is married and has two sons and a daughter. His children are now grown, pursuing economic careers and are all successful. The actor's wife in a television appearance once shared that her children have always been filial to their father even after he passed away for many years.

"Besides the house where my wife and I always worship Hoai Le's photo, my children each set up their own altar in their house. Each of them wants their father to be by their side, watching over them on their next steps," she said. speaking action.

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