"Aunt Dung's" husband made controversial statements when VN was out of the top, declaring that Que Anh "gave in"

Uyển Đình16:53:42 28/10/2024
Director Hoang Nhat Nam's comments about the results of Vo Le Que Anh - Vietnam's representative at Miss Grand International 2024 have caused a lot of controversy on beauty forums.Aunt Dung responded to the case of Ao Dai being distorted, asking the law to intervene, accusing someone of being cruel

Đức Trí06:41:33 06/08/2024
The Chairman of Miss Grand Vietnam - Ms. Pham Kim Dung is entangled in a series of controversies about the Ao Dai with strange details, distorted by netizens, saying that she has bad intentions. Immediately, the female CEO came out to respond, announcing the law."Aunt Dung's" husband clarifies rumors of Que Anh's family, implying that the runner-up has a bad resume?

Thanh Phúc13:59:47 05/08/2024
Director Hoang Nhat Nam - husband of the head of the Miss Grand Vietnam organizing committee Ms. Pham Kim Dung, recently had a post explaining the rumor that she was a family member of Miss Que Anh, implying that the contestant who did not win had a bad background, netizens shouted Hanh Nguyen's name.Thuy Tien deliberately "avoided" Mr. Nawat: continue to "cut his face", what is the "papa-daughter" affection now?

Đình Thi18:18:06 25/08/2023
The Miss Grand Vietnam - Miss Peace Vietnam 2023 contest is entering its final stages. It is known that the finale will officially take place on the evening of August 27 in Ho Chi Minh City. HCM. Miss Doan Thien An will crown her successor.The rare "Miss tycoon" shows off her son, making a surprise announcement about the organization of MGI 2023 in Vietnam

Minh Lợi21:40:08 02/01/2023
Associated with the image and activities of the most popular Hoa - runner-up today, "Miss tycoon" Pham Kim Dung also received a lot of attention from fans. Recently, the "boss" couple suddenly showed a photo with their eldest son, causing many people to stir. Specifically, on...Hoang Nhat Nam: The director of the hit gameshow series, owes "Miss boss" 1 proposal and wedding

Minh Lợi15:00:18 25/12/2022
Dubbed "the director of the beauty queens" - Hoang Nhat Nam has the opportunity to work with a series of top beauties in Vietnam, but the director once shared that his wife is the most beautiful person in his eyes. indescribable passion. Who is Hoang Nhat Nam? Hoang Nhat Nam's...Viet Huong criticized Miss Grand VN for being ridiculous, her husband "Miss tycoon" said: "Foreigners are more "obsessed"

Nam Phương16:52:10 30/09/2022
Director Hoang Nhat Nam - husband of "Miss tycoon" Kim Dung affirmed that the original format of Miss Grand abroad is more intense than Vietnam. The name chanting part is a characteristic feature, showing the dynamism and creativity of the contestants. After Nguyen Thuc Thuy...
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