Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal

Hà HàOct 30, 2021 at 14:38

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Cao Van Tuong is loved by the audience thanks to his handsome appearance and the image of an exemplary husband and father. But the r.ape scandal caused the actor's career to collapse, the family was broken.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 1

The actor always keeps his private life clean

Cao Van Tuong was born in 1982 in Tianjin (China), graduated from Shanghai Academy of Drama. He joined the entertainment industry in 2002. Thanks to his good looks and good acting, Cao Van Tuong received many movie offers and quickly became famous. His outstanding films can be mentioned as Ngoc Quan Am, Luc Trinh Truyen Ky, Cung Hoa Lien Thanh, My Nguyet Story...

15 years of artistic activity, acting in nearly 50 films, Cao Van Tuong's name is also famous. Although he is not as influential as Huynh Xiaoming, Ho Ca or Phung Thieu Phong, he is still considered a talented actor. Sina newspaper commented on Cao Van Tuong: "The actor with a standard body, handsome appearance and especially talking eyes, is always on fire, making many people unable to take their eyes off him. He is an intelligent person. smart and always knows how to take advantage of the strengths of her appearance to make herself more special in each work."

Cao Van Tuong is also loved by the public with the image of an exemplary husband and father who loves his wife and children in his marriage with the beautiful Dong Tuyen. The two got married in 2011 and have a daughter together. Over the years, Cao Van Tuong has kept a clean image of being a good husband and father.

On the Chinese talk "Sister is Hungry", Tu Xi Di was shocked and thought that Cao Van Tuong was not "manly" at all when he declared that he did not drink, smoke or drink. gamble. Therefore, the arrest of Cao Van Tuong caused a strong controversy in public opinion. One netizen wrote: "Cao Van Tuong's image of a good man has collapsed".

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 2

Broken image, abandoned by his wife because of a r.ape scandal

The case began when a 36-year-old woman - a member of the TV series "Love in Aranya" filming in Sydney (Australia) accused her of being raped by actors Cao Van Tuong and Vuong Tinh. They committed bad behavior in the hotel bathroom at the end of March 2018. According to the plaintiff, the night of the incident, the film crew held a party before going to a karaoke club. The plaintiff went to the hotel Cao Van Tuong and Vuong Tinh were staying at, thinking that other people would also go there to continue partying.

As soon as the prime minister reported to the police that they were gang-raped, Cao Van Tuong and Vuong Tinh were arrested. Both have always denied the allegations. Cao Van Tuong testified that having known the plaintiff before, the two sides had voluntary s.ex. Not only that, contrary to his dignified appearance, he often used the pretext of trying out the script to play a prank on his female co-star. His wife, Dong Tuyen, knew everything, but still closed her eyes because she wanted to preserve family happiness and did not want to affect both of their artistic careers. At this time, the audience began to question the real person of Cao Van Tuong and the male actor's liberal private life.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 3

Responding to information related to Cao Van Tuong's sexual a.ssault scandal appearing in the media, Cao Van Tuong's production company tried to calm the public by releasing information. online press reports and asked fans not to speculate on this while the police are investigating.

According to Chinese media, Zhejiang Tangde, the production company of the movie "Three Qing Tales," lost 800 million yuan in the market on the day Gao Yunxiang was arrested. Fan Bingbing, Zhejiang Tangde's 9th largest shareholder and film producer, also suffered major damage. In addition to the loss of 800 million yuan, Zhejiang Tangde was ordered to reimburse several media outlets for breaking contracts.

Not only did his career disappear and his debts piled up, this scandal also caused Cao Van Tuong to fall into a "broken house", losing his warm family and marriage. Before that, Dong Tuyen chose to trust her husband. During his detention for investigation, Dong Tuyen sold all his assets, temporarily put aside all his work to fly to Australia to take care of her husband. Dong Tuyen also took Cao Van Tuong's family to Australia to encourage him. She also constantly defends and affirms her trust in her partner. She spent a l.ot of effort and m.oney to help Cao Van Tuong out on bail.

However, to protect her property and reputation to raise her 3-year-old daughter, the actress chose to divorce. This decision of Dong Tuyen was supported by many people, because they thought that Cao Van Tuong was a traitor, cheating and unworthy of her love. Moreover, Dong Tuyen has also fulfilled the husband and wife relationship during Cao Van Tuong's difficult time, so she deserves a happier new life.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 4

Escape from r.ape

Cao Van Tuong's s.ex scandal has been investigated and undergone many trials. Initially, the progress of the case was somewhat favorable for the actor. According to Chinese media, in the first nearly 1 year, the long-running case has almost progressed with the favorable part in favor of the actor. However, this could not make Cao Van Tuong regain his image in the public eye. "Three Thanh Tales" - his blockbuster film combined with Pham Bang Bang was delayed indefinitely because of the scandal.

Finally, in the trial that took place in Australia on March 19, 2019, Cao Van Tuong and his friend Vuong Tinh were dismissed by the judge of all charges in the gang r.ape case due to insufficient evidence to convict. Both were released immediately after the trial and had the right to return to China. Cao Van Tuong was denied 7 counts of r.ape, while Vuong Tinh was denied 10 counts. Both were emotional when they were acquitted.

When hearing the verdict, the actor and the man surnamed Wang both bowed their heads for a long time to their gratitude in front of the jury. Cao Van Tuong calmly crossed his arms in front of his chest and then raised his fingers in a V shape to the people sitting below, while Vuong Tinh burst into tears. Vuong Tinh's parents were not present in court, so he called his family and informed him of the situation. Notably, in a video of the movie star "My Nguyet Truyen" leaving the court after being acquitted, his expression was very comfortable. Cao Van Tuong seems to release all his grievances in 2 years of being involved in this r.ape scandal. He also did not answer press questions and even shook his head and pointed to his displeasure with reporters.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 5

The Chinese online community was not satisfied with this result, but more or less predicted that Cao Van Tuong would get away with the crime. If anyone closely follows this case, they will know that the evidence at the scene is not enough to accuse the star "My Nguyet Truyen" of r.ape, but the actor's behavior beyond the limit is real. Fortunately, not in prison in a foreign land, Cao Van Tuong will have to face many difficulties in his hometown of China.

After nearly 3 years, the Cao Van Tuong case officially ended. Soon after, Cao Van Tuong apologized to the public. Accordingly, on Weibo, Cao Van Tuong apologized to the public since being investigated in March 2018 in Australia. "First of all, I apologize for bothering everyone for the past year," he wrote. The actor was silent for a long time because he didn't want to make more noise, but today he spoke up for his wife.

However, even though he was declared innocent, Cao Van Tuong's image and career were officially destroyed by this shocking scandal, making it difficult to regain his image in the public eye. And although fortunately not having to eat in prison, the actor was also labeled as an adulterous man.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 6

Ever left his wife to love Duong Yen

After the shocking r.ape scandal, Cao Van Tuong's troubled history was dug up by the media and surprised the public. Sohu page revealed, actor My Nguyet story before marrying Dong Tuyen had a wife life. However, the reason why Cao Van Tuong divorced from his first wife was not because of Dong Tuyen, but because of the beautiful Duong Yen.

It is known that because of the cooperation, Cao Van Tuong developed feelings for Duong Yen and resolutely left his wife to pursue the beauty together for life. They were together for 3 years, the 38-year-old actor wanted to get married but was rejected by his lover, and finally the two decided to break up. After breaking up, Duong Yen dated actor Khuu Trach and Cao Van Tuong married her best friend - Dong Tuyen after only 4 months of knowing. Many people believe that Cao Van Tuong married Dong Tuyen just because he was angry that Duong Yen had a new person so quickly. But no matter what, Cao Van Tuong and Dong Tuyen are now divorced, while Duong Yen is living a happy life with La Tan.

Cao Van Tuong - Leaving his wife to love Duong Yen, his career collapsed, his house was broken because of a love scandal - Photo 7

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