Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends

Trí NhiMar 06, 2025 at 13:45

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Angelina Jolie (49) and Jonny Lee Miller (52) were married and lived together for 3 years after co-starring in the 1995 movie Hackers. The two have remained close ever since.

Currently, Angelina Jolie's friends are looking forward to the actress returning to her first ex-husband, urging her. The mothe.r of six even praised the Elementary star at the Santa Barbara Film Festival during a recent Q&A with critic Leonard Maltin, who showed her a clip from the movie Hackers.

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 1

"I just talked to Jonny. I was so happy to meet my first husband with 2,000 people," Jolie joked. "It's great to watch the clip again... I rarely watch the movies I play. But I have a great relationship with Jonny," she added.

A source shared: "Jonny knows Angie better than anyone. He is patient, kind, and always happy to listen to her. Angie talks to him all the time. There is definitely a spark when they meet and even their children get along." After divorcing Angelina Jolie in 1999, Miller was married to actress Michele Hicks from 2008 to 2018. They have a son named Buster (16 years old).

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 2

The source added: "The problem is that Angelina Jolie is very shy and extremely nervous about dating again. Brad has lost a lot of her confidence and Angie is afraid of ruining a beautiful friendship. But it has been almost 9 years since breaking up with Brad and during that time, Angie has never had a serious relationship.

Jonny really meets a lot of criteria. The fact that he lives mainly in London is ideal for her. Jonny is successful, but work is not his life. Jonny is even a volunteer firefighter. And it's no secret that he always has feelings for his ex-wife. He openly said that he didn't want their marriage to end."

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 3

Angelina Jolie once told the Mirror about this relationship as follows: "We have never quarreled or hurt each other. I used to try very hard to be his wif.e. Divorc.e Miller is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life."

Angelina Jolie confessed that at that time she didn't even know herself well, even though she was a famous actress, she always felt confused and flawed.

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 4

She confided: "When I broke up with Jonny, everything went smoothly and we are still close friends. The two are very young, so they need to have their own space to pursue their personal plans and help each other grow. So I moved to New York alone, where I didn't know anyone, and rented an apartment to study at New York University. I wanted to find out who I was, I wanted to start a different life.

Before that, I always did what people told me to do and being an actor was supposed to make me happy enough? Many people say that my life is complete when I am a successful actor and earn mone.y. Yet I feel very miserable and not happy at all."

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 5

After divorcing her first husband, Angelina Jolie remarried to 2 other actors, Billy Bob Thornton and Brad Pitt, but both ended up breaking up. In particular, the noisy divorc.e with Brad Pitt has been the focus of attention of the media all this time. On Miller's side, he has been married to actress Michele Hicks since 2008. They had 1 chil.d together and in 2016 they broke up.

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 6

In 2021, Angelina Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller were suspected of reuniting when the actress was spotted at her ex-husband's house in Brooklyn on the evening of June 11. Page Six reported that Angelina Jolie wore a long beige gown, covered a tight mask, walked alone, without a bodyguard following her feet. She brought a bottle of wine and stayed for about 3 hours before leaving at 22:30 on the same day. However, the couple did not confirm this dating news.

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be back to her first ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller, supportive friends - Photo 7

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