Việt Phương Thoa mất ba, nói 7 chữ nghe xé nát tâm can, đau nhói nhớ lại kỷ niệm

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Recently, the news of the passing of "Google sister" Viet Phuong Thoa's father has attracted attention on social networks. Vien Vibi quickly expressed condolences to his sister, revealing 5 heartbreaking words that Viet Phuong Thoa said about her father.
After hearing the news of Viet Phuong Thoa's biological father's death, Vien Vibi, who was a close sister to the female Tiktoker, also expressed her condolences to the female Tiktoker. Accordingly, Vien Vibi also posted a status to comfort her junior on the news of her father's death.
On her personal page, the female Tiktoker wrote: "Love you", attached is a picture of the text message announcing the death of her father after Viet Phuong Thoa's wedding. Below the post, the online community sent their sincere condolences to Viet Phuong Thoa's family. Viet Phuong Thoa also changed her profile picture to a white lily.
In real life, Vien Vibi and Viet Phuong Thoa are close sisters. Therefore, the "agricultural tycoon" is considered by the other's mother as a child in the family. It can be seen that during the happy event of Viet Phuong Thoa and Chi Thanh, Vien Vibi was fully present at all the ceremonies. She was even assigned by Viet Phuong Thoa's parents to keep the wedding money box.
Because of that close bond, when he received the news of Viet Phuong Thoa's father's death, Vien Vibi could not help but feel heartbroken. At Viet Phuong Thoa's wedding, all the guests were choked up at the moment Viet Phuong Thoa pushed her father in a wheelchair up the aisle. Despite his poor health, he still tried his best to accompany his daughter on the most important day of her life.
Witnessing the deep father-daughter bond, everyone could not help but shed tears. That was also the last time Viet Phuong Thoaâs family was reunited with all members. Before walking down the aisle, Viet Phuong Thoa and her father also cried in the waiting room, especially when her father saw his daughter wearing the most beautiful dress.
Viet Phuong Thoa's father was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2023. In early 2023, her father only had back pain but went to the bone and joint doctor but could not find the disease. When he went to Ho Chi Minh City for a comprehensive check-up, he found out that he had lung cancer and that it had metastasized to the bone, which is why he was in pain.
"When I received the results, I was so shocked, I was numb. But I knew I was the second oldest in the family, the only support, so I tried to lift my spirits and also prepared food to bring to the hospital for my parents" - Viet Phuong Thoa said.
During the treatment, Thoa's father experienced a lot of pain, from back pain to hip and thigh pain and spreading, there was even a time when the doctor let Thoa's father leave the hospital. However, she and her family decided to take him to another hospital and luckily found medicine for temporary treatment. "The price of the medicine is quite high. The original price is 83 million/month, but at that time I bought 1 month and got 1 month free, so it was 41 million/month. Right now I can afford it, so just watch my father take it and he will get better" - she confided.
In addition, Viet Phuong Thoa also revealed that the time her parents went to Ho Chi Minh City for medical treatment was also the time when she gained a lot of weight because she cooked and ate at home. She said that she cherished the moments when she was with her parents, eating happily as compensation for the past years of living far away from home, rarely having meals with her parents.
In April 2024, Viet Phuong Thoa and Chi Thanh also had a very touching clip of secretly returning to their hometown to celebrate their father's birthday. When they saw their daughter and her husband return, her father went from being surprised to having tears in his eyes.
During this time, Chi Thanh has always been by Viet Phuong Thoa's side, accompanying her and her family to take care of her father. At the wedding, the bride cried and shared her gratitude to the groom: "There were times when my mood hit rock bottom, but you were not there to cheer me up, but you were there to be with me. I just need that companionship to overcome everything."
Nhói lòng cảnh bố Việt Phương Thoa đón cái tết cuối cùng sum vầy bên gia đình Hoa Chỉ08:17:24 21/01/2025Năm ngoái, Việt Phương Thoa đã cùng bố và gia đình đón cái Tết cuối cùng ấm cúng, sum vầy. Nhưng đến năm nay, cái Tết 2025 của nữ Tiktoker không còn trọn vẹn nữa rồi vì thiếu mất đi đấng sinh thành.
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