Tran Tieu Van - The "most fancied" servant suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong

team youtuberApr 04, 2021 at 14:29

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Since being known, Tran Tieu Van has only had one love affair, once very happy but ended in sadness.

In the Chinese entertainment industry, there is no shortage of talented artists who started out as athletes. Although they are not properly trained, their acting is very convincing, receiving high praise from the audience and colleagues. Among them can be mentioned prominent faces such as Dien Luong (diversity athlete), Dao Hong (artist swimmer), Ho Binh (rowing athlete).

Although not as popular as her seniors and seniors, former athlete Tran Tieu Van is also a beauty who has received great attention from the public.

After entering into acting and succeeding thanks to the role of a servant for Chau Tan in Nhu Y Truyen, Tran Tieu Van is loved by the audience thanks to her lovely beauty, bright vitality and relatively clean private life. However, recently, she disappointed the public when she had bad words for her senior on a b.ig show, leading to the brand's contract termination. So before Tran Tieu Van got a low EQ "seal", what memorable milestones did she have on her career path?

Emerging thanks to the super sexy swimming competition photo

Before entering showbiz, Tran Tieu Van's steps were quite rare. She had a predestined interest in sports, learned ballet from a young age, but had to drop it at the age of 16 due to asthma. But then, passion for water came to Tran Tieu Van, and at this moment her image at a swimming tournament was flooded with social media because it was too sexy.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Photo 1

Information about the "h.ot g.irl swimming village" was h.unted, so much so that she had to leave the national team because she no longer felt comfortable competing. To the extent that the image of the actress's first round is sometimes blurred on television, causing a funny situation. So Tran Tieu Van's dream of becoming a swimming grandmaster ended. But "when one door closes, another opens", being famous on the Internet has helped Tieu Van catch the eye of a director. From here her career path turned in a completely new direction.

Become the most "fanatic" slave in the archery genre

With perfect physique, very quickly the female athlete got her first roles. In 2010, she fell in love with acting through the role of Te Hoan in the movie Dat Ai. A year later, she had the opportunity to participate in the project The story of husband and wife, followed by a lifetime of only loving you (2012) and Teenager Four Great Fame (2015).

Without an acting background, like many other young artists "encroaching on the field", Tran Tieu Van faced many difficulties. The titles she participated in were not very popular, since starting in 2012, she only participated in small, unknown projects. Until 2018, the name Tran Tieu Van once again emerged thanks to the role of the servant Nhi Tam in Nhu Y Truyen.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Photo 2

In Nhu Y Truyen, she is a servant next to Nhu Y (played by Chau Tan), scoring with beauty, endearment and kindness rare in the palace. She was entangled in a love triangle but not too dramatic between a medical doctor and an eunuch, and was also broken by the power of Gia Quy Phi (played by Tan Chi Loi), leaving a deformity. At the last minute, Nhi Tam was the happiest woman Nhu Y Truyen, got married and left the palace. Possessing an outstanding appearance and natural acting, although the time of appearing was not much, Tran Tieu Van still made a mark in the audience's mind. After participating in Nhu Y Truyen, Tran Tieu Van's reputation was raised one more level, but perhaps she could not seize the opportunity.

The projects then returned to the "old lane", without any fame and hotness. But in the near future, she will appear in Hoc Chau Lady - the highly anticipated historical film by Duong Mich, Tran Vy Dinh and Tu Khai Sinh. At the beginning of August 2020, after the official poster of the film was released, many people also assessed that Tran Tieu Van's character design was somewhat "overwhelming" the female lead Duong Mich. Fans expect the film to be a springboard to help Tieu Van's career become more and more sublimated.

Dating "Kim Tan of China"

Since being known, Tran Tieu Van has only had one love affair, once very happy but ended in sadness.

Her love story also cost the press a l.ot of ink. Tieu Van once had a passionate time with Vu Tieu Dong, the male lead in The Heir (Chinese version). Although 4 years younger, Tieu Dong is extremely sweet and pampers his girlfriend.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Picture 3

In early 2019, the image of Tran Tieu Van and Vu Tieu Dong dating flooded on social networks. At this time Nhu Y Story has just ended, sympathy for Tran Tieu Van is still there, so everyone congratulates her. Both have experienced all kinds of love emotions. The sister-in-law couple was supported by many people after their romantic confession in November 2019. Specifically, Vu Tieu Dong and Tran Tieu Van participated in a sports festival for artists. After w.inning the championship, instead of expressing his feelings, Vu Tieu Dong was not afraid to express his feelings: "Tran Tieu Van, dear brother".

Thousands of spectators at the hall and artists were excited by the actor's passionate statement. After packing up his things, he also gave his girlfriend a passionate kiss.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Picture 4

Netizens couldn't help but exclaim on Weibo: "We met last year at the Sports Festival, this year we kissed on the lips, maybe we will get married next year", "Don't wait until next year, get married this year". In the hall, no one wants to be forced to see this sweet scene, it's heartbreaking for lonely people."

Vu Tieu Dong has been known since he was a c.hild actor. Born in 1994, the actor started his acting career at the age of 14 with the role of Jia Bao Ngoc in Tan Hong Lau's Dream. After that, he began to participate in many other b.ig and small drama projects such as Nuong Tam Ke, Khuyen Hoa Tieu To, Thang Nu Dai Gioi 2, Heir to the Chinese version and nicknamed "Kim Tan of China". .

In 2017, Vu Tieu Dong turned up with the role of Three young masters of the Hoa family in the movie Hoa Ta Hoa Phi Hoa Man Thien. Playing with many seniors such as Ha Nhuan Dong, Truong Hinh Du, Chu Nhat Long..., Vu Tieu Dong still shows his ability well.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Photo 5

Fans thought they would have a dream e.nding with a grand wedding, but everything suddenly fell apart the day before the Seven Deadly Days. Vu Tieu Dong actively announced that he and the beauty Nhu Y Truyen had broken up. This has left a l.ot of nostalgia for the audience, all dreams of a beautiful young couple of Cbiz were shattered.

I went to chiropractic 10 times to look better

Many people will notice that Tran Tieu Van's beauty many years ago is somewhat different from today. This can be explained because as the actress herself shared, she has gone to cosmetic osteopathy more than 10 times. This is the process in which she "bites her teeth" to participate, going through a l.ot of pain to achieve the desired results. After the treatment, it can be seen that she is more beautiful and elegant than before.

But Tran Tieu Van's journey to find confidence has never been easy. She said that because puberty was so successful in the past, her body was somewhat more "progressive" than her peers, so she was often laughed at and bullied by female students, and male students did not dare to come near to start a conversation. That makes the actress withdraw, live a closed life and do not have many friendship or emotional relationships.

Shocked, insolent statements to seniors

Recently, a Tran Tieu Van, once loved and admired by the audience, made a shocking statement, "going underground" that shocked everyone. When participating in the Billionaire Pedals the Wind Turns the Wave season 2, the beauty Nhu Y Truyen has hinted that Dung To Nhi is not equal to her in terms of traffic. After that, she went online to retort: "Thank you for giving me more heat. My Weibo receives a large number of interviews every day. Those people, to be honest, if there is a heartbreak for the elder sister, Nhi should find somewhere that has articles about her and try to inflate it to create heat." On the, she also had many rude disputes with her seniors, making the audience uncomfortable. Now, according to many sources, many brand contracts that have just been signed must immediately delete content related to Tran Tieu Van.

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Photo 6

Tran Tieu Van - The servant with the most fans suddenly fell out of favor because of her rude attitude to the Queen of Hong Kong - Photo 7

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