Sharon Tale: The marriage tragedy of the "second Marilyn Monroe" and the painful e.nding that shook the United States

team youtuberMay 10, 2021 at 23:19

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Sharon Tale's life is a wake-up call to women, especially beautiful women. The tragic d.eath of the most beautiful woman in Hollywood in the m.assacre that shook the United States evoked in the hearts of fans a deep sadness and grief for the woman who only lost her life because of loving the wrong person. .

Miss Texas c.hild and the scar of the soul at the age of 17

Sharon Tate was born on January 24, 1943, at the age of six months, her mother, Doris, registered her beautiful daughter to participate in beauty contests for children. Doris's original purpose was mainly for her children to have friends and she also became busier, but she did not seriously want her daughter to embark on the showbiz path.

Unexpectedly, in the first contest since she was only 6 months old, Sharon won the crown of Miss Dallas Newborn in the summer of 1943. Sharon's mother believes that this is the bright path for her c.hild's future. g.irl. Sharon then participated in many beauty contests in Europe and won repeatedly before returning to the US, initially laying the foundation for her ambition to become Hollywood's "second Marilyn Monroe".

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the United States - Photo 1

As an extremely beautiful young g.irl who always receives the attention of the crowd, Sharon Tate always shows her ambition to be famous.

In 1960, Sharon Tate was featured on the cover of the US military magazine Stars and Stripes and an episode of the TV "The Pat Boone Chevy Showroom" was filmed in Venice. Tate got his film debut a year later. Even though she was only 19 at the time, Tate's mother allowed her daughter's fellow actor Jack Palance to take her out on a date. In addition, Sharon also experienced a quick love affair with actor Richard Beymer after meeting him at a movie set in Verona.

The summer of 1961 was the last time Sharon stayed in Verona before she met the opportunity to develop a film career. Sharon's father decided to move the family to a suburb of Los Angeles.

Flashing light in the sky of Hollywood

In the first days of her arrival in Los Angeles, the first contract Sharon received was to become the face of a tobacco company. Sharon once shared, "My parents are very strict, so I didn't know what a cigarette is. That's why, when I first took a photo, someone came to guide me from beginning to end. From how to hold a cigarette. medicine to the expression of e.cstasy after taking a long breath."

But it is the image associated with the cigarette that makes it more difficult for Sharon in the process of finding opportunities. Because the image that Americans favored in the 60s was bright, optimistic and a little docile girls.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the United States - Photo 2

Finally, the opportunity to transform Sharon Tate also came in 1963 when director Martin Ransohoff discovered and realized the potential of this beauty.

He immediately drafted a seven-year contract and told Sharon a convincing sentence: "B.aby, we will make you the brightest star in the Hollywood sky." Of course Tate agreed immediately. Right from that moment, Sharon Tate's glorious and tragic life officially began. The young g.irl quickly moved into the Hollywood Studio, which produced legendary female stars like Marilyn Monroe, Rita Monreno, Kim Novak,...

In 1965, Tate was given her first major film role with the film "Eye of the Devil". The reason the role was in the hands of the young actress was because the star Kim Novak had an accident and did not recover in time to continue filming. It is Sharon at this time, when she has gradually grown up and less dreamy, realizing that her acting ability is not convincing enough to be assigned roles in b.ig movies. She began to turn to medium-sized movies. This wise decision immediately paid off. The role of Jennifer North in the light-hearted psychological drama "Valley of the Dolls" was commented on as a shoemaker for Sharon Tate that brought her to the pinnacle of fame, bringing to the status that the actress always wanted. wish.

Tragedy of marriage for plunging into blind love

Entering Hollywood with a round zero acting experience, director Ransohoff sent Sharon to the Actors Studio to hone her skills. But the young beauty neglected her studies to plunge into a romantic love affair with French-born actor Philippe Forquet. The two even decided to get engaged. But Sharon's confidence and rebellion k.illed this love quickly. Forquet later gave evidence that he was once attacked by Sharon with a broken bottle. When this scandalous story reached the ears, "boss" Ransohoff forced Sharon to choose between career and love. The last choice of the actress was inclined to the first option.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the United States - Photo 3

But "keeping to myself" did not last long, Sharon plunged into other love affairs, first with actor Steve McQueen and then famous Hollywood hairdresser Jay Sebring. Once again, Sharon decided to get engaged. Everything is almost "boat built", the love of the star and Jay Sebring is also quiet and sweet enough. If Sharon decided to "dock" here, perhaps her life would have turned in a brighter and better direction. Until one day, Sharon's attention was focused on the flower director Roman Polanski, who was known as the most famous Hollywood killer at that time. Sharon and Jay's engagement is immediately put on hold when she realizes that Polanski possesses all of the things she desires in the man of her life: Sky-high power, resounding fame, good looks and especially know how to please women.

It is thought that from here, Sharon's career will become dizzy with expensive roles. But no, Sharon was also "favored" by Polanski for the lead role, but those were just "family h.ot movies", the audience was none other than close friends who were especially bragged by Polanski. Despite knowing Polanski's true nature, Sharon Tate was still determined to blindly follow the call of love and longed to marry him.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic end that shook the United States - Photo 4

The two officially got on the flower car in 1968. Sharon Tate officially stepped both feet into the marriage grave, where Polanski was no different from the god of d.eath. Joanna Pettet, a friend of Sharon Tate revealed: "Every time she and Polanski appeared in front of a crowd, Sharon could only stand still to observe her husband's attitude. She did everything he asked. , from the way of dressing and makeup to every gesture and sentence".

One story culminated when Polanski forced Sharon to have an abortion because he did not want to shoulder the responsibility of a father. Because Sharon disobeyed her husband, determined to keep the c.hild, the relationship between the two became fractured.

During this time, Sharon was abandoned in America and Polanski returned to London, continuing a life of d.ebauchery. He openly had an affair with singer Michelle Phillips and brought home countless women.

That summer, Polanski treated his wife like "trash". Even the male director insulted Sharon in front of the crowd when she gave her personal opinion. When Sharon was silent, he sneered and called her "dumb bitch". Up to this point, Sharon Tate could not stand it anymore and was determined to file for divorce from her heartless and heartless husband. Unfortunately, when the actress had not yet had time to hope for a brighter future for herself, she became a victim of a m.assacre of the wrong people, which shook the entire United States in 1969.

Tragic d.eath shook the whole US

Charles Manson is the son of a prostitute. He is the result of a village miss between his mother and a certain tourist. From a young age, because of the lack of love from his family, he gradually became corrupt and destructive. Possessing a high IQ, Charles Manson never thought about using his brain to do honest work. Instead, Charles Manson had ambitions to create a cult of his own, propagating distorted ideas to attract gullible young men, disaffected with society, especially girls. That's how Charles founded the most dangerous criminal group in America at that time.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the US - Photo 5

Charles Manson chose four people including Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Linda Kasabian to be called the "Manson Family". On the evening of August 8, 1969, under the direction of Manson, Tex Watson brought Susan, Linda and Patricia to the house owned by musician Terry Melcher and ordered his accomplics to s.laughter all who had in it as brutally as possible.

Terry Melcher was a talented musician who refused to record for the Manson gang. That was the main reason why he was hated by Charles Manson. Charles decided to create a "bloodbath" to vent his anger and the target was none other than Terry Melcher's family. Charles gradually implemented his plan without knowing that the mansion was originally rented by director Polanski.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic end shook the United States - Photo 6

That evening, Sharon Tate returned home with 4 friends, including "ex-girlfriend" Jay Sebring, and Roman Polanski was still stuck in London because of difficulties in getting a visa to the US. The Manson gang quickly broke into the house, they cornered all the victims into the living room and began to commit cruel acts. Tex Watson tied Sharon and Jay together. As soon as Sebring protested, Tex opened fire and him dead on the spot. Not stopping there, he also s.tabbed Jay's body several times to vent his anger. Others were also not spared a tragic fate.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the United States - Photo 7

It is known that Sharon Tate knelt down and begged the murderers to take her away, so that she could give birth to a c.hild that was about to be born and then kill at will, because the date of the m.assacre was only 2 days away from the date of birth. week. Unfortunately, Tate's request was not accepted. She was s.tabbed a total of 16 times all over her body. Police said, Tate died right after the fifth knife, but the killer still refused to stop. After that, the unfortunate female star was also hanged from the ceiling by cold-blooded people. Inside the house, police also found the words "Helter Skelter", also written in the b.lood of the victims.

Sharon Tate's gloomy fate has become an endless inspiration for filmmakers. People will remember her more as an unfortunate victim of the m.assacre of the wrong person, but the beauty of the female star will always be a monument that is difficult to topple in the Hollywood movie capital.

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the US - Photo 8

Sharon Tale: The second Marilyn Monroe's marriage tragedy and the traumatic e.nding that shook the United States - Photo 9

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