The Cuong Do family was first "aired" by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at

Kim LâmSep 13, 2023 at 15:20

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Sutin's plump face and puffy cheeks made netizens can't help but rub. Netizens couldn't help but think that the kid was the perfect "copy" of Cuong Do's father.

At the present time, Cuong Do and Dam Thu Trang's married life is admired by many people. As for Suchin, since she was born, she has sucked on a golden spoon when her parents created a full material life. Cuong Do also prepares fathers to be addicted to children when spending a l.ot of time caring and being close anytime, anywhere. Since giving birth to the 2nd c.hild, Cuong Do has increasingly shown a diaper father that many people admire.

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 1

Like many other Vbiz parents, Cuong Do and Dam Thu Trang skillfully shield the c.hild's appearance to ensure privacy. Until the evening of September 12, on Facebook, Cuong Do made people "stand still" when he released a close-up photo of Prince Sutin's face. This is also the first time after 3 months of birth, Cuong Do and Dam Thu Trang children were allowed to "air" by their parents.

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 2

As can be seen, the youngest b.oy of the businessman possesses large round faces and extremely lovely cheeks. In particular, through the lens of his father, he also revealed a cute expression. Besides, the businessman also proudly bragged about the b.oy: "I am Sutin, aunt and uncle."

Not only that, Dam Thu Trang humorously revealed, looking at Prince Sutin as if he was watching Suchin as a c.hild because his face looked very similar to the "third sister" of the day.

Below the article, people quickly competed to "drop their hearts" about the handsomeness and plump of Cuong Do's son. After 2 births, Dam Thu Trang continued to enter the Vbiz "surrogacy association" when the two children were perfect "copies" of their father, the happiest Cuong Do!

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 3

After 4 years of marriage, Dam Thu Trang and Cuong Do are enjoying a happy married life. In August 2020, the couple welcomed the birth of their daughter Suchin, and in May 2023, Dam Thu Trang has just given birth to her second c.hild, Prince Sutin, to her businessman husband. Before that, Dam Thu Trang hid her pregnancy. It wasn't until March 3 that she made this information public with a set of photos with her daughter Suchin.

After Dam Thu Trang gave birth to her 2nd son, Cuong Do loved her very much. He constantly posts pictures of himself taking care of his wife and giving her sweet, affectionate words. Although the business is very busy, Cuong Do does not mind helping his wife take care of the children so that she can rest in peace.

Since having children, Cuong Do joined the association of fathers who are "crazy" about children. His personal page is always filled with happy moments with his children. In his spare time, Cuong Do is a family man, doing daily tasks such as feeding his children, playing with them, taking them out, reading stories to them... much to everyone's admiration.

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 4

Dam Thu Trang (SN 1989) is an ethnic Tay, from Lang Son, known as a model and singer. She won the title of Miss Lang 2010, was in the top 6 of the first season of Vietnam's Next Top Model, top 20 of Miss Vietnam 2020... Despite many years of artistic activity, Dam Thu Trang did not leave many outstanding marks. When appearing next to Cuong "dollar" as a girlfriend, she became a name of public interest.

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 5

The former 8X model was praised for her good handling of family affairs. The "mountain town giant" wife is also considered a skillful person, reconciling the relationship with Subeo - her husband's stepson. Everyone knows that Cuong "dollar" has a c.hild with Subeo with Ho Ngoc Ha. Dam Thu Trang happily accepts that and gives a l.ot of love to b.aby Subeo.

Now, Cuong Do's family is increasingly admired for being "boring enough". Besides his happy family, Cuong Do also has a successful career. As a result, he and his wife can take good care of their children both materially and spiritually. The family's children every time they air also cause a fever because of their cuteness.

The Cuong Do family was first aired by his father, possessing a special feature that everyone looks at - Photo 6

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