Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt?

KikoMar 23, 2023 at 11:11

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Angelina Jolie is said to be the cause of the relationship between Pax Thien and Brad Pitt being deeply damaged. Not only that, these secrets are also said to be the reason why the Vietnamese-born boy did not return to Vietnam all the time.

The dissolution of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's marriage is perhaps more bitter than the public knows. A source from US Weekly said that the 43-year-old actress told her son Pax Thien that Brad Pitt's father "never wanted to adopt" the boy.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 1

Angelina Jolie is also said to have told Pax Thien that Brad Pitt was "very angry" when she went through the process of adopting a Vietnamese son. "It damaged Brad and Pax Thien's relationship, although Brad denies saying it," a source told US Weekly.

The source also said that, in fact, Brad was worried about adopting another 3-year-old Vietnamese child who could not speak English in the "quite difficult" context of the couple at that time, their biological child. Shiloh is less than 1 year old. But Angelina insisted on telling Brad, "Pax needs you more than Shiloh needs you."

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 2

"They almost ended their relationship, but Brad stayed," a source from US Weekly said. Brad's relationship with his eldest son, Maddox, was strained before, but now the actor is said to have "accepted that he will never be able to mend that relationship". "He's always been stubborn and protective of his mother," a source told US Weekly.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 3

Meanwhile, of the four older children, Shiloh is said to be the most willing to cooperate in repairing the relationship with Brad. The adopted daughter Zahara has also improved her relationship with her father Brad more or less. Twins Vivienne and Knox were shielded to avoid being affected by the breakup of the once golden couple in Hollywood.

According to US Weekly, Brad and Angelina's parenting skills have been greatly underestimated by social security workers. While Brad is said to have "poor control of anger and other psychological problems", as well as "problems accepting personal responsibility and frequently blaming others for his actions". Angelina is said to be "always judging her children and creating an unstable living environment".

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 4

In addition, the source revealed that Angelina also spoke badly about the birth and origin of Pax Thien, so Pax did not return to Vietnam for a long time. The fact that Angelina revealed Brad Pitt's secret to Pax Thien is said to have stemmed from Pax's desire to live with his father after the couple divorced.

According to sources from Headline and Global News, Pax Thien and Shiloh want to live with Brad Pitt. This is surprising because Pax Thien is close to his mother - Angelina Jolie - and these images often appear in public.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 5

"Recently, Pax Thien and Shiloh told Angelina Jolie that they both want to live with Brad Pitt. If both choose Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie will be in trouble, difficult to win the battle for custody of 6 children. Because, you will be criticized for not being able to do any good for the kids if you don't meet their expectations," a source revealed to OK!

Angelina Jolie wants to have custody of all 6 children and is willing to accept no subsidies, self-reliance to take care of them. However, it all has to be based on the wishes of the children, which are not always satisfied by adults.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 6

The reason many sources give about Pax Thien's choice is said to be because of inheritance. Despite being loved by Angelina Jolie, Pax Thien was not allowed to inherit her mother's huge fortune. A fortune of more than 116 million USD (about 2728 billion VND) was left by the actress to her adopted son of Cambodian origin, Maddox. Even 3 biological children, Shiloh and twins Knox - Vivienne are not on the list.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 7

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 8

However, up to now, after many years of living with a famous mother, Pax is now a mature, calm 20-year-old boy who has become the support of the whole family. Pax Thien is said to love her mother very much and is a strong support for her mother, this is also a tacit way of refuting the rumor that Pax Thien wants to live with Brad because of inheritance is untrue.

Pax Thien broke down because she received a shocking secret from Angelina Jolie, involving both her biological mother and Brad Pitt? - Photo 9

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