Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending

Như ÝDec 30, 2021 at 10:34

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Once a promising star of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, Luong Lac Thi suddenly "retired", giving birth to 3 children for the Hong Kong giants. However, her dream of stepping into the "moat" did not come true.

From a b.aby abandoned by a rich family to a famous Hong Kong star

Luong Lac Thi was born in 1988 in a rather complicated family. Her father is the third son of NolascodaSilva Group, one of the famous families in Macau. Meanwhile, Luong Lac Thi's mother has a low background, only working as a dealer at a casino.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 1

Despite the family's objections, Luong Lac Thi's parents still voluntarily lived together and gave birth to 2 daughters. When Luong Lac Thi was only 6 months old, her father died after taking a drug overdose. Since then, her paternal family has definitely not recognized her as a grandchild, and Luong Lac Thi herself has her mother's last name. Therefore, even though her father was a young master in a wealthy family, Luong Lac Thi's childhood lived in poverty and poverty. At one point, because she could not pay the rent, her mother and daughter were kicked out into the street.

The difficult life trained Lac Thi to be independent and mature before her age. From the age of 12, she had to join the entertainment industry with the desire to earn a lot of m.oney and change her life. Thanks to her beautiful beauty, tall physique and smart qualities, Luong Lac Thi caught the eye of an employee working in Hong Kong's leading entertainment company - Anh Hoang. This is the company that created big names like Ta Dinh Phong, Dung To Nhi, Twins, Tran Quan Hy, Tran Dich Tan,... At the age of 16, Luong Lac Thi released her first music album but unfortunately did not achieved the expected success. Therefore, Anh Hoang company changed its strategy, allowing her to enter the acting field.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 2

From 2005 to 2007, Luong Lac Thi participated in a series of movies such as The Eye 10, Bug Me Not!, Lover's Daughter, Diary... 2008 marked a breakthrough in Luong Lac's career. Thi when she received her first lead role in the blockbuster Egyptian M.ummy 3. The opportunity to cooperate with many top names such as Brendan Fraser, Maria Bello, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh... in a Hollywood movie. cult helps Luong Lac Thi's future to expand. She became one of the Hong Kong beauties that were eagerly sought at that time.

The stirring love story of Cang Thom and the bitter ending for the dream of magnanimity

However, when her career was on the rise, Luong Lac Thi made a decision that made her lose her position in the entertainment industry, which was to give up showbiz to give birth to a giant. In 2008, Luong Lac Thi met and fell in love with Ly Trach Giai at a party. Ly Trach Giai is the second son of notorious billionaire Ly Gia Thanh, chairman of Hong Kong's largest telecommunications group PCCW Limited, and owns 50% of the shares of the Hong Kong economic magazine Ecomemic Journal.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 3

In 2009, Luong Lac Thi announced the end of her career and followed businessman Ly to live abroad. Became Ly Trach Giai's girlfriend, the beauty of the Egyptian M.ummy lived happily, without having to worry about "rice and money". She is staying in a luxury villa in San Francisco, daily with 5 bodyguards, 4 nannies and a personal assistant. Not only that, the full-month ceremony for her son was also held extremely lavishly for 3 consecutive days with the participation of many famous figures such as casino magnate Ha Hong San and businessman Tang Am Boi. .. attract the attention of public opinion.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 4

However, the door to enter the moat has not really opened for Luong Lac Thi. Because even though she gave birth to 3 sons for Ly Trach Giai, she was still not accepted by the Ly family as a daughter-in-law. Waiting for 4 years, constantly giving birth to "hold" a rich lover, but then what Luong Lac Thi received was only humiliation. In February 2011, when her twin sons were just over half a year old, she announced her separation from Ly Trach Giai. In the end, the dream of becoming "Mrs. Ly" of the Egyptian M.ummy's beauty broke like a "soap bubble".

Just like when the love story began, the breakup between Luong Lac Thi and Ly Trach Giai became the focus of the newspaper with countless rumors. Many sources said that the couple "went their separate ways" because Ly Trach Giai's parents did not accept Luong Lac Thi as a daughter-in-law. Some other sources said that, because she wanted to force Ly Trach Giai to get married, Luong Lac Thi used fertility d.rugs to try to get pregnant again. Because of the side effects of the drug, her two children were born with cerebral palsy. Unable to accept this, Ly Trach Giai decided to end the relationship. A source on the Phuong Hoang site said: "Ly Trach Giai was really angry. He felt he was being ignored, so he announced the breakup."

This is also the reason why after the breakup, the Hong Kong billionaire loved his eldest son to the fullest, letting him live near. Meanwhile, the latter two sons have to go through a difficult life with their mother in Canada. However, after this information surfaced, Luong Lac Thi's representative denied: "She is young and fit, why does she need to use d.rugs to do that?". At the same time, this person also refused to talk about the news of the twins' illness.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 5

How is Luong Lac Thi now living after being abandoned by her billionaire lover?

After breaking up with Ly Trach Giai, Luong Lac Thi took her children to Canada to hide for a while, but then returned to Hong Kong. In 2015, the actress decided to return to her artistic career to have financial support for her young c.hild. However, the name is no longer h.ot, she only occasionally accepts a few roles in film and television works and participates in commercials. In a TV program, Luong Lac Thi confided that when she decided to give up her nameless love with the giants of the Ly family, she was very sad. "I was in pain like a knife was s.tabbed in my heart," said the beautiful Egyptian M.ummy.

However, Luong Lac Thi affirmed that she did not regret giving birth to Ly Trach Giai's c.hild even though there was no marriage between the two: "I am Luong Lac Thi, the one who has chosen will never regret. believe that when you love someone, you will love them wholeheartedly, without regretting anything." Up to now, Luong Lac Thi and Ly Trach Giai have broken up for 10 years. The two maintain a friendly relationship, take care of their 3 sons and try not to r.eveal their images in the media. Last year, the Hong Kong press buzzed with information that Ly Trach Giai intended to reunite with Luong Lac Thi after "bored" of his new love, runner-up Quach Gia Van.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 6

The couple was once seen going to school together to attend their son's activities. On her personal page, Luong Lac Thi also suddenly mentioned her ex with the title "father of the children". However, when the love triangle was not over yet, the fourth person, Malaysian beauty Lam Tuyen Du, appeared.

Currently, after the ups and downs in love, Luong Lac Thi is still raising 3 children alone and has not progressed to another love relationship. Because of the outbreak of the disease, over the past year, Luong Lac Thi has reduced her workload. She also no longer regularly updates information on her personal page.

However, the paparazzi sometimes still "captures" moments of Luong Lac Thi driving herself to go shopping, or taking her children to the mall. When she was no longer the lover of the giants of the Ly family, Luong Lac Thi had a simple and idyllic life like many others, without a step in the car, there were bodyguards everywhere. At the age of 30, Luong Lac Thi is considered older and more mature than her real age. The actress admits that she has experienced many events in her life, so she thinks independently and is more mature than many people.

Luong Lac Thi - Abandoned by rich flesh and b.lood, risking his life to "surrogate" for a billionaire and a bitter ending - Photo 7

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