Justin Bieber does not 'put up with the patience' of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances

Kim OanhMar 10, 2025 at 16:18

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Justin Bieber sends a message to the audience amid rumors of kí.ch use. The male singer affirmed that he did not have to prove himself to anyone.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 1

According to Page Six, Justin Bieber made a move to attract attention through the story function on his personal page, amid rumors of using 'banned substances'. The Love Yourself singer expressed a tough opinion, saying that there is no need to prove yourself to anyone.

"We have nothing to prove. Let's embrace the gift that life throws at us. No one owes us and we don't owe anything," Justin Bieber wrote.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 2

The male singer closed the post with a red heart symbol on the background of Stevie Wonder's song Sir Duke. The hidden message appeared after Justin Bieber celebrated his 31st birthday with an image howling through a glass vase. Accordingly, a series of viewers thought that it was a banned substance and cheered the singer Sorry.

A week before the post, the singer's representative denied rumors about Justin Bieber's use of banned substances. Since then, the male singer has continuously teased the audience by rapping about criticism and dancing.

Last month, at Hailey's event in Los Angeles, fans expressed concern when they saw Justin Bieber making many strange gestures.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 3

A source close to Hailey said she is very worried about her husband's current condition: "Justin is going through a difficult time and Hailey is trying to accompany him, but Hailey can't do more than that either. Hailey loves Justin with all her heart but that doesn't mean she's happy."

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 4

Currently, even though he is a father, Justin Bieber still wears shorts and bathrobes to the street, making the public bored. Since appearing on stage in 2009, Justin Bieber has fascinated many girls with his special shaggy hair and a series of catchy songs. In the following years, the singer born in 1994 shone with many achievements in music as well as her fashion style.

But besides, many times Justin Bieber has become the focus of attention when wearing sloppy clothes and sloppy pants. Whether married to model Hailey Bieber or becoming a father in August 2024, Justin's fashion style has not changed.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 5

The writer of W Magazine said that in the couple, Hailey Bieber wears more sophisticated clothes. Meanwhile, Justin Bieber is usually oriented towards comfort. The female model's wardrobe is full of oversized jackets. However, Hailey's idea of outfit coordination is at odds with Justin's approach to fashion.

Justin Bieber's approach to fashion is to abandon conventional formulas and aim for comfort. In the early 2010s, Justin Bieber often appeared in tight jeans, combined with a T-shirt or shirt. But in recent years, he has switched to baggy pants, layering clothes (combining many layers).

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 6

Justin Bieber's style transformation is considered one of the most interesting fashion changes of the past decade. His wardrobe includes wide jeans from Jil Sander and Balenciaga, hoodies from Drew House, The Row.

At the end of February, Justin Bieber and his wif.e Hailey celebrated the event of the Rhode cosmetics store. Hailey appeared in a tight-fitting leather dress, showin.g of.f her charming figure.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 7

Meanwhile, Justin wore a tank top sweatshirt, combined with wide-leg jeans, wearing the usual style of drop pants. The melon-style beanie and sunglasses are accessories that have continuously accompanied Justin Bieber in recent times.

However, that comfortable way of dressing sometimes makes fans worried about the idol. In mid-February, Justin Bieber was seen wearing a bathrobe in public. The unique outfit includes a blue cape, beanie and boots. At that time, there were many rumors that he and his wif.e had problems in their marriage. Therefore, many people believe that Justin Bieber is going through a difficult time.

Justin Bieber does not put up with the patience of fans, refutes 1 sentence of the case of banned substances - Photo 8

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