Huynh Tran

Topic: Huynh Tran

Writer Hoai Huong: Y Nhi does not deserve to be heavily stoned, stripped of the crown, but the responsibility belongs to the organizers

Juni Nguyễn16:28:56 07/08/2023
In response to the noise surrounding the statements of the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 - Huynh Tran Y Nhi, recently, writer Hoai Huong also gave her comments around the issue.

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CEO Y Nhi revealed a moment of fear of 'turning pale' on the red carpet after a series of dramas, preventing the MC from calling her 'Aunt Dung'

Pinky16:00:55 07/08/2023
Miss Pham Kim Dung has just made beauty fans stir, when she suddenly acted with a very strange attitude, right on the red carpet at a recent event. Many people think that she is trying to avoid all the noise, when she has just experienced the drama of chickens...

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The father of the director of Y Nhi made a shocking statement about his daughter's romance, commenting 1 sentence about "future son-in-law"

Hoàng Phúc15:04:40 07/08/2023
Only 2 weeks ago, but the name Y Nhi of the reigning Miss World Vietnam 2023 is always a h.ot topic. She was one of the few queens who dared to go public with her boyfriend immediately after w.inning the crown.

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A 'courageous' runner defends Y Nhi, says anti-fan has no reformatory, is crushed by fans

Thanh Phúc10:38:05 07/08/2023
The noise of the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 - Huynh Tran Y Nhi has not cooled down, when recently a quite famous runner-up, acted courageously when coming out to defend Y Nhi, cursing fans causing anti-fans to heat up and crush

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Miss Y Nhi again encountered a problem, appeared on the advertisement of the g.ambling website, fans got angry!

Hoàng Phúc07:54:14 07/08/2023
On the fanpgae Phe Football 365 Days used the image of Miss Huynh Tran Y Nhi and many other stars to advertise the g.ambling website FB88. This made netizens extremely frustrated.

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Designer Do Manh Cuong has not let go of Yi Nhi, continues to advise the crown, writes a long 'sock' to tell

Pinky06:55:40 07/08/2023
Designer Do Manh Cuong continued to make a feverish post, shouting Yi Nhi's name and once again advising the queen to return the crown. The online community showed even more attitude, when the male designer wrote a long article to explain why he raised his opinion.

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Y Nhi officially revealed, cavalier attitude, VTV actress voiced the play of the skit "" the queen

Hoàng Phúc19:36:19 06/08/2023
After the coronation, instead of participating in entertainment activities in her new position, Miss Italy Nhi faced turbulence. After making false and inaccurate statements, Y Nhi was created an antifan group of more than half a million members.

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VTV started milk tea, stripped of the crown, snorted harshly: HH needs to have a sense of meaning, a sense of speech

Ning Jing13:16:06 06/08/2023
In a topic "Miss Bountiful" on VTV, the National Television delegation had a very harsh display of Miss World Vietnam 2023 when bringing milk tea, clouds have ever met clouds or stripped of the crown causing a stir.

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Que Ngoc Hai was kicked by Yi Nhi to deliberately avoid fame, disparaged bad football but on whose face to teach, how real is it?

Hoàng Phúc10:11:33 06/08/2023
2 weeks after being crowned, Miss Y Nhi made the internet stir with many of her statements. Recently, social media also spread information that she responded to Que Ngoc Hai after being teased by the opponent.

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Duy Meng warned Yi Nhi, kicked the whole Miss world, revealed the flip side of showbiz and the story of "pimps, pimps"

JLO08:16:14 06/08/2023
After being crowned, the first move event of the reigning Miss World Vietnam 2023 attracted considerable attention from the online community. Besides the excellence of talent and beauty, this beauty has also caused many controversies.

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Kim Son was e.xposed for swimming record losing to female athletes, fans taught: 'If you are weak, you should keep your mouth shut'

T.P17:35:06 05/08/2023
Male fisherman Nguyen Huu Kim Son has just had a sagging phase in front of the whole internet, when he was suddenly e.xposed by netizens for having a swimming record losing to female athletes, all day bragging but actually not like the flex performances of Y Nhi.

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Y Nhi was criticized by a former international crowned miss as evil, arrogant, and contemptuous of others

Phúc Sen16:40:13 05/08/2023
The wave of criticism of Miss Italy Nhi has not shown signs of cooling down, when a series of famous figures continue to participate, harshly criticizing the thoughtless and unacceptable statements of this postpartum g.irl in 2002.

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Son Tung 'tormented' Yi Nhi with a statement in his twenties, his humble attitude was far from a heaven and a sky

Phúc Sen13:13:40 05/08/2023
In the midst of the noise of Miss Y Nhi is rampant all over the internet, Vietnamese netizens suddenly dug up the clip of Son Tung M-TP, when he was in his twenties, early success but he had a far different attitude to the postpartum g.irl in 2002.

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"Miss tycoon" tolerated Y Nhi, preempting Do Manh Cuong when "pet chicken" was attacked by designers

Thanh Phúc11:14:03 05/08/2023
In the middle of the drama about Miss Y Nhi's self-destructive statements, male designer Do Manh Cuong cursed directly in the face. Recently, Ms. Pham Kim Dung - CEO of the queen's management unit has made a preemptive move against male designers.

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Dong Nhi was afraid of being implicated, suddenly deleted the post receiving the 'little sister' Y Nhi when the queen was ostracized?

Thư Kỳ10:47:41 05/08/2023
Having praised and received the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 - Huynh Tran Y Nhi as her sister right after being crowned, Dong Nhi recently had a harsh car turn when deleting the post without leaving a trace.

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Kim Son athlete while catwalking while drinking milk tea, deliberately "tormenting" Y Nhi, Mai Phuong immediately encouraged juniors

Thảo Mai09:56:58 05/08/2023
On the evening of 4/8, athlete Son participated in the catwalk at a fashion After the performance, he stood nestled in a corner, drinking milk tea while swaying, watching the collection. At the end of the greeting, Kim Son still held a glass of milk tea and walked out onto the stage.

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Mr. Duong Trung Quoc spoke up to defend Y Nhi, declaring that this is the person at fault?

Hoàng Phúc09:45:41 05/08/2023
Less than 2 weeks after being crowned Miss World Vietnam 2023, Miss Y Nhi continuously caused controversy among the beauty-loving community, even demanding that the crown be revoked because of a series of statements made during media tours to meet each other. the media.

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Was HH Y Nhi neglected by "tycoon" Pham Kim Dung as rumored, important evidence was made public

Quỳnh Quỳnh09:02:26 05/08/2023
Aunt Dung's words: What is not related to the word Y Nhi is OK in director Hoang Nhat Nam's livestream recently shocked most netizens. However, soon after, netizens also pointed out the truth about this video.

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Yi Nhi's father choked back tears revealing that he was attacked by fans, bowed his head and apologized to the whole country, hoping to give his daughter a chance to make amends

Ning Jing07:33:42 05/08/2023
In the face of a wave of boycotts and attacks from the online community before a series of statements of the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 Y Nhi, recently the queen's father choked up tears, sharing about the incident.

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The "father" of Miss Vietnam 'patted her face' anti, defended Y Nhi to the end, declaring that she could not take away the crown

Pinky07:20:08 05/08/2023
The story of the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 - Huynh Tran Y Nhi was turned away and stoned vehemently by the whole internet with self-destructive statements that have not shown signs of cooling down. Recently, poet Duong Ky Anh - the father of Miss Vietnam has just responded.

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Neighbors in Binh Dinh hometown reveal shocking truth about Y Nhi, miss mogul moves to cover up

Keng18:56:40 04/08/2023
Since her coronation, Italy has been troubled by her statements. The queen became a thorn in the side of many netizens. However, with neighbors in her hometown of Binh Dinh, Y Nhi is considered a g.irl who overcomes adversity.

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Binh Dinh Department of Intellectual Property works with 'miss tycoon' Pham Kim Dung to propose to revoke Y Nhi's crown

Yaya16:18:33 04/08/2023
In response to the controversy about the new Miss World Vietnam 2023 - Huynh Tran Y Nhi, the Department of Culture and Sports of Binh Dinh has moved and is working with the Miss World organizers on the revocation of the crown.

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Y Nhi was 'sacrificed' on the front page of Korean newspapers, international competition with the phrase 'power arrogance'

Đức Trí16:17:29 04/08/2023
Miss Y Nhi officially reached the international level, was criticized by the Korean press with an article criticizing her for her noisy speech, inappropriate behavior, and star disease. The Vietnamese audience shook their heads in disbelief, saying that the way back was officially over.

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Hoai Linh was upset because Chau Tinh Tri's film was 800 times more than Vietnamese films but was praised, fans: Due to class

Ning Jing14:40:24 04/08/2023
Perhaps at this stage it was verbal utterances. Recently, comedian Hoai Linh has made quite shocking statements when talking about the audience's tastes with domestic films.

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