What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene?

Hà HàSep 15, 2021 at 23:42

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The QQ site recently cited a source from a previous interview of Huo Kien Hoa regarding a humorous situation with Little Dolphin's daughter that made Chinese netizens laugh.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 1

As actors, Huo Kien Hoa and Lam Tam Nhu both inevitably had emotional scenes with their co-stars. However, in the eyes of the couple's daughter, this is not very normal. In an interview, Huo Kien Hoa shared how Little Dolphin's daughter accidentally saw a love scene between him and Duong Mich. Huo Jianhua revealed that after watching, his daughter immediately "taught her mother" about her father "locking lips" to another g.irl. The situation of crying and laughing made Huo Jianhua freeze, not knowing how to explain it.

In the end, Huo Jianhua had to deny that the person in the television was not himself, but only had a slight resemblance. Huo Kien Hoa's answer also made Lam Tam Nhu laugh. After 5 years of marriage and having a lovely daughter, it can be seen that Lam Tam Nhu and Huo Kien Hoa's life is extremely happy, making the audience and colleagues in the world jealous and admire.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 2

Not long ago, Chinese-language media also revealed an interesting fact about the journey from love to marriage of the Lam - Hoac couple. Specifically, page 163 revealed that Huo Jianhua had a crush on his wife about 10 years before marriage. The time when the two collaborated on a movie. In an interview, Huo Jianhua mentioned the influence of his family on his love and marriage. The actor said that due to witnessing the unhappy marriage of his parents, he was very insecure about emotional relationships in his heart. Therefore, from the time she fell in love with Lam Tam Nhu until the two entered the ceremony, it took Huo Kien Hoa 10 years. Moreover, Lam Tam Nhu is also a senior in Huo Kien Hoa's profession. When the two of them worked together, Huo Jianhua was very nervous, so he did not dare to confess. He was afraid of being rejected and then the two of them wouldn't even be able to keep their friendship.

However, after 10 years of being friends, the actor boldly stepped forward and received a nod from Lam Tam Nhu. Many colleagues in the world nicknamed Huo Jianhua "old cadre" because of his somewhat dry and rigid personality. But after falling in love with Lam Tam Nhu - a g.irl who loves pink and loves Hello Kitty, the actor changed 180 degrees, making people around him feel unbelievable.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 3

Friends in the world revealed that the moment she was not married and still in the process of conquering her best friend, Huo Kien Hoa, no matter how busy she was, always left the calendar blank on Lam Tam Nhu's birthday. At one time, Lam Tam Nhu was injured in the chin, just heard that Huo Kien Hoa hastily put aside all work to fly back to take care of her. After getting married, Huo Kien Hoa still kept the habit of knowing Lam Tam Nhu's work schedule to make it easier for her to take care of her.

Although at home taking care of Little Dolphin's daughter, Huo Kien Hoa's mind is always devoted to Lam Tam Nhu. Regardless of the epidemic or inconvenient roads, he still tries to go to the set to visit his wife at least once a week. Many times, people caught Huo Kien Hoa carrying her daughter Little Dolphin to the set, crouching in a corner for fear of being distracted by Lam Tam Nhu. At that time, his eyes followed the silhouette of his wife, eyes filled with emotion, different from the cold, careless appearance before.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 4

Not a romantic person, but Huo Kien Hoa also knows how to put her own bracelet to give Lam Tam Nhu as an engagement gift. He even asked his friends to prepare a party filled with roses and candles, kneeling to propose to Lam Tam Nhu. Many people say that Lam Tam Nhu "set" Huo Kien Hoa and used her pregnancy to tie his legs. However, the reality is quite the opposite. It was Huo Kien Hoa who was shaken first but could not conquer the beauty. At that time, Lam Tam Nhu was much more famous than Huo Kien Hoa. In order to be worthy of her best friend, Huo Jianhua has worked hard to have a successful career. Having a position in the entertainment industry, so he can confidently stand side by side and protect Lam Tam Nhu.

This is also the reason that after Huo Kien Hoa and Lam Tam Nhu officially returned to the same house and had a daughter, Little Dolphin, he accepted to leave his top career behind, following the call of his heart. Despite the rumors and the ridicule of netizens, Huo Kien Hoa persisted in living up to her own aspirations, taking care of the two most important girls in her life, not willing to leave them even though just a few days.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 5

In addition to Huo Kien Hoa, Lam Tam Nhu also tries to change herself to protect family happiness. From a clumsy g.irl who only knows how to cook noodles, Lam Tam Nhu is now able to prepare delicious and nutritious meals for her husband and children by herself.

If we look at the dishes that this beauty cooks and shows off online, we can see that most of them have chili peppers. Lam Tam Nhu is a female artist, so she has to abstain from eating and drinking, especially h.ot peppers. Because her husband loves spicy food, she ignores it and cooks all the dishes he loves. Only from that small incident, it is possible to feel the sincere feelings of Ha Tu Vy for her husband.

Huo Kien Hoa and Lam Tam Nhu are the most rumored divorce couples in Cbiz, but through many ups and downs they are always happy with their small home. No need to constantly s.how affection, the two are still as passionate as ever. Perhaps it is thanks to the husband who loves and pampers his wife so much that Lam Tam Nhu always retains the same beautiful and lovely beauty as ever.

What did Huo Kien Hoa say when his son questioned Yang Mi's lip lock scene? - Photo 6

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