Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move

Hoàng PhúcNov 11, 2022 at 07:18

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After a noisy love story with her ex, Hoa Minzy is now actively and diligently selling online besides attending entertainment shows and going to sing to have more income to take care of her parents and son. However, the female singer recently made fans extremely worried when she announced that 1000 orders had been canceled.

As a popular VPop female singer, Hoa Minzy is not only famous for her voice and hits, but Hoa Minzy is also known for her cheerful and humorous personality. Beneath the stage, Hoa Minzy often attracts the attention of netizens because of her close-up and somewhat "comedy" videos of the female singer.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 1

So when "encroaching" on the livestream sales recently, it is not surprising that Hoa Minzy has become a new "phenomenon" in the livestream village. The female singer gives netizens and fans many "bad jokes" situations, especially when trying to mark the date so that other fake accounts don't use her livestream for bad purposes.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 2

In addition, with her ability to "close orders", Hoa Minzy when livestreaming sales is also constantly "sold out" and is supported by many people. But recently, Bo's mother suddenly canceled more than 1000 orders.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 3

Hoa Minzy explained that initially, Hoa Minzy's supplier had a certain amount of goods planned. However, because the female singer received too much support, too much of it was in stock, but she couldn't import it in time, so the e-commerce platform automatically canceled thousands of orders when the delivery date was over and there was no product.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 4

This reason was given that many viewers did not know whether to cry or laugh for her because sometimes being loved too hard is painful. However, many viewers also commented, hoping that she will get more support from the platform to make trading and live streaming more convenient. It is known that this is not the first time that she sold out earlier than expected.

Netizens commented:

I feel sorry for Mrs. Hoa, she is very enthusiastic live

It's the first time I've seen the order canceled because there aren't enough sales, sorry Hoa

Who does Hoa again?

Before that, according to the original voice of Bac Ninh, the reason she herself worked hard, even though she was not afraid to "lose her image" when working as a sidekick, was because of her loved ones.

"If anyone asks me what I'm still trying for? Why is it that being a famous singer, making billions of m.oney and still having to sell goods day and night? Livestream everywhere is not afraid of losing image? I'm also scared, also tired, But I don't allow myself to rest for the sake of my loved ones. Mother too, she has been tired for half of her life, now she has to work hard to help me take care of my grandchildren so that I can go to work with peace of mind, so I will repay you for the rest of my life. Parents are not enough!" - The singer said.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 5

It can be seen that since the breakup, the life of Hoa Minzy as well as her ex-boyfriend has always received the attention of the audience. If Hoa Minzy focuses on taking care of her son, her ex-boyfriend, young master Minh Hai, has openly had a new love.

The time when young master Minh Hai publicly had a lover after breaking up with Hoa Minzy, he received many criticisms. Because there are some opinions that the new girlfriend is the reason why Minh Hai broke up with Hoa Minzy. Before these things, Minh Hai also defended the newcomer.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 6

On Hoa Minzy's side, she also continuously protected her ex-boyfriend. That's why, when the singer "had an accident", canceled the order, many people were curious about the attitude of her ex-lover. However, recently, people suddenly discovered that the singer's ex-boyfriend had locked the Instagram page. Currently, no one can find Minh Hai's account. But the Facebook page is still active but all the posts have been hidden by Minh Hai, now his Facebook page is empty.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 7

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 8

It can be seen that, before the recent criticism, maybe Hoa Minzy's boyfriend wants to be quiet and to avoid discussion, he decided to lock Instagram and limit sharing his activities.

Hoa Minzy canceled 1000 orders and still persisted in livestream to raise m.oney for her children, her ex-husband made a strange move - Photo 9

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