Miss Thuy Tien is carried by a handsome man on her back, has Quang Linh Vlog seen and evaluated?

Nam Phương22:05:46 01/08/2022
Because wearing high heels can't move on sloping terrain, Thuy Tien is carefully accompanied by handsome men. The identity was also "excavated" by Netizen soon after, whether Quang Linh Vlog was jealous of this. After finishing the charity journey in Angola and completing the...Thuy Tien takes care of Quang Linh Vlog like a husband and wife, the audience is still worried about the queen because of 1 thing

Hoàng Phúc15:01:53 15/07/2022
Before the warm reception of Quang Linh Vlog, Miss Thuy Tien also had gestures of concern and care for her companion. The delicate act of the queen received many compliments from the public. Famous as a beautiful and friendly queen, Miss Grand International (MGI) - Nguyen Thuc...Thuy Tien is indeed the "expressive miss" of Vbiz, so cute, why does Quang Linh Vlog not fall in love?

Hoàng Phúc12:03:53 15/07/2022
In addition to the splendid moments on stage, the everyday image of Tan Miss Grand made people faint because it was too cute. Many people wonder if Quang Linh Vlog has "fallen in love" with her after working together on many projects? After being crowned Miss International Peace...Thuy Tien gave a gift to Quang Linh Vlog with a heartwarming message, the man hurried to do something special in return

Hoàng Phúc09:12:12 15/07/2022
With the association "push boat", Quang Linh Vlog and Miss Thuy Tien are the strongest "battleships" in the world at the moment. Regardless of the fans' expectations, the couple often let each other air on their personal pages. This time, the man was excited to "show off" the...Miss Thuy Tien openly loves 1 person, is it Quang Linh Vlog?

Hoàng Phúc09:17:58 14/07/2022
In the teaser clip that the program Who is that person has just posted, Miss International Peace 2021 - Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien suddenly publicly "crushed" making the whole studio surprised. Specifically, in the upcoming episode, Thuy Tien will sit on the advisory board with Hoa...Miss Thuy Tien reacted unexpectedly when Quang Linh Vlog asked for a kiss!

Hoàng Phúc07:12:30 14/07/2022
Besides the humanitarian trip of Miss Thuy Tien, the love story of the queen and the boy from Nghe An - Quang Linh Vlog was also paid special attention by the people. Recently, Miss Grand International 2021 - Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien went to Angola, reunited with vlogger Quang...Miss Thuy Tien was "confessed in love" by Quang Linh Vlog, and publicly joined the association "only following me"

Hoàng Phúc16:29:10 13/07/2022
Quang Linh Vlog and Thuy Tien became two names that were hotly discussed by beauty fans after meeting in Angola. In it, a series of lovely moments between the duo caused people to stir up and quickly "push the boat". Recently, this couple's boat had the opportunity to "set sail"...Miss Thuy Tien - Runner-up Thuy Tien has a relationship that few people know

Hoàng Anh08:48:54 03/07/2022
Not only having the same name, the same achievements at the big beauty contest, Miss Thuy Tien - runner-up Thuy Tien also has a close relationship for a long time that makes everyone surprised. The reason comes from the chat message of both of them shared by Miss Grand...Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien was crowned Miss Grand International 2021

Hoàng Phúc22:51:18 04/12/2021
The Vietnamese actor was crowned in the burst of the audience. The final of Miss Grand International 2021 will take place in Bangkok on the evening of December 4. Excellently surpassing 70 contestants, the representative of Vietnam - Nguyen Thuc Thuy Tien won the Miss title...
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