Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price

Hoàng AnhMar 11, 2023 at 16:35

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He did not directly give gifts to his wife on March 8 because he was busy with work, but Tran Thanh made up for it with a mountain of terrible gifts, but just looking at it is enough to be shocked. He took his wife directly to the Gucci store to choose her favorite items.

When returning home, Hari Won brought a large bag with a small bag, making her husband laugh and tease: "Buy it for the devil and now pay the price".

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 1

Hari Won filmed a clip of breaking the gift box her husband gave her right in the room where they both kept their brand name. She said this is the first unboxing clip that she made, so she was quite excited. The female singer in turn opened gifts including: 1 pair of sports shoes, 1 sunglasses, 1 belt, 3 bags. All from the expensive Gucci brand. The total cost of this purchase is nearly 250 million VND. Only that much is enough to understand the pampering that Tran Thanh has for his wife.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 2

Before that, Hari Won used to live quite frugally and never used luxury goods. It was not until she fell in love and married Tran Thanh that she became a believer in expensive items from many famous brands. On special occasions, Tran Thanh comfortably spends m.oney to let his wife own the most expensive items that she loves.

The image of Hari Won buying branded clothes "in excess" not losing to any female stars of showbiz has stunned fans and netizens. In the past few years, the female singer is not afraid to "splash money" to own the branded item she likes. Her total number of bags, shoes... and accessories would probably equal a fortune.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 3

Hari Won once shared that she was forced to wear branded clothes: "The first time we met, Mr. Tran Thanh gave me a bag. When I looked at the price, my hands were shaking and I couldn't eat anything. I told Mr. Thanh that we were friends. It's not reasonable to accept such expensive bags. But he said I was crazy and asked to receive the goods." At the age of 37, Hari Won is increasingly youthful and shows many different styles.

Despite being rich and famous, Hari Won is still living in a rented house. In a recent Vlog, Hari Won shared with fans about her new living space in Korea. In the clip, the female singer could not hide her excitement when renting a new house that was so satisfying.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 4

Through the pictures that can be seen, the current residence of Tran Thanh's wife is a high-class apartment. The house has a modern and luxurious design, although the area is not too spacious. Hari Won is also not afraid to introduce the personal items that she buys for the house such as tissues, shampoo, dishwashing liquid, pillows, cosmetics, etc. The price and use of each item are given by Hari Won. share in video.

Before that, Tran Thanh's wife revealed that not only herself, but also the whole family on the maternal side lived for rent. The singer shared that because she had to travel frequently between Vietnam and Korea, renting a house was the most reasonable. Besides, owning a house in the land of kimchi is quite expensive up to 20 billion VND. And the loan procedures are also very difficult and complicated, so buying a house is very difficult.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 5

"Actually, people with a salary of -15 million in May in Vietnam have a higher ability to buy a house than in Korea. Vietnam has many apartments of more than 1 billion that can still be bought, but it is impossible for Koreans. Koreans 30 years old can save as much as 2 billion dong (working 6-10 years) but home is 20 billion. Borrowing from a bank is up to 40% (in the city) not as easy as in Vietnam. I still dream of buying a house. Now a l.ot of people have given up on that dream. Only in the countryside can they buy it. In the countryside, the job opportunities are few and the wages are low." - Hari Won said.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 6

However, this argument of hers has not really satisfied netizens. Many opinions say that the singer and his wife both have great incomes and often shop for branded goods. Not to mention Tran Thanh is also a famous star, the movie Nha Ba Nu, which he invested in and produced recently, has earned hundreds of billions of dong. Therefore, it is not reasonable for Tran Thanh to let his wife's family stay at home to rent.

The wealth and fame of Tran Thanh - Hari Won often bring unnecessary trouble. Typically, in the past time, Tran Thanh was entangled in the noise "covering the theater, needing privacy", causing the male comedian's life to be affected quite a l.ot. Although Tran Thanh has voiced a clear explanation, the phrase "cover the theater", "need privacy" is still quite sensitive and often brought up with sarcasm.

Hari Won showed off Tran Thanh's terrible gift box after the theater scandal: All Gucci, everyone fainted at the price - Photo 7

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