Hang Du Muc was accused of using divorce as content to sell products, the owner responded harshly

Gia Nhi16:32:37 27/08/2024
Female tiktoker Hang Du Muc recently could not keep calm when an account accused her of using divorce tricks to attract likes and increase interactions on livestream sales. Immediately, the owner took the initiative and responded harshly, making everyone happy.Livestream clip of Hang Du Muc and Ton Bang's trial is going viral, is it true?

Phúc Sen17:00:51 22/08/2024
The marriage scandal between Hang Du Muc and Ton Bang continued to heat up after the trial on August 20. Netizens were even more confused when a series of posts were circulating online, with strange links introducing a livestream clip of the trial.Hang Du Muc left empty-handed, only keeping 4 children to raise, posted a letter of thanks and apology

Thanh Phúc13:33:43 20/08/2024
Hang Du Muc officially made her first statement after winning the lawsuit. She was happy and moved because she won custody of all 4 children, including her biological child and Ton Bang's 2 step-sons, Nhat Duong and Dich Duong. She wrote a letter of thanks and apology.Hang Du Muc held his youngest son and said two painful words, indignant about Ton Bang's past of torturing his wife.

Uyển Đình09:08:12 17/08/2024
After the incident of her husband physically assaulting her, Hang Du Muc's health is now stable, she has been discharged from the hospital and returned home with her children. Recently, the image of her holding her youngest child while her wound had just healed made many people feel sorry.The cause that made Hang Du Muc's husband "crazy" with jealousy, netizens are fed up

Kim Lâm16:13:13 14/08/2024
In recent days, Hang Du Muc has become a name that has received much public attention when she publicly released images and evidence of her husband - Ton Bang - committing acts of domestic violence, causing outrage.Hang Du Muc's father heartbrokenly posted a series of photos of his daughter returning to her hometown before the accident in China.

Thanh Phúc13:42:42 12/08/2024
Hang Du Muc's father recently made a heartbreaking post, showing off a photo of him and his daughter returning to their hometown to do charity work, before the incident with her husband Ton Bang in China. Netizens rushed to visit and wish the female tiktoker well.Hang Du Muc's husband is a skilled man, has not been released yet and still plots to harm Quang Linh Vlogs and his wife

Hoa Tuyết13:38:31 12/08/2024
In recent days, the family scandal between Hang Du Muc and her husband Ton Bang has been a topic of special interest to many netizens. Notably, Quang Linh Vlogs was also caught up in the incident.Hang Du Muc's husband was released on bail, called Quang Linh's name directly, and continued to threaten his wife?

An Nhi09:01:08 12/08/2024
The turmoil in Hang Du Muc's family is still hot news that many people are closely following. After Ton Bang was subdued by the police, recently, netizens were outraged when a post appeared that this person continued to threaten Quang Linh Vlog and his wife.Hang Du Muc takes a risk when her husband is looking for trouble, netizens are stunned and can't stop it

Nguyễn Kim10:39:10 10/08/2024
One of the golden girls of the livestream sales village is Hang Du Muc. Although she often livestreams alone, she still continuously makes people admire her sales ability.Hang Du Mu scowled, "eradicated" her husband's life, declaring that she was about to do something shocking

Châu Anh09:02:10 05/08/2024
In a recent livestream, Hang Du Mu shared about her husband's recent turmoil. At the same time, she also made an announcement about the red apple product that has been attracting attention in recent days, making people extremely awaited.Hang Du Muc accused someone of harming him, a rich woman's name was called, suspected of being a "little tam" who broke the crowd.

Phúc Sen13:24:18 18/07/2024
The god of war, Hang Du Muc, recently shared something full of hidden meanings about someone harming him, netizens were confused and didn't know what was going on. A rich woman's name was immediately called out, suspected to be a minor.Hang Du Muc is suspected of "taking over" her husband's stepson after a series of marital scandals

Thanh Phúc06:51:29 12/07/2024
After a series of noises surrounding her marriage with Chinese husband To Bang, Hang Du Muc recently made a shocking move regarding Dich Duong - her husband's stepson. Netizens were excited and joked that she was using a takeover tactic.Quang Linh's sister revealed Hang Du Muc's condition, revealing her plans for July

Phúc Sen17:03:46 03/07/2024
Hang Du Mu after a series of noises related to her marriage with her Chinese husband - To Bang, received a lot of mercy and worry from the online community. Recently, Quang Linh's sister Vlog - Nhat Le had remarkable shares.Hang Du Muc calmly went to an event in China after the noise, revealing a very cool moment

Đức Trí11:32:07 28/06/2024
Hang Du Muc, after a series of noises related to her marriage with her Chinese husband - To Bang, recently suddenly reappeared at an event about TikTok in China. The moment of super cool speech made netizens tingle.Hang Du Muc left home to avoid her husband, and the condition of her bruises made people feel sad

Uyển Đình11:32:14 24/06/2024
Currently, netizens are still closely monitoring developments about Hang Du Muc's marriage noise. After being contacted by her husband, she also frankly updated the status of her injuries. At the same time, many people discovered that the female YouTuber had moved out of the house.Hang Du Muc's husband spread roses and heart shapes all over the house, apologizing to his wife so she could return

Phúc Sen09:01:04 24/06/2024
In recent days, the noisy marriage story of Hang Du Muc and her husband To Bang has made Vietnamese netizens constantly confused, and at the same time condemned To Bang's touching behavior. Recently, he made a move to apologize to his wife, netizens reacted harshly.There was a huge clip of Hang Du Muc being "impacted" by her husband with her foot and falling over on the chair

Quỳnh Quỳnh07:19:29 22/06/2024
The drama between Hang Du Muc and her foreign husband has been the focus of media attention in recent days. Recently, people continued to discuss the clip of Hang Du Muc being hit by her husband using her foot.Hang Du Muc is unstable with her husband's stepson and is "hunched over" with three bankrupt companies

An Nhi13:36:13 21/06/2024
The marriage of Hang Du Muc and Ton Bang - her husband of 14 years older than hers - is the story that netizens are most interested in right now. Many people wonder, before facing the current turbulence, what was their married life like?Hang Du Duc responded cleverly when her husband accused her of neglecting their children and being "intimate" with Quang Linh

Bút Chì08:06:45 18/06/2024
Hang Du Muc responded extremely cleverly. Through answering questions from followers, the businesswoman added details confirming that throughout the past time, she has always accompanied her children and fulfilled her responsibilities as a person...Hang Du Muc's husband put his hands together in a live stream to apologize to his wife, hoping Vietnamese netizens would forgive him

Đức Trí16:11:29 15/06/2024
Amid the noise, Hang Du Muc's husband went online to accuse his wife of being inconsiderate of the family, being jealous of Quang Linh's Vlog and insisting on divorce. Recently, after the actions of the female tiktoker, her Chinese husband apologized, hoping for Vietnamese netizens' forgiveness.Hang Du Muc's husband revealed his past of having children of his own, going bankrupt in business, and "paying off" his wife's family

Bút Bi12:15:48 15/06/2024
People are also looking for more information about Hang Du Muc's husband. It is known that this guy is Ton Bang, born in 1981, from China. The two met when Hang Du Muc went to China to visit relatives.Hang Du Muc broke social media, livestreamers could only cry, fans took off their hats in admiration

Gia Nhi06:48:39 26/03/2024
Tiktoker Hang Du Muc just had a livestream that swept the entire social network, setting a record of terrifying orders that is hard for anyone to break. Netizens simultaneously took off their hats, admired, and praised.
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