Hang Du Mu 'resumed' his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party?

Mỹ HoaOct 05, 2024 at 15:15

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After the noise of marriage and family, Hang Du Muc still focuses on her sales livestream work. However, although she has officially divorced since the end of August, Hang Du Muc's life has still been affected many times by her ex-husband.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 1

In a recent livestream, many people questioned Hang Du Mu and her ex-husband returning to live together. The reason why netizens asked this question is because they "saw" the place where Hang Du Muc livestreamed similar to the living space in the old house with Ton Bang. Besides, in the recent series of photos of their son's birthday, many people saw the appearance of the mysterious man, has the same physique as Hang Du Muc's ex-husband.

However, at the mention of the old person's name, Hang Du Mu hurriedly corrected it. She said that the cabinet that everyone saw in the livestream was brought from the old house to the new house. In addition, the man who appeared at the birthday party was a bodyguard, not her ex-husband.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 2

"There is no return to Bang, why do people think I am so easy. This cabinet was bought by Hang, so when I moved the house, I took it with me, but this is a new house, everyone. The day before Coke's birthday, the guy who was a little overweight and had a bi.g belly was a bodyguard. Normally, in thinking, every bodyguard must be tall, thin, and 6 packs, but my bodyguards have 6 packs combined into 1. It's a bodyguard, not Mr. Bang, so don't think about it," Hang Du Mu said about the misunderstanding of the online community.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 3

Many people think that if Hang Du Mu did not explain, she would have thought that she would have returned to her old home to live with her ex-husband because of the familiar livestream corner. Besides, many people also expressed their liking for the attitude of the "livestream god of war" when referring to his ex when he was both scared but also strong and witty in facing everything. Previously, Hang Du Muc also emphasized many times that she had moved to live alone in another apartment with her children.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 4

However, Ton Bang still came to the place and constantly made it difficult. Accordingly, Hang Du Muc posted a long article on her personal page, after being accused by her ex-husband of teaching baby Coca - the first common son of the two. Hang Du Mu has reported the whole incident since the divorc.e, the court's ruling on chil.d custody as well as the obligations and responsibilities of parents. She also frankly said that her ex-husband not only did not cooperate but also had many threatenin.g and thuggish behaviors that affected the psychology of her children.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 5

Hang Du Mu also said that she took the initiative to arrange for her ex-husband to meet her children, but Ton Bang said that she was busy with her own schedule. However, after that, he went online to accuse his wife of not allowing him to see his son. In addition, all personal documents of baby Coca to serve the admission, Ton Bang also kept and made it difficult, not cooperating to give them back to Hang Du Muc.

Culminating on September 21, according to the appointment, at 3 o'clock, Ton Bang will be able to meet his chil.d at the shopping center on the condition that he does not livestream and returns all documents. However, around nearly 2 p.m., Ton Bang arbitrarily broke into Hang Du Mu's house with the aim of "robbing his chil.d".

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 6

In addition, Hang Du Muc's ex-husband said that he was "trapped". According to Ton Bang, the two agreed not to post any pictures or information of their children, but Hang Du Mu still posted them to lead public opinion. Along with that, Ton Bang declared that his ex-wife had deleted his videos and images of evidence, so Ton Bang could not vindicate himself.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 7

Many times facing the extreme and unpredictable actions of her ex-husband, currently, Hang Du Muc also regularly has 1 to 2 bodyguards on duty to ensure the safety of the whole family.

Hang Du Mu resumed his old love with Ton Bang, sneaking up on holding his chil.d at the birthday party? - Photo 8

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