Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance

PinkyAug 12, 2024 at 10:43

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The campaign has great significance for Environment Day, and has been widely responded by 1,800 Vietnamese people during the 4 weeks of implementation. This is a great highlight, a brilliant success in contributing to the world for a green planet.

The global campaign "ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH" initiated by Taiwan Excellence in response to World Environment Day (June 5) has just concluded a memorable journey at Vietnam. After 4 weeks of implementation, from July 1 to August 4, 2024, the campaign successfully encouraged nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people to proactively build small but sustainable, environmentally friendly habits in their daily lives. Thereby, contributing to other regions in the world to create a green living community and help repel negative impacts on the environment.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 1

In Vietnam, the "ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH" campaign, launched as an online contest on the Taiwan Excellence website, has created a wave of sustainable practices. According to statistics from the Organizing Committee, the campaign has a large coverage nationwide, successfully attracting 1,800 people who enthusiastically responded to the campaign. Many of these participants have also actively maintained sustainable actions for 28 consecutive days, turning them into positive daily habits to protect the Earth.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 2

After 4 stages of the competition, lasting 28 days, 15 individuals who persistently practiced healthy habits every day and contributed to spreading "ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH" through calling for votes and sharing information about the campaign were honored as "Taiwan Excellence Ambassadors for Loving the Earth". They became inspirational figures in the effort to protect the environment, and were also worthy owners of products that won the Taiwan Excellence a.ward from the campaign's partners: GIGABYTE; ible; Johnson Fitness & Wellness; mbranfiltra; Renouvo; SCORPIO; TPIsoftware Corporation; TeamGroup.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 3

Sharing about the value of the campaign for participants, Ms. Vu Thanh Thuy - Champion of "ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH" said: "Although they are just small actions, when performed regularly and continuously, I am more aware of their positive impact on myself and the living environment. I think the contest has become an important premise for many people, including me, to form green habits in daily life. I will continue to maintain these habits even after the contest ends because they are necessary changes to ensure the sustainability of the planet".

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 4

With the results recorded in Vietnam, "ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH" consolidates the success that the campaign has achieved globally, including the US, Europe, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, fulfilling the role of encouraging the international community to raise awareness and form habits of environmental protection. This achievement is also the premise for Taiwan Excellence to nurture and implement many campaigns towards sustainable development with expanding scale and influence in the future.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 5

Sharing about the campaign, Taiwan Excellence representative Brian Lee, Director of Marketing Development, TAITRA said: "'ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH' is a testament to our commitment to social responsibility. With the concern for environmental issues and the spirit of being ready to act to protect the planet enhanced in the countries where the campaign has set foot, Taiwan Excellence is proud to have contributed to helping everyone move towards a more sustainable future. Inheriting the current achievements, Taiwan Excellence will continue to introduce to consumers high-quality products from Taiwan, which are tools to ensure convenience, but at the same time are extremely environmentally friendly. In addition, there are campaigns that leave positive impacts such as 'ONE GOOD HABIT, LOVE THE EARTH', so that the journey of sustainable living is maintained regularly and long-term".

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 6

World Environment Day is observed on June 5 every year, the purpose of World Environment Day is to focus worldwide attention on the importance of the environment and to encourage political concern and action to protect the environment.

The event humanizes environmental issues; empowers people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development; raises awareness of the key role communities play in changing behaviour towards environmental issues; and advocates partnerships to ensure that all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 7

Each year, the United Nations selects a city to host World Environment Day celebrations. The host city and government work with UNEP to create the atmosphere for the event. The theme, slogan and logo are chosen to serve as the focus of World Environment Day promotional materials and global activities. On this day, people around the world receive an official message from the United Nations Secretary-General, highlighting common environmental issues and environmental protection worldwide.

Nearly 1,800 Vietnamese people respond to Environment Day, global scale has great significance - Photo 8

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