Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single

Minh LợiDec 23, 2023 at 14:55

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The 33-year-old star is the face of British Vogue's January 2024 cover as a pioneer of sustainable development. Emma said being on the cover of Vogue was her dream when she was 18 years old.

The beauty shows off her punk style with messy braided hair, dresses by Stella McCartney, Maison Margiela, and poses with Florence the duck. The actor said he was happy to refuse roles for the past four years, wholeheartedly enjoying a quiet life, studying and community activities.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 1

She rarely participates in entertainment events. "I feel like I have my own voice, creative space and sovereignty the way I want. I'm more independent and happy to be alone," she said.

In a 2019 interview, Emma was worried about reaching the age of 30 and still not having a stable family. But later, she realized that the time she spent alone brought a lot of value and meaning. Emma feels less lonely when living with her rescue dog Sofia.

Recently, Emma Watson focused on studying content creation to get a master's degree at Oxford University. The course lasts two years at a cost of 9,025 pounds (276.6 million VND) a year for British students and 14,155 pounds (433.7 million VND) a year for foreign students.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 2

In April, in an interview with the Financial Times, Emma said she started writing poetry and essays about love, friendship and relationships during the Covid-19 quarantine period. When she was admitted to the school earlier this year, Emma caused a stir when she appeared at the opening ceremony, with students flocking to take photos.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 3

Before that, she studied for a year at Worcester College at Oxford University. She also earned a degree in literature from Brown University in Rhode Island in 2014.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 4

Besides studying, she does business with her brother and occasionally tries her hand at producing and directing. In June 2020, she was appointed to the management board of Kering - a French luxury fashion group that acquires fashion houses such as Gucci, Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, and Alexander McQueen. Last winter, Watson wrote and directed a promotional video for Prada.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 5

Born in 1990, Emma Watson began acting at a young age as Hermione in the Harry Potter film series. After more than 10 years with the brand, she continued to make her mark in a number of movies such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) and Beauty and the Beast (2017).

Emma Watson is a rare case in Hollywood with a solid reputation and huge fortune at the age of 33. Watson's acting career is associated with the success of the Harry Potter franchise, but in recent years, she widely known as a star with a strong voice supporting movements for social progress. She is one of the inspirational icons for young people.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 6

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Emma Watson's assets as of 2022 are 85 million USD. Even though she is a millionaire, Watson's image in front of the media is always that of a woman with a simple personal life, busy with community activities.

Audiences have never heard of Emma Watson participating in lavish parties and festivals, splurging on expensive items or getting involved in noisy love affairs. On the contrary, people heard that she went to school, gave speeches, called for a change in community awareness and action in the face of painful realities...

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 7

The British star's simple, secretive lifestyle reflects exactly what she once shared: "Wearing cheap clothes doesn't mean I'm poor. Remember, you need to feed your family, not manipulate others." society". Knowing what she needs, what she wants and doing her best for those goals, Emma Watson deserves to be an inspirational symbol of life for young audiences.

Emma Watson: 33 years old, still alone, companion with pets, happy being single - Photo 8

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